What hobbies do you have?

What hobbies do you have?
I only like video games and anime and I want something new.

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I really enjoy physical activities like running but it is not for everyone I guess

Pretty much the same as you.
Been learning js for a few months now and i'm enjoying that. I'm shit at it but it's fun just to sit down and try to make something you think is cool

No hobbies at all. I don't consider video games a hobby anymore than watching television or something.
All I do is read visual novels, jerk off and browse here and play videogames when they don't freeze and crash on me.

I tend to change my hobbies every few moments, mostly because I get bored quickly. There are still things sticking around though. Nowadays I enjoy Sekiro, playing the piano and skating. A few months ago I was mostly playing RL, playing the guitar and running. If you have some money or whatever resources to do something new once in a while, I'd advice you to. Maybe change up your diet, create some challenges for yourself
js ??

javascript (programming/scripting)

I roller skate, I just learned how to grapevine. I'm still in hs so I get stacy's from skating, prob not going to last much longer though. I play OW too, Im masters. I'm taking a piano next year, cool we have the same hobbies user :)

Getting high on drugs is pretty much my only hobby.

I study a second language, but I dont know if that can be considered a hobby.
Outside of that, I practice cardistry and magic tricks and I sometimes program.

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Fapping is my number one hobby

History, languages, tabletop RPGs, literature, movies
No wonder I'm a virgin

None, my sight is in the trash can.

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aquariums, i have a cycling ten gallon freshwater with a bunch of snails

Lucid dreaming but that's also like a video game.

I only have my own weird single-player tabletop game that I made. It's pretty much just ultra-autistic world building and an interactive novel with like seventy documents corresponding to the characters/nations/etc used in play.
I don't actually enjoy anything else though.

How do you lucid dream user?

Shitposting on the airwaves and pissing off boomer HAMs

Have you tried bonsai growing

Lifting, boxing (when I can afford it), electronics, occultism

Do wbtb, don't be afraid, when you're vision gets blurry bring your face to the ground and observe it.

Thanks user I will try this out someday

>beating off to hentai (ntr, rape, shota, femdom, loli)
I'm pretty sure I've failed as a human being. Sorry robros.

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Being a dungeon/game master for tabletop games, indoor gardening, gothic lolita fashion, watching movies. The latter is the easiest by far to get into but the former imho is the most fun.

you seem like a chill dude to me
I'd love to hear more about this

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>Play guitar
>Go to gym or swim
>Listen to either edgy music or old music and complain about new music

Well, I've Frankensteined my own variation of d&d into being playable solo. Built quite a few worlds to play within in a sort of hub-crossover mechanic to replace my old hobby of vidya. Have made my own character sheet in spreadsheet to thoroughly detail every minor aspect of them, nations all have their own lore docs and sheets and things to roll for daily to make the world more lively. It's really a clusterfuck that I couldn't explain on here if I tried. My rules and guidelines document is well over 80 pages. I've essentially mixed tabletop with the ultimate game though for my own brand of autism.

shooting guns and bowling

that sounds super fun. I'm curious what systems you borrowed from for your rules and what your character sheet is like, but don't blame you if you don't want to go into details.

Many things!
I enjoy video games, anime (if the animation itself catches my eye, I generally prefer manga), literature, older movies, sewing, knitting, baking, cooking, fashion...But my two biggest interests are gardening and anything that has to do with caring for plants along with animal care.

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As far as rules go, I've got about 3k+ pdfs in my game folder that I've searched through chunks of for interesting mechanics and others I straight up made for whatever I had planned to use/delve into. And the last bits I've taken from actual games. (professions, crafting tiers etc, prestige to make leveling actually viable for solo play. Nation building and what not.)
The character sheet has literally everything a d&d one may. (char info, class, skills, spells, attacks, etc.) But goes far more in depth so what's equipped on every limb, exact weights, where items are stored, how fast the character can move for every speed type, all resistances/immunities/replenishes/vulns all skills and professions, xp and level of said, recipes known, monsters they can specifically seek out (mechanic), jobs, quests, property, currencies, planes they can travel to, as well as every other minor detail I may want to track. I keep changing it admittedly and adding to it so it never really ends

Right now a Hobby I'm trying to start is getting a smart Doll but they're really expensive

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