Dopamine fasting

has anyone tried this? it feels like my head is about to fucking explode sometimes from all the media stimulus leaving my brain all fried up. i have quit porn which is god tier. i quit tv, watching news, which is also very calming. only thing left is this shithole and netflix+youtube.

anyone tried to quit chan? im thinking of just keeping music to lift, movies and reading to pass time while cutting and erasing everything else.

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This is unironically the first step to making it.

Exercise, reading, cooking, eating, learning, working, meditating, socializing, creating new things, and spending time outdoors ONLY.

checked and hitler pilled

I dont watch tv
in fact I dont even own one
I dont do drugs
I havent masturbated since last year
I dont consume sugar
But the chan men
dont forget youre here forever

Do your dick and balls even work anymore?
Probably only for dudes

>here forever
fuck no lad. FUCK NO

>creating new things!

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porn addict

I don't get how cooking so bugman tier. Does mom still cook for you and arrange your play dates?

What’s a dopamine fast? Like nofap + no drugs + no unhealthy food or something?

>what is google

whats the point of this site if google is always the answer?

helped a bit because I had to figure out different ways of spending my time

>brain fried up
>from leisurely activities
this is like a dyel thinking the exhaustion he gets from swimming at the beach all day was a good workout

not how memes work, bud. you can't just attach the soi face to random things. how about you get ready to start school tomorrow?

>you have to follow these instructions for memes to work correctly
>hehe, get for school tomorrow

>dopamine fasting
>posts porno
You are right, cumbrain your brain is fried up

>associating a picture of a woman acting sultry as porn
> need to stop watching porn!

quite literally nothing that makes you happy. youre basically not allowed to do anything but lift and read. its for people who literally have zero self control to the point where you cant even find time to workout for an hour.



>dont forget youre here forever
I've quit before. I actually only came back for 40k of all things.

making it means doing whatever the fuck you want and feeling good with yourself, faggot

>t. never gonna make it

Youtube is the worst. A vast majority of the content there is designed to appeal to an audience with ADD. Videos have an average of 7 seconds to grab a viewer before they move to something else.

That's not to say every single thing on their is bad, but I've never understood people that can use it as a primary source of entertainment.

Mostly podcasts, like for mtg or games I’m trying to be competitive in. I usually wait after work in my car for traffic to die off so I sit with the A/C watching videos

ogre. is netflix better? i mean what is there to do all day long

If you really want to try this for real, just start take naltrexone. Will block dopamine receptors and make nothing enjoyable.

Ah, just get a podcast app. They'll actually help you find more podcasts.

I'd argue it is. There's nothing wrong with watching a movie. Otherwise, read a book.

maybe try not being a zoomer and realize there's more to youtube than the trending tab.

>ive never understood why people don't have the same preference as me when it comes to entertainment


>Videos have an average of 7 seconds to grab a viewer before they move to something else
>youtuber spends 4 minutes on a vignette and asking for like + sub
Yeah, not watching that.

There are drugs that inhibit dopamine receptors but they're used to treat schizophrenia and other psychoses

I even said it's not *all* garbage. I'll look stuff up on there from time to time. I do have a couple friends that seem to watch it non-stop and it all just seems like nonsense.

People can have different tastes. I actually enjoy having disccussions over those differences. But there's a massive difference between liking different kinds of movies or books and saying reading a book and scrolling through the meme machine are the same thing.

have sex, weirdo

>meme machine
>i dont mind people liking things on youtube
>why don't people just see youtube the same as i do? everyone should be more like me

>everyone should be more like me

hes right though, you have to have a certain format to actually succeed on yt nowadays and most of the videos are annoying as fuck

>hes right
>everyone should be more like him because i dont like it either
go make love now, you two found each other on Jow Forums

going to dopamine fast now.
Shutting off my computer now :)

well, you are going to have to stop eating anything with any form of taste then.

I do lots of those things, but my method of unwinding is to shitpost.
I don't know how to replace that, it doesn't seem like anything else is as satisfying.

t. Literal child who doesn't do anything

Shit this is extremely true, anyone who says

> “Hurr- Durr, how am I supposed to relax”

That’s what meditating is for, and if they don’t realize this they are NEVER gonna make it.

That’s because you’ve become so accustomed to it you can’t imagine going a whole day without shitposting. I guarantee after a few weeks (possibly days) you won’t even have the urge to do it.

She's beautiful.

Dude your brain needs dopamine. Without it you just wire your brain to make you into a masochistic fuck who loves pain and hates fun. You have to jerk off and quick, before you become an anorexic freak

>let's ignore the literal skittles bag worth of pills the man took daily

Are you actually pretending to be retarded?

Google for "facts"
Chans for opinions and anecdotes

>will this work, Jow Forums?

gee i dunno retard

it only takes a week, so try it and find out yourself instead of wasting time shitposting

I broke my no porn streak today and wasted 1.5 hours on pornhub. I was only on month 1 and I fucking broke. I didn't even jerk off because I felt like a fucking degenerate while watching it.

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wow thats almost how anything works

Dopamine diet maybe. But a fast just isn't going to happen unless you literally lock yourself in a dark room and don't eat or sleep or literally do anything at all.

>watches .gif porn 4chinz
>omits choking his chicklet
>still self cuckolding


Like almost everything about WW2 Germany that's demonized, it comes crashing down after even the tiniest bit of logical analysis. What were the "wonder drugs" he supposedly took amphetamines, which were already pretty common in Germany as they were commonly sold as pep pills, and were widely used by allied AND axis soldiers during the Spanish Civil War... and then again were even packed in rations for soldiers in WW2. Your grandpa/great-grandpa was very likely addicted to amphetamines but like so much stuff back then they understood how to consume it stoicly. He also took medically prescribed heroin to deal with his stomach pain.

Remember he was a victim of a mustard gas attack in WW1 and he suffered a life of pain, as did many WW1 German veterans. His "drug use" was so common it was just like saying somebody today was a pillpopping maniac because he took pre-workout before the gym and took painkillers to deal with the bad car crash he had a few years ago.

This is a man that hated tobacco and alcohol, and always made it a point to eat well (he was a vegetarian by recommendation of his doctor to not further upset his stomach) and do regular exercise.

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Relapse is part of recovering from any addiction. Just get back on the horse and stop beating yourself up about it.

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your pic is making me want to fap

These are the people who post on fit. You cant artificially build character you retard. Just bc it took you outside stimuli to realize cranking your dick 8 times a day is bad it doesnt mean all pleasure is bad. The mental instability is strong in this one

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Not only are you pathetic enough to attempt nofap, you are now sad bc you didnt follow through. Kys

>t. beta junkie who will never make it in life

these are all stimulus

Im neither of those things. Post body

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So basically the obese fattards who never go out of their bedrooms, jerks off, watches porn and eats junk all day already made it?

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fucking twink LOL

No, because others would not be happy with that life. Also post body. That goes for all anti fun posters too. Im

post body LOL
If ive learned one thing from fit, its insults without a body posted is a compliment

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What? That's why I came back too
I'm picking back painting minis

Remove movies

I've quit before too. Lasted several months. Funnily enough when I came back and scrolled through the boards all I could think was "wtf is this gay shit, did I really enjoy this?", and then a week later I was back to my old habits anyway.

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Based and stoicism pilled

Fucking same

The Annual Cycle

to be fair xiuren is pretty close to porn
you can google xiuren behind the scene to watch some of these girls masturbate or fuck the photographer after the shoot..

>Relapse is part of recovering from any addiction. Just get back on the horse and stop beating your meat


This. Reads like any other trendy, silicon valley "office dynamics" framework like scrum. Especially tired of dyels taking religious practices and trying to say they're good for your mental health or whatever.

now smoke meth

Top Google results are Jewish websites, don't wanna make a habit.

I always quit whenever my life gets busy
When I have nothing better to do/become a temporary NEET, I always come back here
It's always surreal to come back here after a long break, it makes me wonder how I was ever able to stomach being in this pool of boiling donkey cum

But for OP, yes, dopamine fasting is god-tier
it is literally above all else, even lifting and dieting

I'm on a 3 week dopamine fast, where I play no video games, watch no TV, watch VERY little youtube, and browse Jow Forums as little as possible (this place ks my biggest timesink in my free time), and in replacement, I work on shit to do around the house, chores, maintenance, improvements, etc, and I also get more non-domestic productive shit done
it's amazing

long story short, it's essential for your mental health to disconnect yourself from the false digital world, and instead, engross yourself in the REAL, the PHYSICAL world that actually exists around you

I've lived in my neighbourhood for over ten fucking years, and I'm just now learning the names of my neighbours' families, I only knew the man of the house, I was a ghost to everybody else, but now, people actually know I exist

DISCONNECT yourself from the ocean of digital, unimportant bullshit that surrounds you, and embrace the real, physical world that you're ACTUALLY living in

People here are worried about the state of Israel more than they're worried for the state their own neighbourhood

e-life is not life.

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I quit chan for a while and it did seem to make me more productive and happier.

My beard looks exactly like this (except not stone kek)
I wanna shave this shit off, but knowing that Aurelius also has a similar beard style motivates me to keep growing it

Why did I type this

>Why did I type this
Because your mom's gay, lol.

A man with no argument, doomed to post bait for all eternity.

1 month is pretty damn good man. People struggle with 1 week. I'm currently on day 13, 2 weeks tommorow. Good luck and get another streak going asap.

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nice body. Mirin

If you think practical life skills is onions material, you're ngmi. Ever.

>its been 10 years already

Cooking is good for nutrition.
Socializing is trash, decent, or amazing, depending on the company you keep.
Creating and creativity is the reason why our civilization exists and how it's maintained.
Meditating literally improves your genetics, and develops a healthy and focused mind which is basically the key to achievement and happiness.


yeah it seems misplaced, especially here on Jow Forums where nutrition and protons are imperative to making it. though i can see that elsewhere where people fuss and fret about the terroir of a cabbage it can venture into the realm of soi.

Call your service provider and ask em to ban it you from accessing the chan

Fuck man. I don't know if I should do it. I'm already pretty disciplined but I always find myself opening up more threads on here. Going to install that homework extension or whatever it is that blocks websites.

Pleasure isn’t bad. Dopamine fasting is a temporary deprivation of all pleasure so that your brain can reboot. It should only be done as long as necessary to break an addiction (like porn), and no longer.

take your internet router and put it on a bus to Phoenix. cure you're self.