If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the hispanic...

If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the hispanic, we conclude that hispanic is not a race in the ordinary sense of the word. Instead, as Houston Steward Chamberlain wrote, it must be seen as a counter-race, although the term "counter-race" cannot be understood in a biological sense. From a biological standpoint, hispanidad is a stable, inbred mixture of extreme races and racial rubbish. The concept of "counter-race" primarily means the destructive and disruptive effect of hispanidad within natural races. The distinguishing mark of hispanidad within human races has to do on the one hand with the racial makeup of the hispanic, who have been scattered for 500 yrs, and on the other hand in their stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called catholic laws.

Hispanidad is the result of the mixing of every possible race. It is the biggest racial mish-mash in history. This racial mish-mash is so dangerous for all peoples because it because it includes elements from every race. The bad characteristics of these races have been passed on for many generations through Hispanidad in ever stronger form. From this artificial, rootless, materialistic racial mish-mash, a parasitic counter-race has developed among the peoples.

The core of hispanics is the coming together of rootless, rejected, asocial, sick, and degenerate elements of the various races, predominately of americoid, arabic and negroid origins.

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>If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the hispanic
who was the idiot that claimed "hispano" is a fucking race in the first place, we are mutts
>Hispanidad is the result of the mixing of every possible race.
you mean europe

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What's funny is that you don't realize that most Hispanic Nations are a result of capitalism run rampant.
Business's get to treat people like sheep
Government has kick backs from most major players
You want to feel safe? Pay for it.
You want a job? Pay for it.
You want a wife? Pay for it.
You whitiods don't understand that what you call capitalism and freedom are just the early stages of a system that gets closer and closer to becoming Brazil and Mexico.
You don't think there's rich Mexicans? Peruvians? Brazilians?
You're an idiot if you say yes. The wealth distribution is so bad that the county turned to shit as a result.
Rich just got Richer and poor got poorer.
We see this today in the USA with rent just climbing uncontrollably and housing being exclusively a wealthy mans game.
You don't understand the nature of the world and are doomed to become England.

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Todavia crees en race realism en 2019. Pobre vato retrasado

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speak english pedro

Shut the fuck up pinko neckbeard, I'm glad we sold missles to Iran to fight you in Nicaragua

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Chinga tu madre pinche Bryan estupido.

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Sure you sold missiles for your corporate masters, and did what you needed to do to protect the wealth from shrinking margins but how did that benefit you?
Did it lower the cost of goods on your markets, did it create more jobs, did it make you personally rich?
No, but it made your masters rich and the banks and investors who lended and sold the goods for the USA's investment.
It's not what you think, I love my country, I just hate big businesses. Everytime the US has prospered it's been when big businesses have been spanked.
And since you're calling me a pinko, let me remind you that China is the most successful Communist country in the world.
Don't get it twisted their policy is run by the party and they are authoritarian. So they do what's best for the party. Not so much the people.

there is nothing "good" about Latinos

>If we thoroughly study the racial nature of the hispanic

Bestgore.com, search for south american cartels.

Sabes que eres parte de la master race cuando todos hablan de ti. /reconquista/ when?

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Imagine being so butthurt that people have a culture that you take time out of your day to go out of your way and write 2 paragraphs describing why you believe Hispanics are nothing but a conglomerate of nothing but the shitty parts of different races.

You look so fucking stupid for writing that.

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you are a delusional mutt

Say what you want but at least we aren't niggers

That's true, you could go to South America, have a farm, a wife, and a life of you're willing to work very hard, learn the language and are cool with farming.

Plus you'll need to own a gun and get good at fighting because it's still the wild West in most places.

most hispsnics have nigger blood

So do most whites but that doesn't stop them from pretending to being human.

>So do most whites

Lmao not at all. Indigenas were happy worshiping badass gods and having rituals until the Europeans arrived

>Lmao not at all. Indigenas were happy worshiping badass gods and having rituals until the Europeans arrived
what does that have to do with what I said?
I said hispanics have nigger blood, I wasnt talking about the nearly extinct injuns

Look at this whigger, look at him and laugh.

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Neither was I

thst meme is based on the average hispanic, retard

America is just a race of mutts and you know it.
There are no "white people" here anymore.
Besides the US is just going to become rich Mexico pretty soon just like the EU will become rich Africa.

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>America is just a race of mutts and you know it.
the mutts are just in the cities
>There are no "white people" here anymore.
not everyonre is a mutt like you
>Besides the US is just going to become rich Mexico pretty soon just like the EU will become rich Africa.
if the usa becomes life mexico it wont be rich anymore

Basado y rojopiliado

Hybrid vigor. And yes, our land was raped but she, being the kind, caring and strong mother that she is, did not abort us. She embraced us, her children, like any loving mother would. a MOTHERland. She held us close to her bosom. We suckled from her teats and grew into strong, vigorous hybrids. Products of outbreeding.

I thank my motherland every single day for not aborting me. I accept the my hybrid vigor. My tanned skin, high test, my resilience, everything.

>stubborn adherence to the crassest materialism, based on their so-called catholic laws.
We believe in the virgin Mary, we pray to the saints, we receive the Eucharist, transubstantiation is real and the bread and wine is literally the blood and body of Christ.

Get fucked.

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>t. low IQ subhuman manlet

What's up with that picture user? Please explain its significance to me.

The cities are the most populated areas "white" boy. By definition alone that makes it mutt land since the majority of the population is mixed.
You seriously think that Mexico isn't wealthy?
Mexico just concentrates it's wealth to only the upper crust.
Wealth distribution is garbage there.
Just like the US will be soon.
So yes America won't be rich soon enough like Mexico. But not really because the 1% will own everything just like in Mexico.
Refusel to admit you're being cuckbou just makes you bigger one.

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People like to point out all of the failed communist states but when you point out the fact that the majority of Latin America and Africa are failed capitalist countries, they say "they aren't REAL capitalists"

learn different languages inbred incel

You know there are white Hispanics also dumbfk

You don't actually know what hybrid vigor is.

so will your future wife "blacked"

Fuck you too you mayo.ass.cuck

kek seething spic mutt

Latinas love white cock

>Hybrid vigor

You are a fucking idiot. Kys if kike.

shut up fag no one cares lol just keep to yourself

the average hispanic is a brown mutt and the white passing ones still tend to have nigger and injun blood so they are still subhumans

You are the corns on either side. Weak and anemic. Small and frail.

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*crony capitalism
In real "capitalism run rampant", there's no government at all.

pure blooded=/=inbred

Do you hate the Jews?
What do you think of capitalism? Do you think it's based?
I think it's pretty based that Jews control you through capitalism. Being controlled (like white people are by Jews) is not an indicator of intellect.

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im an anti capitalist fascist and jews dont control me, they only control mutts

I hate the jews and don't really think capitalism is based

jews control low iq latin american mutts pretty easily lol

*is born with cystic fibrosis*
>muh pure blood

Do I need to remind you of the EU, which also just recently passed pro-Jewish copyright mandates that have failed multiple times in the US? LMAO
Americans and Jews control the world. Jews can't even control Israel without our help. We financially and culturally dominate the world with theirs. White Europeans are irrelevent on the world stage. Why do you think your countries keep importing migrants?
(Protip: It's because Jews like money, and more cattle means more money)

That's good and all, but are you a fascist?
It's not the Government's role to decide what is and isn't acceptable. It's the people's job to harass, bully, and deplatform, not the Government.

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>manlet mestizo thinks he's not the small and frail one

>tay-sachs riddled white-jew thinks his chorizo is not small and frail

Spanish people are both better looking and smarter than mestizos. So that was a downgrade on their part.

the negro & injun blood really fucked them up

>mutt has to go resort to "muh dick"
You know you indios are descended from asians right? You have the same tiny dicks as asians. I know it doesn't look so small to you, because you're all manlets and shit, but that's the truth.

they have asian dicks and nigger IQ LMAO

No white person (and I mean white, not hispanic """white""") uses that word. You've been exposed as a spic with self-hate issues.

And for that you will pay.
Thanks to american back coups in Chile,nicaragua,honduras and so on of democratically elected leaders you sold out the christian people people of those nation into slavery. Now God had gave them a spirit to fight back againdt the tryanny of the U.S and they will own this country soon. They work harder then any rich white kid anyway. Hell even if they did leech off the system your country leeched off their labor for many decades. Texans should have never been faggots and stole the alamo. Now theyre rightful owners will take it back

This. And why are you all so focused on race anyway? You have no culture. Your mixed irish,British,german whatever the Fuck. Your only culture is consumer and culture product that you all love to eat again when its regurgitated as pop nostalgia. You all like to say communism destorys culture when capitalism does the same thing.

Hey what did we ever do to you guys

>Your only culture is consumer and culture product
They also have liberalism, promiscuity, gay rights, cuckservative protestant horseshit and general degeneracy

>he has to resort to "no u too" now

Nobody who is white uses that fucking word. It is literally only used as an insult by ugly, poor, out-of-shape light brown losers who think they're white just because they're a lighter shade of brown than the people in his shitty irrelevant city. You will always be brown.

I've been using it ever since I had a reservation nigger go on a fucking rant about how they're not from india, and how the proper term is "Native American". I mean it clearly has you pissed off, so I guess it really does work.

Sure. Suuuuree.

>I used this extremely spcific insult in Spanish that is only used in Mexico b-b-but I'm a white american! I swear!

Just embrace your brown skin. This "I'm white" deal is embarrassing. You give me secondhand embarrassment.

>is only used in Mexico
It's what the Spanish conquistadors called you when they toppled your "empires". It's where we get "indian" and "injun" from. Jesus Christ, I know you fags are too poor to afford school past 3rd grade but come on.

hes most likely not even an injun, most hispanics are mutts with semetic negroid and injun blood which is worse

SSSSUUUUUREEEE. That's why you use the Spanish word for it? You're so obviously a self-hating brownie angered by me exposing you.

>too poor to afford school past 3rd grade but come on.
Projecting. Not all of us come from your shitty, unpaved farming village.

>hes most likely not even an injun
Yeah, I know, it's just that that's what they take most pride in for whatever reason. WE WUZ AZTECS AND SHIT is much cooler than WE'RE IRRELEVANT THIRD WORLD MONKEYS AND SHIT.
>the guy who's been going on about frail small dicks, and being a brown manlet talks about projection

>Still fighting about races in 2019
No wonder humanity is fucked

Don't spics live longer than "whites"? How are they inferior with all the bad genes? Genuinely confused here.

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Shorter, weaker, way less intelligent, way more violent and short sighted.

I swear hispanics havr the worst genetics. Short stature. Bad complexion, fat guts. Shitty facial hait. Rubbish genes

God life is so beautiful.

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Its not mixed You dumb fucktarded moron. USA is still majority white.

how could this white angel be seduced by a SPIC?

So you're saying there's enough women for all races? Well that sounds pretty good!

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Made for survival

Shes not white. Just a light skinned hispanic.

But thats it. Hispanics not aiming for something greater

>if she's not my extremely specific autistic definition of white, then she's not white

>be a polfag
>post on r9k
fuckj off gg/nAav5U8

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Don't worry guys we're not talking you super models so it's all good!

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See? we are not bad we are good.

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Nigger im mexican. I know many light skinned mexicans like her. None of them consider themselves white.

So by your standard, the guy next to her is a nigger?

Okay seriously though if you guys don't remember these pics you're a fucking new fag

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How could I forget that pimp, whiteboy-cucker Luis?

>brown eyes
shes not white

The Mestizo genotype came on top of both the pure european and mesoamerican because it mixed together two things.

The european immunity against the several plagues that decimated the mesoamericans after the conquest.

The indigenous habit of good hygiene, wich protected against other types of diseases (to this day are still able to distinguish european tourists from their colonial descendants, by the smell. Fucking anglos and frenchies, please take a bath sometime.). And as an extra, the right skin color for the latitude of the region.

The mixture of this characteristics produced a hybrid that was able to out-compete its progenitor races (in the region). I'm not talking about economic prosperity here (obviously), but biological.

No hes moreno. Tanned skin mexican. Dark but not that dark. The girl is considered guera, light skin

how that ugly ass beaner land such a qt brehs?
I just can't deal

Maybe he has a huge dick?

Some white guy (who said he was a tall aryan male) lifted for her for 4 fucking years and still she chose the mexican guy lmao

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I also forgot to mention that the dude that lifted 4 years for her (in typical Jow Forums Jow Forums autist fashion) threatened to blow up the coffee shop she worked at lmao

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shiiiet, imagine becoming the best possible version of yourself only for your onietus to end up fucking some mexicunt

She looks happy. I bet he's a good boyfriend to her.

Shit, I would be pounding her every day

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More and more white women are taking the brownpill.

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The same can be said for europeans and every race of humans on the planet, a mixture of the worst rubbish, the worst traits from asiatic hordes of huns and slavs. A huge racial mixing of dangerous and belligerent peoples who have about 1500 years on the so called 'hispanics' but have only managed to organize their violence into genocides of one another and other so called 'lesser' races and in the end, will end up destroying the entire planet through sustained and run away pollution.

The entire human race is one big negroid race that will destroy itself instead of living within its means like the less intelligent races some how found a way to do.

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I wish we humans die die die die die
we are being turned into worse societies.
we never achieved the good we praise
we are inherently selfish and evil.
Everybody is mentally ill.
We are mortals we are mortals so we should die so we should die.