What does it feel like to get raped?

What does it feel like to get raped?

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More women have an orgasm during rape than during normal sex so it must feel fucking amazing

Really? Sauce?


bush hid the facts

Like having sex but with someone you don't want to have sex with.
So good but akward.

Femanon here
Is the best orgasm you could ever have, like literally an ecstasy that runs around all your body, tremors of extreme pleasure, the feeling of being held down completely submitted to an alpha animal who is pumping you hard, I can't think in anything better than that!!
Sadly after a rape we have to pretend that we didn't enjoy it and we are "scared for life", if not society will destroy us rape "victims", plus we won't get any money out of it if we don't complain and do the fake crying acting.
True is I really cannot wait to be raped again, I wear slutty outfits everyday in dangerous neighborhoods, but men are
all sissies and scared of raping consequences, hope I find a real man out there who grabs me hard and do whatever he wants with me, I am dripping just to think about it.

it feels awful, like your personal space is left severely violated. And the utter chame and disgust never leaves you :/ dumbass up there is larping hard as a femanon

I (male) got raped a few years ago.
It sucks, but it's not as bad as everyone says. Or maybe my experience just wasn't as bad as everyone else's. It's pretty easy to get over, though.

ask a PSG supporter

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What did getting raped up the ass feel like?