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I lost 10% of my bodyweight in 4 weeks, just eat less and do some cardio, fat-ass.

Stop eating fatty

its not

lost 10kg in a few months

just eat less like wtf its not that hard

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Because you're still eating fatty
Why the fuck you think your body will use it's energy reserves when there's still food coming in?

>lost 10kg in a few months
Imagine thinking this is good
I lost 10kg in one month and a half mate

What are you talking about? I was 200 lbs. on June 1. This morning I was only 168 lbs. Not even doing anything too crazy. Just a moderate calorie deficit each day.

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i mean good for you? wasnt even saying it was as fast it could be but it sure was easier than expected

That user is headed in the right direction. You lost a bit faster than him. You're also headed in the right direction. You'll both make it. There's no reason to shit on him for not making it as quickly as you are. Also you might be starting at a higher bf%, making it easier to lose quickly.

>Don't look back
>the time has come
>all the fat turns into energy
>we're not submissive, we're not aggressive
>but they think we can't defend
>stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive
>we have the power to face the fat
>cause we are the fighters
>just fighting for our rights

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Based and compassionpilled.

Lost 40kg in 8 months no lose skin only stretch marks, didnt take that long

Just get a staph infection user, I lost a 6th of my bodyweight in a month.

Like I'm 15 kg down but these last few kilos are a fucking drag

Because you’re probably on some meme diet like cico or 6 small meals

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keto + cardio = weight loss

to test if you're truly worthy

>Spends his whole life getting fat
>Angry he can't reverse it immediately
When will fattards learn?

You’re eating too much and not working out enough

My point wasn't that I'm not losing weight, everyone seems to have missed that. I am losing weight, 15kg down actually but it just takes fucking forever

How should I burn fat?

I went from 166 to 156 and I still look exactly the same no difference at all.
What should I be eating to change this? I've only drink water and only eat rice, spinach and chicken 3 times a day now. I run 2 miles a day too.

15kg over what time period? Maybe you're just greedy.

why is weight gain fucking so slow

i've been stuffing myself every night now and ive basically gained nothing

Eating spinach every day will weaken your bones as the oxalates draw the calcium out of your bones, bind with it, and then exit your body.

Stop eating so much fatass

What should I eat instead? Is there a chart perhaps?

Because I can’t deal with the “you’re getting small” comments and end up ruining my cut because not one person has ever escaped skinny fat anyway prove me wrong

If you're not fasting for at least 48 hours you shouldn't be surprised. The longer you fast the more effective ketosis is.

Gaining weight is usually slow too, I bet you didn't go from skinny to fat in a month right?

Imagine thinking THIS is good

I lost 10kg in the last 30 seconds fucker

Google frank tufano channel, and bart kay channel
Fasting piggy

how do y'all do it, fasting seems impossible to me which is why i'm sticking to low cal diet and exercise
then again isn't keto a meme

I just sleep as much as I can. Be the bear and hibernate.

All I'm seeing are videos about vegans saying they're stupid

>lost 50 lbs in 6 months
Weight loss is the easy part. Gaining muscle is the hard part.

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This is incorrect. Oxalates only bind to calcium already in your digestive system. Theyre also somewhat destroyed by cooking

I lost 43 pounds in 3 months on a deficit of 500-1000 cal, while eating unhealthy shit on weekends like pizza or bugers
also by walking more, taking the stairs, and drinking a lot of water
weight loss takes about as long as it take to gain weight, and usually it takes years to become a fat slob
shits easy if your patient, and stay on the deficit when you eat pizza

also no ice cream, soda, milk, peanut butter, and other shit that's just extremely calorie dense unless you're bulking
cutting down on food with a lot of refined sugar and fat makes cutting EZPZ lol

Everything is a fucking meme here. Stop beimg impatient fuck head

Think about it logically, if you are still putting food in your belly your body will not burn as much fat because you have energy to take from what you ate. The longer your body goes without that extra source of energy the more it needs to burn its reserves.

>Fasting for just 12 - 16 hours can achieve ketosis, albeit at lower levels at about ~.05mM.7 But a 48-hour fast can boost ketone levels in the blood by 20x, between 1 - 2mM.

That wasn't OP (OP here)

Want to lose weight? Start fasting. Literally just don't eat until you reach your goal weight, and supplement with electrolytes. But I know you won't do it tubby, you don't have the will power.

Exercising to lose weight is inefficient. Eating less food is what you want to do to lose weight.

What happens when oxalates absorb all of your dietary calcium?

hmmm that's definitely food for thought, maybe i'll try it for three days and see if I can stick with it. If not it's back to what i've been doing (which yeah it's slow like OP is moaning about but i'm making progress and that's what matters at the end of the day)
that said if i do stick with it and reach my goal, how do i make sure that the weight doesn't come back the minutes i pick up a fork

Seriously though. People want to indulge in their luxuries every. Single. Day. They would rather remain fat forever than to abstain from their precious food for awhile and get to a healthy weight. Its addiction.

cuz you're eating too much

stop eating. don't eat for 48 hours.

I've dropped ~20 lbs since jul 20 fasting as much as possible with keto refeeds on lifting days :^)

weight loss is only hard if you make it hard

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>CICO is meme diet

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Don't over indulge when you eat, have fasting become a part of your diet. I fast one or two days a month, for instance, even though I am at a healthy weight.

That's unhealthy and you probably aren't eating healthy and will always have excess skin.

you damaged your body for years, fix it cant be done quickly

i look and feel better than I ever have in my adult life

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Former fatty (now

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dont get baited

It takes will power. Don't consume ANY calories, drink snake juice for electrolytes, sleep a lot to pass the time.

Fat disgusting pig. You are waiting to go back to stuffing yourself like the greedy pig you are. That's why you are upset that it's taking longer than expected

I breastfeed and I have never had an easier time loosing weight and maintaining my ideal body. Being a woman really is easy mode, so why are women more likely to be fat than men? I don't fucking get it.

Sorry, I really want to rant.
Like, I was told all my fucking life having children will mean I am going to get fat. I learned its a fucking lie, I gained weight during pregnancy, of course, and immediately afterwards there was some excess fat, but even eating close to 2000 calories a day I was still loosing weight without even trying. My body burns so much fat trying to keep up milk production, I don't see how these women using having children as an excuse for their fatness gain so much weight. What the actual fuck are they doing to balloon up? I am especially mind boggled because I am better looking than ever and it took no fucking effort or thought, before children maintaining weight was so much more difficult. They must be either not breastfeeding as long or as much(supplementing with the formula jew), throwing back way, WAY too much food, or both.

Alright. Is losing weight that fast good though?

Yes, why wouldn't it be? It was fasting and cardio

just water fast. (consult your doctor if truly dangerously obese)
1 lb fat = 3500 calories
you'll burn about 2500 calories a day
so you'll lose about 2 pounds every 3 days.

mommy gib milkies

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I guess women are like dachshunds. They can get fat really fast, but after like a day or 2 it's gone.

man you can loose 10kg in 3months max easy

is there any worse feel than feeling fat?

I tried this, when I break the fast I suddenly get all the weight back

What do you break your fast with?

Cabbage, beans, etc. It's like I'm eating pure sugar and all of it goes straight to my fat cells.

Sorry, your image has way too many artifacts and I think it lowers the quality of your post. Its really sloppy memeing from your end. No milkies for you, you lose good boy points.

And the amount? Be honest. What is the etc, you are being awfully vague something tells me you're eating junk food and over consuming because you thought it would be ok because you fasted.

And that, my friends, is why you don't go JPEG.

Im ready to pay back my debts of my unhealthy life choices. Im ready to BORN AGAIN

It's only balanced to wish the asshole user's slight deterioration of gains for being a bully on a board of peace.

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If 1 lb of fat = 3500 and I use 1700kcal just to stay alive.eating 1500kcal worth of even pure sugar shouldn't give me one entire kilogram back

I think you're a liar and ate too much, way more than you are claiming.

i held in a shit for 10 days, let it all out and lost 10 lbs

I've started water fasting on Saturdays since it's not like I have friends to socially eat with. Considering cutting to 1000 calories a day until Halloween. I've got the fat to manage that, and I'd rather that than fuck my digestive tract up on a 30 day water-nutrient fast.

That really depends on the starting weight, bf%, height, etc.

Caloric deficits are absolutely brutal, you might as well fast dude.

Just cycle 72-hr and 48-hr fasts with small re-feeds, your digestive tract will be fine and you'll torch fat.

Any stories from being a fatty?

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Aren't caloric deficits bad for metabolism

when fasting your metabolism speeds up instead of slowing down. The body releases all sorts of things like large amounts of cortisol and nor-adrenaline too, it's why people on extended fasts don't sleep as well.

so 4 in water weight?

Visceral fat

go for 3 week fast

Because most fat you gain sits around your internal organs and is not white fat on top of your muscles

This fat is the fat that is dangerous to your health, the fat hanging from your gut is ugly, and unneccessary but it’s not dangerous to your health

The fat around your heart, lungs, and in your veins is dangerous so your body disposes of this first

The external belly fat is the absolute LAST place your body removes fat from.

If you’re only looking to lose weight for aesthetic reasons and not the fact that the fat in your body is literally compromising your ability to live then genuinely kill yourself now

Infantile retard

do you wanna know why it is called a fast, and not a slow?

It's not. It takes a lot of patience, dedication, and self discipline

obese "powerlifter" cope

Because if it were too quick it would cause hernias or loose skin.

>meme diet like cico
You're an idiot and you need to know that.

just don't be fat in the first place faggot

I went from 120kg to 93kg in 3 months, all I had to do was lower my food consumption to once a day and cut out all sugary drinks so I just drank water. I'd also go 3-4 days at a time with no food at all.
Don't see how people can say losing weight is hard, it's not hard if you really want to do it

You do realize some parents give soda to their children as soon as they are 3

rich piana died nearly two years ago
time fucking flies

dont be lazy cunt & make excuses
get after it bitch

Weight loss is easy mode
Hard mode is weight loss without losing muscles
Devil mode is building muscles without becoming obese again

Not really a story, but I noticed growing up as a fat kid, random strangers would just touch my belly for no reason. Used to be so angry because of this, but didn't say anything, just kept it in myself. I don't know what type of blockage I had that prevented me from saying anything.

What a stupid fucking strawman argument. Do you have lard for braincells too? You think that's the case for 60% of obese Americans? Daily reminder that you have to be 18 to post here which means fat fuck OP has had several years of autonomy to make his own decisions. Create a rope with your neverending excuses and neck yourself.