What exactly is wrong with this picture? besides the dude looking a little dorky?
What exactly is wrong with this picture? besides the dude looking a little dorky?
It's a bondburger
reminder: the last guy to insult this photo was asked to post his body.
>he doesn't know
Its the converse you mong
a lot of things, but the funniest might be the shoes
Oh no no no ha hahahahaHHHhahajajaja
How is no one kicking this guy out of the gym lmao?
The absolute state of neefagd
what is wrong with converse?
nothing flat shoes are good for squats and deadlifts, the problem with the picture is located near the top left
I can't wait for when SIR draws him in the next New Year's comic
That is quite some genetic mixed bag, fucking kek
you guys are so fucking cringe
Is it the 1pl8s? Wtf lot’s of people started there you mongs
The joke is he isn't doing anything wrong.
You aren’t supposed to squat in the rack. Its for curling you mong
Oh sorry
Us Eurangutangs don’t have racks like that so I assumed that it was an ordinary squat rack
Que Horror!!
>don't squat in the rack, curl in the rack
>squat rack
>1 plate squat
>shaker used instead of a bottle
>drink balanced on the rack
>basketball shorts
>resting on the bar like he owns the place
etc etc the list goes on
>tfw local gym giga nigga chad does all his super sets in the rack including pushups, situps, leg extensions, and cables
>no one says a thing and just forms a queue waiting to use it
It's a forced meme. There is nothing wrong with this pic.
nothing wrong with it. it's just to make newfriends like yourself feel like they're doing something wrong. the only thing you could really fault him on is converse shoes.
Nothing, it's just some idiots trying to make you believe there's a "secret" joke
if you have to ask, kill yourself
Why the fuck is he squatting in the curl rack.
if you can't tell why this dyel faggot is a meme youre ngmi
It's a squat rack you moron, he's not doing anything wrong
>its a squat rack you moron
>posts a curl rack
why are you posting a pushup rack
Only rack I use is your mom's
Fucking retarded subhumans trying to force a shitty meme
Video shows what is a curl rack and what is a squat rack for you subhuman mongrels
>and cables
How close is the rack to the cable station, lmao
well that user posted a pushup rack, so i dont know what the fuck your problem is
Post body.
Go fuck yourselves bunch of pathetic monkeys
are you the dude in the OP pic? lmao
What if I was?
Then better stop doing this shit. You are ruining your health permanently with those mistakes
>You are ruining your health permanently with those (OP) mistakes
Why? What is wrong with doing squats on the fucking squat rack?
Posta o cuzinho.
i love the edits
what is NOT wrong with that pic?
what happened to this poor guy?
I’ll tell you why I personally laugh /cringe at this image, the guy is a dyel and looking back, watching someone take a picture of him and doing nothing about it. Just has a pathetic beta look on his face
He's squatting in the curl rack you stupid fuck
this guy is a legend