Call NEETs lazy because nobody wants to give them a job

>call NEETs lazy because nobody wants to give them a job
>be too lazy yourself to give NEETs a job despite getting one via nepotism

why are normieshits so fucking hypocritical? jesus christ

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Other urls found in this thread:

> You can get a job user
> You just need motivation
> Looks for a job non-stop for a year straight
> Apply s for 1-5 jobs a week for a year
> Over said year gets 3 job interviews
> Doesn't get a job.
> Gets pissed off
> Takes 2 month break
> repeat
> does same bullshit job interview skills building crap
> Still no job

>> Apply s for 1-5 jobs a week for a year
try per day

>> Over said year gets 3 job interviews
holy shit are you me?

the worst thing is they blame us, when we're applying to jobs. they should blame the employers

Normalfaggot society is built on hypocrisy
But many NEETs that interact with normals are just as bad, so I can see why they would be unsympathetic

im convinced 90% of the jobs listed are total bullshit and don't actually exist

>im convinced 90% of the jobs listed are total bullshit and don't actually exist
but why tho?

dont they pay to put up the listings?

I know it's fucking bullshit.
I was applying for jobs 3 hours away.
Some If i got the position I would have to get 4 buses to get to the fucking place.
That still wasn't enough for them.
Same here
> few hours - 1 day old
Fuck yeah i'll get to them first // nop.
> 6 months old
The fuck is this? I'll still apply I guess
> We all know it's a scam

>neets complaining about being a neet
go fuck yourselves, i'm wageslaving right now and i just want to leave this shit. in the past i used to complain about the same thing but now, i can see how good it was to be a neet.
50 minutes left for me to go home, christ.

honestly i enjoy everything about NEETdom except being poor and parents harassing me

they must get some sick, twisted gratification. because harassing me doesn't help me get a job. they should harass employers

Literally the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard in my life