He did nothing wrong. He was and he's right all along

He did nothing wrong. He was and he's right all along.

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To the one and only supreme gentleman

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>murdered several people
>people acting like its a big deal
"oh no hes so heartless and cruel how could he do this???"
fucking npc's acting like they give a shit

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23rd of may. 5th anniversary. Celebration time. rest in piece also Elliot.


An hero and an real human bean. And very very original.

Fish lipped, chinless, recessed, small dicked, manlet piece of shit. El***t was a false prophet and doesn't represent me.

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Elliot Roger doesn't even look that bad. He also had his own car. If only he didn't act like an autist and expected girls to fawn over him he couldn't of an hero'ed. Do you robots think that if Elliot lasted a couple more years and used Tinder things would of turned out differently?

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To the ultimate supreme gentleman

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If he wasn't so autistic he would have been a total chad

He sounds like such a fucking obnoxious nigger in the video. He should have just realised women dont like gentelment.

I just think that the human mind is so fucking sick, sometimes we have temporary thoughts that are supposed to go away in a few weeks, but for some reason they keep growing stronger and stronger. Not all humans are mentally strong, Elliot wasn't, but he sure was smart, sadly... he got driven out by all of his hated and ended up dying.

Go home Mumkey, your drunk.

Hey people. You know anything about this movie based on Elliot Rodger?


This site I linked seems to be the only place to have any information of it. I wonder if it really exists.

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This guy is prime example.

He was not hideous, he was not poor. Things he had wrong for him were hideous personality. Just everything around him screamed manchild, bad news. He was autistic but there was something else too.
Don't know how his parents were but heard they were divorced. Divorce always fucks up kids.

A man ahead of his time

Lmao after all that shit talking and vids he just ended up dying without even getting the thot slayer high score like he wanted. Sucks for him more that he didn't change that personality of his to become the Supreme Gentleman that he thought he was. Tis a shame.

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he was retarded and the ultimate failure. he wasn't even ugly, literally he is one of the few cases where he was so socially retarded and delusional that it prevented him from getting laid. he would fucking sit out in the public and expect women to approach him, that was the level of his delusion. that literally only happens to 10/10 chads. in conclusion, he was retarded.

this comment surely is original

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>He was autistic but there was something else too.
Yeah, his IMPULSE CONTROL SYSTEM was malfunctioning severely, almost being nonexistent. That was due to him having psychopathic tendencies or having brain anomaly.

He also had Tinder account but found it useless.

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Posters here have used Elliot's pictures on Tinder and got matches.

I think Elliot Rodger was intelligent.
At least 130-140 IQ, but he was sick in the body, and consequently, the brain.

He never exercised and only drank vanilla lattes instead of water. His dad was a retard, but his mom was smart.

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You can measure intelligence by looking at pupil size and forehead height. Peter Rodger's pupils should at least be the size of a dime in this video if he were a smart man, but it's evident they're less than the size of an ant.

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You're not wrong user desu

Apparently his mother was a research assistant for a university, but she quit in favor of chasing men for an easy life.

So yeah, about 120-130 IQ.

I wonder how many kills he would have gotten if he shot down the door like Adam Lanza did instead of walking away.

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Yep. But that does not mean Elliot was lying.

Really? You'd think it's the other way round. That when you are intelligent you are calm and collected, the small size of your pupils signaling that stage of mind.

>Killed 3 Starcraft-loving nerds that disregarded females and obtained minerals, simply for the fact that they didn't worship pussy
>Only kills 2 random whores, not even Stacies
>Didn't even kill his abusive cunt of a mother that used him as a pawn to get money from his dad
>Terrible planning
>No use of explosives
>Literal micropenis
>Shit at WoW
>Speshul snowflake

Fucking failure. With his resources he should have gotten at least 20+ confirmed chad/stacy kills. Not supreme, not a gentleman.

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It's automatically more turned on.


>looking like that
>Tinder in California
>no matches

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F for ER the OG SG

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>he sure was smart

can you name 1 thing about him that was smart? based on his manifesto, dropping out of school some ridiculous amount of times, and his complete inability to grasp the reality of his situation, he was well into retard tier overall intelligence.

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I liked when he said he hated people for having better lives than him. I can relate.

>Murder six innocents because he was a 6/10 who was butt hurt that 10/10 didn't magically come knocking on his apartment door to sex him up

Seems like he did a lot of wrong

he couldnt even get bottom place on the high score board

>he was not poor
This is a big misconception. He had 5k in his bank account, which was practically nothing considering where he was living. Chump change.

He had no job. He stopped going to school. His plan for the future was literally winning the mega millions lottery.

Not many girls are going to be turned on by a guy who lives on his parents dime with no real goals for the future. He didn't put himself in a position to succeed romantically then was surprised when he didn't succeed romantically. Shocking!

He did plan a lot and for long. I highly doubt he was a psychopath. Even Adnres Breivik was not one. He was just highly narcissistic.
Pyschos usually just want to be alone but whenever given chance to partake in criminal activity where they can get away they take on it. But also there are lots of psychos working as judges or as police.

The same guy.

True. But couldn't he suck off some more money? I mean one car from his dad might cost like 15K and he had like five of them.

He literally did everything wrong

this, he was complete shit, it's quite funny that you consider him as a hero

I mean per Elliot himself in his manifesto, he made numerous references about himself and his family not being rich. From his dad going through a "financial crisis" to complaining that his mom not marrying a rich guy so he could live the wealthy life.

That said, he could have gotten a gf if he had reasonable standards and put a little more effort into things so he wasn't a bitter NEET. He didn't and 6 people unfairly paid the price for his retardiness.

It is very painful for me to see this.
I myself I was once in very high class family that depended on global economy. Then as you've seen lots of ports were closed and my family returned to standard living. Meanwhile their minds did not. Money can really screw up your perspective. He could've had cozy neet life but instead he wanted to be like cartoon king that he thought he was. I can understand why he became that way but there was also something more at work than that. He probably just needed a mom.

It's also possible that the time he used it, it was mostly used by gay men and transsexuals. He just didn't know it so he thought it was a "scam app" where men who were dressed up as women offered themselves to other men.

You also have to count in that an intelligent person is less likely to react emotionally to stressing situations such as the one being interviewed about their son who committed a massacre, that is something Peter is doing in that interview, and having his pupils small for that reason. Then again, it could be he finds his interviewer hideous so that his pupils are small for that reason. :) Interesting article though.

He actually lifted but I guess it was hard for him to collect any mass as he had fast metabolism.

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>At least 130-140 IQ
Based on what?

He did nothing in his life that would indicate he was of superior intelligence. His manifesto was effectively "conventionally attractive women and conventionally attractive men like each other." Ground breaking stuff there.

He was stupid and pretty much everything in his life points in that direction. Hell, in his day of retribution, he isn't even intelligent enough to formulate a new plan once a wrinkle (a locked door) gets thrown into his original plan.

Simply saying "I'm intelligent" over and over doesn't make it true.

Wut lol

Elliot needed to live in reality instead of LaLa land.

It was the only manifesto that made me laugh out loud so thanks elliot. RIP you pathetic crazy bastard

He had psychopathic tendencies, but was not a full blown psychopath. Also having defective impulse control system does not prevent you from being able to make long time plans, when it's the only way to achieve your goal such as ultimate revenge.

Picture related is Elliot's mother on a movie set.

i need fat fetish stuff urgently

You know he was only swiping right on the 10/10 Stacey's, right?

You don't have to do anything in life to be of superior intelligence. And as an Asian, he was extremely prone toward jealousy and had a rank based perspective of reality.

Chris Langan is only known for being 200 IQ.

>He was stupid

I don't agree. At worst mentally average. Even Nikolas Cruz is 90 IQ. I believe his vocabulary was high enough to show his intellect in his writing. Roiling and deign aren't words any 22 year old can use effectively.

>less likely to react emotionally to stressing situations

Not really.
Peter Rodger is just a strong, bullheaded man that doesn't really care his mongrel "son" went ballistic.

>that is something Peter is doing in that interview
Being less likely to react emotionally to a stressing situation, that is.

>strong, bullheaded man that doesn't really care his mongrel "son" went ballistic.
Well you can always say whatever you want in the internet, not having to give any kind of proof.

Yeah I read his 'manifesto' and I got the impression that he was fairly intelligent. Definitely not stupid, probably above average. The fact that he was autistic and mentally ill as fuck meant it was wasted.

>You don't have to do anything in life to be of superior intelligence.
Maybe, but he didn't do anything in his life to suggest superior intelligence either.

His "woke" manifesto was just repeating basic red pill talking points everyone with some brain functionality knows. Women like good looking men and men with money? Wow, I surely never knew that before.

He had no ability to plan things that would actually work to improve his life (buying lottery tickets doesn't count), he couldn't process reality to create more realistic goals, he wasn't great academically, and he had no ability to make good decisions in high pressured situations. In what ways was he intelligent?

He did have a good vocabulary base and could write well. I'll give him that.

>(buying lottery tickets doesn't count)
You know guys, this is the place he bought his lottery tickets in Arizona.


Probably the greatest thing I've seen him write is that women will devolve the human species by selecting for immediate brute strength alone.

>He wasn't great academically

Academics don't mean much. I've known 140 IQ men that landed in remedial credit recovery back in highschool.

I believe his goals, while unrealistic, were his true desires, and he couldn't turn them off. If you were like him, you wouldn't be able to shut it down either.

>High pressure situation reaction = intelligence

Then why aren't Nascar drivers/Footballers all 180 IQ?

For those who don't watch a lot of crime/prison shows- stabbing someone to death takes a long time. It's extremely messy and killers almost always cut themselves in the process.

The only thing that confused me about Rodgers was killing his roommates. Every shred of evidence points to him being a weak, dumb, incompetent coward in every way.

Then one day he stabs to death THREE PEOPLE? Together. In one room. Rodgers could barely bench press 50 lbs and was a retarded spaz. What the fuck? How does that happen? Did they just lay there watching eachother die?

pretty much this desu, definitely above average intelligence, but nothing special probably like 75th or 80th percentile. on top of this he was a solid 6/10. his problem was that he was severely mentally ill and delusional, as well as aggressive with no impulse control. if he realized he could've easily gotten a 5/10 gf with some effort then he wouldn't have snapped. instead he only chased literal 10/10 blonde stacies like a delusional retard and got pissed when they rejected him.

basically he was retarded.

The issue is he was 80th percentile while sick in the mind.

He WAS a smart guy

>Academics don't mean much.
Fair, but they can be an indicator. You're the one saying he's intelligent, based on what other than "he said some things about women tons of other guys have said."

>Then why aren't Nascar drivers/Footballers all 180 IQ?
Because those things require physical strength/stamina as well, something most people don't have enough of to be a pro athlete?

>Those things require stamina

What kind of stamina demands you sit in a car and make decisions? It should be easy if you're smart.

I think he stabbed them while they were sleeping.

most don't deny that he was at least above average intelligence. the main issue as you said is that he was mentally ill and delusional. no sane person expects 10/10s to flock to them when they are a 6/10, let alone in the current state of things where even a 6/10 girl can fuck a 10/10 guy at will.

Who cares what women want. They are soulless and evil.

Gets extremely hot in their cars.

That should be negligible.
If you can handle the possibility of slamming into a wall and turning into spaghetti, you should be able to handle some heat.

Stop giving women credit. We all know that women only care about mens looks. They are just as shallow and stupid as men are. Stop putting them on a pedestal white knight.

They entered the apartment one by one during the afternoon and the early evening and Elliot attacked them all from behind stabbing them one by one. You should read more. Or maybe you just pretended to be ignorant to know if there is anyone left being obsessed enough to know it.

>Maybe, but he didn't do anything in his life to suggest superior intelligence either.
He wasn't superiorly intelligent, but above average intelligent. All of the people he ever knew, his family members, friends and teachers said that he was smart. Also he had good grades at school, until he started to suffer mentally during the last period of his life. He also graduated from his high school prematurely. He was just autistic and tormented by his mental issues, and the outcome was poor because of that.

If you live like a poor manchild, you'll be a virgin for life most likely unless you're a literal 10/10 Chad. He wasn't.

But I guess recognizing reality is being a white knight, huh, incel boy?

I don't believe this at all.

I think, if anything, men are just tools for women to assess. They are the evolutionary gate keepers.

Every great race evolved up through their women.

Where did you all go? Having a coffee break?


He was a fucking brainlet. If he were intelligent he would have been successful in life and got lots of girls.

>If he were intelligent he would have been successful in life and got lots of girls.
Tell that to Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla. There comes a point when you're so intelligent, you truly understand human nature and how fucked it is, making it difficult to socialize. This is effectively Plato's allegory of the cave. The man's eyes have adjusted to the brightness of outside and he stumbles going back into the cave.

Why because he killed 3 asian losers?

Why does every brainlet incel think Newton or Tesla were incels? They were anything but. Both volcels who could easily have got women if they wanted. Newton was gay/asexual. Tesla was asexual or something weird because he fell in love with a pigeon.

i've become more educated throughout the years of being NEET. I've read lots of psychological and philosophical texts and i still believe pic related is a very profound and interesting statement. he was on to something but at the same time he was fucking nuts.
they do give a shit because they know that they would've also been at risk because they would've been outside.

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You've become even more useless as a NEET. One day your parents will kick you out, then what will you do when you have no employable skills?

>useless NEET
cuckold wagie.
It's already decided that being NEET is better than being a wagie. Don't act like you are less of a loser.

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Yeah, and in the modern times it's the SOCIAL NETWORKS that count, not that much intelligent or talent. Intelligent and talented people are often times outsiders among their peers, esp. at a young age. So they can not have much or any friends, except maybe other intelligent and talented individuals. And when they haven't got much or any friends, to post pictures of on their social media page, they won't have any following (as no one wants to follow a friendless loser) and when they have no following, no one hires them either (as no one wants to hire a loser with no following). As a result of this inane shit, set up by the tyranny of social media, a lot of intelligent and talented people just drop out of society. They may have access to the best of schools, and have best of grades, but that is where their path ends, unless they have rich, powerful parents with all sorts of connections. Humans are PRIMITIVE ANIMALS when it comes to their social behavior, and they value normalcy and being socially accepted more than talent or intellect.

>he did nothing wrong
his sorority shooting plan was foiled by a locked door

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>rational men of intelligence should choose who women have sex with
what if the rational men decide elliot is an insecure beta boy who should never fuck anyone? why would the intelligent men empower an insecure virgin to have sex with attractive women?

He was. Though personally I think his grandmother's necklace getting stolen off of his neck right after he was mugged at that party was what got him to go through with his murder spree. In the end, all he really needed was someone to accept him.

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Maybe he shouldn't have started fights if he didn't want to get his shit stolen?

>go to party, insult everyone and start fights
>literally try to push women off a house
>people start insulting and fighting back

If you use a handgun instead of a semi-auto rifle, then you're either retarded or not actually trying for a highscore.