>this is the body of someome who lifted while eating a normal diet AND DRANK ONE FUCKING GALLON OF MILK A DAY
What the fuck i thought he would be mega chungus but he’s just like 20% bodyfat
If you’re only looking to get strong and big and don’t care about assthetics is there any reason not to just go hogwild and dirty bulk?
This is the body of someome who lifted while eating a normal diet AND DRANK ONE FUCKING GALLON OF MILK A DAY
That guy looks dyel as fuck.
he looks awful, i see literally no muscle. all he has is lordosis
But thats not the point
He lifted SS wich is a low volume strength program
Ate a normal diet for a young male 2500-3000 calories a day, usually more because he is physically active
AND he drank a gallon of milk, roughly 2400 calories
How did he only become ”dyel” on 5000 cals a day?
5000 calories? He doesn't need that much. He got fat because he ate like a fat fuck.
Found the problem
Just imagine rippedtoe fawning over this creation, panting and prowling around him with his Kodak Polaroid taking these shots while a single rusty gym fan hums in the background. Just keeps repeating "solid. thick. tight." as he takes shot after shot.
the thumbnail looks like a dumpy chick
absolutely disgusting
Is GOMAD actually a meme?
The question is would he look good if he did cut
That looks more than 20%. Half of it is in his ass.
Yes yes i know but i thought GOMAD would do way more harm than this
If is wasn't it is now. The logic behind it is that there IS a lot of protein in milk. Unfortunately it also contains a lot of fat, more than protein. Which is why whey products exist, that are the result of separating milk protein from milk fat.
>Thas gewd, lahk thaht
Rippetoe's idea of bulking is 6k calories minimum. It's not the milk itself.
What could he have done to save his body lads?
You just have to do 2 gallons of milk a day.
You're gonna fatfuck yourself though, don't say I didn't warn you.
>Someone took their time to come up with this shit, typed it out, proofread it and thought to himself "Yup, that's perfect"
He probably lifted like shit. Improper form, not lifting enough, using the same weight every week or very little progressive overload, not enough focus and time spent under tension, cheating reps, using whole body to do lifts ie; kipping pullups, swinging body on curls, lifting ass on bench.
Also yes, eating way too many calories will make you look fat and not enough quality food will hinder your progress and lower test levels
how do people still fall for GOMAD
does it not sound like a terrible enough idea on paper? do people really have to try it first and fuck up their bodies to realize it's a terrible idea?
>proofreading ur shitposfs
SS + GOMAD is a great idea that will change your life for the better of you're like 14
You don't know Zach Evetts?
He is the guy Rippetoe showed off as the perfect example of what Starting Strength can do.
Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer
seen it recommended as liquid calories for hardgainers/people who don't eat much
the dairy shits, though...
Honestly no clue man, never even knew what SS was until I found /fit after a few years of lifting
You missed OP's point, retards. He's not saying that SS+GOMAD is good. He's observing the fact that the guy ate 6k calories a day, only lifted for like 40 minutes, three times a week, and yet he didn't become fat, only slightly chubby.
did this guy an hero after becoming shitfamous?
What's he lifting? 2 pound dildos? Seriously.
He was skinny as fuck and looked like this after only 6 months, if he continued like this he would have been mega chungus after a year
oh lawd he comin
Gallon of skim milk in my fridge from Walmart
> 100 cal per serving
> 16 servings per container
> 8 grams of protein per serving
Grand total of
> 1600 calories
> 128g protein
Leaves plenty of room to eat a chicken breast and some vegetables or whatever and still be in a caloric deficit, or at the worst maintenance (depending on your height/weight obviously). How this kid managed to fat fuck himself that bad, I have no idea.
Fuck, a gallon of milk a day is probably a great idea for cutting actually. Damn near hit your protein macros for only 1600 calories.
i remember there used to be a pic with his lifting stats. He was squatting over 500lb but benching only 135lbs
>tfw 6 months hrt
He followed Starting Strength as it's written. The results are to be expected. High amount of muscle and fat gain. The guy squatted 3plates+ for 5s after 11 weeks.
This was after 11 weeks
jesus fucking christ
Why are you giving advice if you know fuck all about lifting? This guy is Rippetoe's creation
>a gallon of milk a day is probably a great idea for cutting actually
Are you dumb? It wouldn't be filling at all
switch the pictures and it looks like a succesful weight loss.
dude is above 20%
He benched less than his bodyweight, LMAO this is pathetic
he’s not big though, just fat
this dirty bulk did extremely little to improve his size and probably his strength as well.
just do a normal fucking diet
the guy looks like shit, jeez. fucking dirty bulkers
...why the fuck do people still listen to this guy?
Yeah but now he has to spend a shit ton of time cutting, so was it really worth it? I seriously do not hope he is keeping that body as is.
Anyone who does GOMAD for a year is fucking cavebrained.
I'm not even a fan of Rippletits, but at least he's been pretty clear about who should and shouldn't do GOMAD.
GOMAD: skinny hardgainers who can't/refuse to eat enough calories
No GOMAD: literally everyone else
>slightly chubby
He's fat you coping lardass. You don't need to be a 400lb landwhale to be fat
They fall into the cult-like mentality, where anything Rippletits does is interpreted as good, even when there is clear evidence (the pic above) that it's not. Like rose-tinted glasses.
Rippletits is Spiral Dynamics Stage Blue, like NASCAR, Creationism, Bill O’Reilly, etc etc.
this should be illegal
fucking hell
Fat (yes even saturated but not trans) is healthy, GOMAD is a meme largely due to the quantity and milk is mostly unhealthy due to sugar, le fat is bad is a meme parroted by sugar industries before advertising got regulated
This could have been fixed if he pushed the reps to 6+ and added in some solid accessories. Current studies suggest you need somewhere around 6-15 reps for adequate volume. Also NOT doing GOMAD. Even if he were to cut down, he'd still have an awful physique.
>If you’re only looking to get strong and big and don’t care about assthetics is there any reason not to just go hogwild and dirty bulk?
idk why u wouldnt care about how u look but to answer your question, no. there isnt any reason to not dirtybulk if u dont care about aesthetics
Shouldn't your health be a priority too?
What accessories?
eh probably, but most people don't give a fuck about their health or most would be vegan or at least vegetarian and severely limit alcohol consumption. i think people value happiness way more than health
SS does allow for pull-ups/chin-ups. If not, he should be doing those. Also maybe facepulls, lateral raises, hammer curls, and MAYBE incline db bench.
GOMAD was originally Rips response to hordes of skele lords complaining that they cannot bulk up no matter what they do. It's supposed to be done for a short time (1-3 months) by major skeletors to gain mass fast. It gives you a lot of body fat which is why only skeletors should be doing it since they can afford it. The thing though was that for a while Jow Forums told everyone to SS + GOMAD so normal weight or even fat dudes did it for way longer than it should be done (over a year in some cases) and became fat t-rexes. SS and GOMAD are both perfectly valid, its the people that misuse them
the majority of this board benches below their bodyweight.
Normally I would recommend dips but people tend to fuck up the form. If you can do them then good, if not then maybe a lying tricep extension
Majority of Jow Forums don't lift at all or have been lifting for less than 6 months so you are absolutely correct. Just look at how cbt threads get like 10 pictures in 24 hours
And would you have all these at the end of each work out or spread out between workouts A and B
Spread out between A and B. Like Incline DB on non-bench days. Lateral raises on non OHP days, tricep extensions on non bench days, stuff like that. I honestly think Greyskull lays it all out better than SS plus it allows for whatever accessories you want.
why do people make shit up about starting strength?
Starting strength is probably the most memed valid program of all time. People A) Dont understand it and its purpose B) Dont lift at all and just want to feel like they belong (see: CS101 students hating on JS/Java/PHP). Since Jow Forums has a shit load of both types of people you see a lot of hate for SS
Tyty I've been trying to add accessories to my SS program to get more volume but I lack the training experience to decide what would be sensible days to do them. Appreciate the help.
Because they have never read the book. Brainlets
Rip actually suggests using DB bench press over the barbel version if you have bodybuilding goals
You could also switch to Greyskull as it
has more of an upper body focus with less squats
per week.
Very true. Nobody on this board even lifts lmao
>Jow Forums is full of dyels
>Jow Forums is full of neverserved nogunz
>Jow Forums is full of borderline tech illiterate high school nerds and discord trannies
>/fa/ is full of faggots with shit fashion taste
>Jow Forums and Jow Forums are full of shitskins
Jow Forums has always been like this. People frequent boards they wish they belonged to not the ones they actually belong to
I considered it but I'm dubious of the intelligence of someone who calls themselves "Johnny Pain" so I stuck with SS
>now he has to spend a shit ton of time cutting, so was it really worth it? I seriously do not hope he is keeping that body as is.
lmao just do 72 hour fasts twice a month.
Did greyskull myself, it is generally considered to be superior to SS since it was developed taking into consideration the short comings of SS