>He has abs
He has abs
>tfw no aestethic user gf who likes abs
How many of these "fembots" are just trannies?
It's nearly impossible to tell. But I got good gender detector. Too feminine. Tranny. Org wants this. Man. I said, this I wanted that but then again + things only female would know accurately. Woman.
This is the first femcel post that I qualify for.
Nigga, i read your reply like 5 times and i still have no idea what u saying
shiet negro find something better to do
Nah, im good wasting my remaining time in here
In layman's terms. Tranny is a man that acts feminine, like exaggerated expressions of submission, kindness, caring.
Man is pipe minded. From point A to B. Date + Home=Fuck etc Woman is like man but with variables. Fuck Y=Date + X + Home
>guts are intact
sounds like someones going to have a field day to remember tearing that apart
That's a pretty good explanation. Tnx dude
>get into shape for women
>disgusted that they like me now when they treated me like dirt before
>now lift to just become strong as fuck and hurt women as much as I possibly can
>Fuck Y=Date + X + Home
did you make this part nonsensical on purpose?
You could still count that. But yeah, it is quite nonsensical pretty much to what I'm trying to put in words.
Ayo user, wanna beat some women up after dinner?
As a femnon, I'd say a little under 10%. Another 20% are larpers, and surprisingly many seemingly smart robots fall for these often.
what if he doesn't? what happens if he has a big guy like me?
>>disgusted that they like me now when they treated me like dirt before
I've known this feel. It really sucks. Eventually I put weight back on and I still hate them for it.
>he's popular on insta
>he sits on his ass all day playing vidya, watching Star Trek, and eating junk food
I feel like this is a personal attack and would appreciate it if you deleted your post.
>female wojaks
please go away, stacey.
TFW chicks used to oogle you a ton.
ima get fit again boys
Yeah buddy
No cute 2D women like your pic though, she looks lovely
I do the same but go skele
>Tfw women think it's absolutely fine to just walk up to you and touch your arms / shoulders / abs st the gym or work
>report them or just say something really unpleasant like 'what the fuck do you think you're doing?'
It's funny, no matter how big the looks gap between you and her, women always feel like you should be oh so grateful for their attention. Even like 4/10s
">and surprisingly many seemingly smart robots fall for these often"
10/10 I didn't realize the potential irony this would have in the eyes of robots
>"and surprisingly many seemingly smart robots fall for these often"
you saw nothing.
I haven't got laid since getting fit, if you really work it women in their prime are attracted to big cocks on skinny men they think can create a protector and then fight each other over that, so you're supposed to move onto stronger women, then they are disgusted that you remind them of their father figure and in your attempt to honor your own father they nurture you based on the ideas you suggested to combat the dishonest portrayals of manhood by the media. It's smooth sailing when the two of you choose a medium to raise children, and after you've met the criteria for your prime, science and therefore general consensus says that all of your positive traits deteriorate after your prime, so optimally you should strive toward your peak around the time that women are fighting for dick, or you'll get with something used up.
It takes a bit of work but when I realized hormonally confused veterans pump the decent resources when theyre either on break or finally back home from combatting a government--- I also realized the mindset of getting seeded by that state of being is confusing enough to the weaker species that abs are exactly what women should want, esp. trains
How many aren't, is a better question. But the answer is just 0, because women can't be robots.