Dinarids.. the tallest people in the world. God it feels so good to have these superior genes. The physically most superior people are that of Croatia,Montenegro,Bosnia,Serbia.
Dinarids.. the tallest people in the world. God it feels so good to have these superior genes...
what you mean by physically superior? ability to squat to depth?
>172 and 3 eurobasket wins
>184 and 0 eurobasket wins
What the fuck happened to krauts?
why are they shorter than the poles?
>tfw from there
>fine everywhere else but a manlet here
just fucking end me bros
>What the fuck happened to krauts?
Millions of manlet turks.
How many of those statistics are self reported?
how come balkanniggers are taller than everyone else?
I mean aside from the fact of being a bunch of mongol ottoman mutts, yeah you’re totally /masterrace/.
>tfw bulgarian 194cm/6'4''
>tfw everyone else is manlet
Feels amazing man
Tall but too often an ugly face, something about the eyes being too much inside the skull. Also, over 190 cm, a man looks like a weird creature irl.
>Bosnia 184 and 0 eurobasket wins..
It says it counts eurobasket champions from 1993 in the picture.. Since the war in Bosnia from 1992-1995 shit went downhill over there.. Also its stupid that it counts only champions from 1993 since Yugoslavia (Croatia,Sloevnia,Bosni,Serbia,Montenegro,North Macedonia) had a lot of championships before 1993
180cm Serbian Manlet fuck you
>tfw not turk
>tfw my ancestors were conquistadores and franks
bruh just say 195,you'll be as tall as a Jojo character
But I'm 194, not 195 you filthy moor, also I'm whiter and taller than you bruh, cope harder.
>pic related
>why are they shorter than the poles?
fuckloads of immigrants
>anime poster
all done here
Both of you are nigger tier trash compered to us Croatians
Unlike you,i can change that.
Germans have never been the tallest people in Europe. Most of them are average.
>originator of mexicans
>anime poster
>moor rape babby
>probably named jose
not him but mate you are a bulgarian (balkanniger) you don't have moral to shitalk people
post body
what you mean
Jow Forums fag take a pic of your body and post it if you came to shit here on Jow Forums you amerimutt
oh, I'm not Jow Forums, I'm just lurking this board
cope balkanniger, you were the one who bring up history and politics to the thread so now deal with it
not me but based
what I meant faggot is that west eurotrash mutts can't accept being mogged by a white bulgarian, since you've been brainwashed to equate us all with gypsy scum obviously
the one to bring up history and his mutt spaniard/moor genes was
What are you talking about, germans used to be the third tallest people in the world in most statistics a few years ago. This is the first time i see them shorter or as short as most other countries.
Yeah, the balkan guys from high IQ stock (that excludes like 90% of them though) that I know at my university are really tall, think 2 out of the 4 are around 6'9" and the other two 6'5"+
I think the ranking is
>1. Dinaric people
>2. Dutch
>3. Other slavs
>4. Nordics and germans
>5. Anglos
>6. western/southern europeans (french, italian etc.)
Guys, come on, enough of this divisive tribal bullshit. As long as you're a non-Hebrew white, you're going to make it.
>tfw when hebrew black trans girl with micropenis
Feels bad man. Am i going to make it though?
How tall are the women
white attractive jews are the most desireable humans idiot
6’3 kruat I swear we’re not manlets it’s the invaders
>God it feels so good to have these superior genes
>looks like lanklet pic related
>The inferior tribesman tries in vain to convince the others that they are the same species