This is the grill I will get to fuck with and she's (legal here) fifteen :3

This is the grill I will get to fuck with and she's (legal here) fifteen :3

Stay salty muricuck robots

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Pretty weird dude. I know a guy who fucked a 15 year old here (legal in Czech Republic), was made fun of by his friends and family and is always given shit for it.

Only losers and incels make fun of who gets to fuck girls, especially if they're teens

Also I don't have any friends, so not my problem

>Only losers and incels make fun of who gets to fuck girls, especially if they're teens

unfortunately, you do not know how low you set the bar. normal people have no problem getting laid, and fucking young girls is simply manipulative, which is why it's so weird.

i suppose it's no wonder why you have no friends if you think like this. you seem very sheltered

She seems a donkey btw

Tell that to your buds in prison.

Not same guy but you can fuck quite young people here also. They are also made fun of but I guess it's sort of fetish and especially if you are really old people think you of as living septic tank.

Based OP! have fun with the jailbait, peace out

She is and looks like a kid OP, how could you look at her in a sexual way? She's someone I expect to pull out the "hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork*", not someone I would like to be with

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Because his guy friends are jelly that he got prime loli puss and roasties are just generally jelly of younger girls.

shoo shoo moralfag

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> Fucking teens is manipulative
Imagine being this much of a deluded incel ahahah
So all teens are stupid nuns and all adult girls are mature wise sluts

Keep on not living reality, if you only knew how many sluts are young teens and how often do they search for adult cawks

I bet she will be an absolute nightmare to be with because she's a hormonal teenager and if you're an adult you will have nothing in common with one another

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Imagine being excited to fuck someone who barely started highschool.

Trust me, she's a slut and jerks nearly everyone off in her school
Sooo, wake up and stop calling teen girl children, americuck dog

>prime loli

>an adult you will have nothing in common with one another
Where do you think you are? most of the adults here which cartoons daily for fs.

Have fun living in a shit hole where having sex with adolescents is seeing as a crime (while it has always been the most normal thing in history), poor cuck

It sounds like you have some very severe insecurities about yourself if you think that anyone giving you shit for fucking a fifteen y.o. is a "loser" or "incel."

This post is fake and gay anyway


>originally based and redpilled

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Get on my level, OP
>Own 30 square miles of farmland in Mexico
>Let a bunch of poor families with no skills, no property, and no work live on my land, and eat my produce
>In return, I work them to the bone and pay them less than I charge them for rent and food
>they sell me their young daughters for debt forgiveness

Not him but it is very manipulative, it's abusing our power as someone with a much higher intellect
Plus the girl in OPs pic looks young as fuck, which is pretty disturbing to think of some slimy adult trying to fuck her.
Sometimes it's legitimately hard to tell if a girl is underage or not (which is why you need to ask if you aren't sure) but the girl in the OPs pic looks younger than 15 weather it's the case or not, an honourable male should not be planning on fucking her or grooming her
Fuck off pedos

I don't care if you fuck some legal kid, I'm just surprised you'd actually fuck someone who looks they write fortnite fanfics on the side

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Lol I'm 32 and fucking a 17 yo and her friend on the side as well.
More power to you OP

Burgers/Euros have some pretty childish ideas about how the world works outside their little bubble

Because you ARE a loser and a salty incel if you give a fuck about someone having sex with a teen, trust me, it was just to trigger some americuck bigots here and nothing more ahah

Also for the more cucked, I even fucked girls from 28 to 20 years old and I simply didn't like it, no big deal. I find teens more hot, curious, exciting and often pretty hot and will continue having experiences with them until I'll find a girl my age for a serious relationship (I agree that after 25 or 30 years old it would be weird being without a family and still searching teens)

Lol, they get into these little AOC arguments, having no idea they could just go sex touring to a place like Burma, Afghanistan, or Venezuela.

You are the exact example of genetically born idiot
She looks young? Doesn't mean anything
Pedo? She's a teenage girl, no pedophilia involved
We're more intelligent as adults? Who the hell are you to say that? And to say what's intelligence about?
Piss off maggot, you don't know shit about nor society nor basic biology

Not him but it is very manipulative, it's abusing your power as someone with a much higher intellect
Plus the girl in OPs pic looks young as fuck, which is pretty disturbing to think of some slimy adult trying to fuck her.
Sometimes it's legitimately hard to tell if a girl is underage or not (which is why you need to ask if you aren't sure) but the girl in the OPs pic looks younger than 15 weather it's the case or not, an honourable male should absolutely not be planning on fucking her or grooming her
Fuck off pedos

Nigga, I was obviously talking about your larp

Yeah so do I but that doesn't mean a fully grown man would have anything in common with a 15 year old girl

WHo the fuck does that
I'll just laugh back and say they're jelpus I fucked a tight teen pussy and they're left with the roasties aged 25 who have fucked over 30 men each
And the used up rags aka the women are just jealous they aren't 15 anymore with a tight good looking body

Then you are clearly the one who doesn't know how the world works outside of your first world bubble.

She looks like she's in fucking elementary school, so yes it MEANS you are attracted to girls that look like they are in fucking elementary school. You don't even get the excuse of mistaking a 16 or 17 year old girl for an 18 or 19 year old girl. Yes obviously adults are more intelligent or should be, to argue that is proof that you are the one who is an idiot. You are a fucking predator and a scumbag.

You're either a boy or a pedophile. Either way, kill yourself.

Yeah, because being free as a young adult to fuck a hot teenage girl like it ALWAYS happened in nature (men mature later than girls and it has been proven that western girls are more attractive in teenage years) is something sick.. Better to live in a country where cucked virgins need to actually WAIT for a 17 years old to be 18 in some states.. To do something natural like having sex, perhaps in a relationship.

You can't simply be for example 19, meeting a 15 girl and have sex naturally, you need to calculate and respect a tyrannical law.

Keep getting cucked fellas, I would rather get shot in the face than live in your shit country

Why the hell not? I still watch kids movies and do other immature shit, childhood was awesome, why would I not want to relive the best years of my life? and part of reliving those years would be to have a teen girlfriend. I never experienced teen love so I missed out on something most people say is great.

I don't care about them being annoying, I think it's cute and it puts a smile on my face.

>HURR DURR TO ME (an idiot who can't see the difference between a child and a teen) SHE LOOKS LIKE AN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GIRL SO IT'S AS I SAY AND YOU'RE A PEDO

Keep crying incel

>You're either a boy or a pedophile. Either way, kill yourself.


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I can't believe this thread is getting so many replies.
This is the absolute state of Jow Forums.
Sage goes in all fields.

You're the exact cause why pedophilia will keep on existing, since you aim the world to the natural attraction to teen girls and not to the (real sickening) problem of mature individuals (this includes a 13 boy who molests a 8 year child girl) attracted to actual children

You americans are recognized as ignorant illiterate fucks and that doesn't surprise me the least

Are you posting from Mcdonalds?

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Lmao at all these fucktards whiteknighting for this stupid whore. I dont give a fuck if shes 15 or not, sluts are sluts since high school.

I PITY you if you think just because a female is a teenager that does not mean shes a slut. Lmao. Get out of your home for once and see reality. Bitches be sucking dick since freshman year.

They're all just sour grapes

Euros lost the right to shit on anyone a while ago.
Does your local law enforcement know about those safety scissors in your drawer? You better watch the fuck out.

Basic Jow Forums tier memes are all you can bring to the table.
I am actually from a place where this shit is legal. Still, no one does it, at least not publically.

>Basic Jow Forums tier memes are all you can bring to the table.
>I am actually from a place where this shit is legal. Still, no one does it, at least not publically. 1

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Thankfully thoughtcrime is still not in the books.

Many girls where I live start developing huge tits at 11/12 and start fucking around that age, nothing surprising, always happened.
Also I talked with some girls from the US (the one who tell you they're adults and then they're 14, many of them post nudes on Jow Forums as well and nobody suspects shit) and many of them are developed sluts sucking dick regularly

There are even some of them who get paid by young adults to get head and not tell anybody

Congrats, you found out how to copy and paste.

have fun fucking an insectoid LOL

The kid and his memes again.
I used Jow Forums for a very long time and I'm pretty sure I'm almost the opposite of what you assume I am.

Although, it is pretty obvious what you are... I'm not even gonna say the word, you know what it is.

What a comeback! You really shouldn't post pics of yourself here. Go to /soc/ for that, since you seem to have low standards already.

Congrats on outing yourself as a projecting retard. ;)

>Jow Forums
I mostly post on Jow Forums and most of the onions memes come from there.

He assumed I am against Jow Forums and called me a soiboi, this speaks volumes about his intelligence.

I wasn't talking about the source of the meme.

When I was 18 years old I had a 15 years old gf... We had sex EVERY SINGLE TIME WE MET for an entire year we have been together.
And I'm telling you yanks cucks, many times she would contact me telling me she couldn't wait anymore for my cock, that's right.
Teenagers are the one more needy of sex and teenage boys often are not the right choice, both because they're too immature, won't use protections and will fuck up the girl's experience many times. While an experienced male knows exactly what to do and how to give it to the girl, exploring how she likes it and how to make her feel good.

Ahahahah poor little incel using retard as an insult because he has no other arguments against harsh truth, sucks to be you

>He assumed I am against Jow Forums and called me a soiboi, this speaks volumes about his intelligence.
>I wasn't talking about the source of the meme. 2

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Nothing you've said is even close to the truth, but keep spouting those buzzwords insisting it is. That will surely help you. Also, trying to hide your obvious anger behind laughter is really pathetic.

Yeah because you surely know the truth, little salty incel spitting bullshit about what he doesn't even know :) Get real or get the fuck off cuck

Nah don't be full of yourself sweetie, nobody would even bother getting angry at someone as useless and dumb as you, trust me

I do, you dumb little shit. I'd make you my bitch real quick.

> Uses pedophilia to describe normal attraction of a person to a teen
> Talks about knowing the truth

Pick one sjw

Ha! So cute! You're trying so hard right now to save face on an Anonymous image board because you got triggered. lmao eat shit loser :)

>y-y-you're s-so u-u-useless and d-dumb!

I'm sorry but how could a little angry cunt like you even think about making someone a bitch? Put your dildo off your mouth before speaking to me wankstain

Sorry pedo, but your lust is illegal and your standards are shit. You're fighting an uphill battle here.

> :) :) :) :) :) I-I'm not raging and butthurt user, I'm a-smiling!!

So entertaining to watch you having a breakdown little incel

>Put your dildo off your mouth
So mad he forgot how to use English.


We got a underage b&

> When you're so butthurt you attack someone on non existing grammar errors
Keep going little pussy, everyone must be amused by you

It's a salty roastie he seethes with jealousy at the mention of lolis.

>no u! and projections: the post
Keep on going. This is gold

You're a stupidly unaware degenerate. Go to Afghanistan or some shithole in Africa if you want to marry kids lmao

Anything to trigger little fucks like you :)))))

Great shot in the dark. I'm not a roastie, white knight, incel or any other boogeyman buzzword your false narrative attempts to portray me as.

We have the sjw roastie here guys, you're making so much of a joke of your self
Also "buzzwords" kek

> "I'm not butthurt :)))))"
Poor fella, such a sad life
Tell us you're a lgbt pro so we can have a last big laugh and then ignore you

Little triggered bitch talking about triggering someone
Imagine being this much of a failure

yeah that's weird
she's a little baby

reported :) origanoli

25 year old femanon here, I don't give a fuck to be honest, most girls in my country have lost their virginities by the time they're 13. Jealous roastie thing is a meme. There are girls younger and prettier than me, so what? There's always someone younger and prettier anyway. There's plenty of young guys who like older women and I plan on being a hot stepmom someday.

I always knew 25 year old femanons were secretly getting off to me taking advantage of 13 year old girls.

ugly grills mostly hide their looks with weird camera angles, not showing 100% of their face, quirky gestures or snapchatfilters

>reported :) origanoli 1

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Ok. t. Amerifag