What's your routine for a broken heart?

What's your routine for a broken heart?

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About 5 years of abstaining from even trying anything. 5 years or until I meet someone who I really like, whichever comes first.

Time heals. In the meantime do something useful while you are crying.

pursuing hobies and becoming a better person by the day, with a positive outlook on most things, because life is short and pain is inevitable, so might as well try to get the best deal.

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Whiskey until failure

Psychotherapy for lasting effects.

This OP. I had my heart broken and came out a better man on the other side. I took the time to have some real introspection too, it helped the girl was willing to talk honestly about what was wrong in our relationship, so I could work on that. We're all going to make it.

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5 scoops

Further to this
I started doing this, but that only burries the pain. You need to walk through it. Feel it, embrace and learn from it.

80 minutes of rugby football X failure/concussion

Also get some new poon

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fucking a dozen or so thai/viet ladyboys. its worked well so far for me.

She didn't even tell me what went wrong my man. Just fucked off and said something about still loving me and what a great person I am but sometimes people just "become friends".


It doesn't matter. Become a better man, for yourself and not for someone else.

Oof, that sounds savage. I don't wish to further the pain user, but it sounds like she had met someone else. I say this, becuase thats what happened to me, and it hurt like hell. Let the dust settle, let the emotions die down a bit, and see if she would be willing to talk. My talk didn't happen immediately either. Good luck, and keep yourself busy.

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just punch wahman. actually you should do what this user does

talking won't resolve anything in my experience, she'll just insist on "I still love you, but.."

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>tfw yesterday I broke up with my gf of 4 years
At least she kickstarted my journey of self-improvement which I'm gonna continue now that I'm alone. She also spoke openly with me about what was wrong. She thought she was below my league and therefore couldn't trust me, even though I was loyal as fuck

i had to break it off with my fiance of 3 years. now im on a ladyboy binge.

Drugs never help. Destroying yourself only furthers your pain and misery. Honestly walking, praying where you pour your heart out, mesitation etc

I just dont understand what I could've done to set her off. I've done nothing but provide and care for her when no one else would. She moved in with me, I paid for her school, bought her everything she practically wanted. I sacrificed everything to provide for her. Hell, during sex I usually waited till she came before I did. She refused to get a job or finish school, all she wanted to do was be a stay at home wife and breed fucking lizards that I'm stuck with now. She didnt even help keep the place clean, all she did was sleep all day and spend my money. But Instead, she breaks up with me over fucking text with the phone I bought her, lied and told people I was physically and mentally abusive despite having proof that she would hit and abused me, just to go back to some fucking 5"2 druggie rat boy who actually did abuse her mentally and physically. Like, I gave up my career to work some shitty good paying job just to give her everything she wanted and this is how she repays me?

Now I'm in a state of not wanting to have anything with women, I hope that I can heal from that, I would like to have a family one day

Do the Jesus prayer I had a seriously rough moment and it got me through it. Not even religious, there's just something about it.

Lord Jesus Christ

Son of God

Have mercy on me

nothing, it's not something that depends on you also rip that sounds horrible

Same as my gym routine.

You are probably in the same situation as me. She was below your level and she felt it, so she didn't want to stay with you. I think that's quite good for you man, you can find an upgrade now

>all she wanted to do was be a stay at home wife and breed fucking lizards that I'm stuck with now

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Time and distractions. Friends and family. Don’t fall into the crutches of alcohol and drugs. Work out, eat healthy, do hobbies you liked even if you have no enjoyment doing them at the time. You will work through it and be better when you are ready to move on. Also eventually fuck someone else.

Sounds like you're better off mate, don't stick your dick in crazy next time. Take some time to heal and find yourself again, don't start providing for the next chick that gives you a little bit of attention.

Also, I think that I was too mature for her, focusing on things that actually matter for long-term goals instead of instant gratification

and fuck ladyboys on the weekends. 130 dollars a pop.

Jumped on tinder and passed on HPV to as many people as I could, then headed out to work on bettering myself.

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lol exactly like my gf. she quite literally couldnt think of the future or plan ahead. i wonder if this is a female thing though. women cant play chess for shit because it requires you to think moves ahead, something only men seem to be able to do.

>breed lizards


you absolute sickening low life.

mad respect.

LMAO. I really want to troll you but I'll be considerate of your pain.
You really can't know what goes on inside another person. You could have done everything correct, be a 10/10 Henry Cavill CHAD, and she would still leave you. That guy may have suited her better. She did you a favor.

basically gets lizards to fuck each other to make more lizards

she had a lizard collecting hobby? im sorry this just sounds very odd to me.

If that were true, she would have talked. Either she was a shit person and you dodged a bullet, or she never was really in love. Did you talk in person by the way, becuase it was only that that got me results.

Well, women who use Tinder deserve it. Great job, user. Proud of you.

And the way she said it was that I "wasn't spontaneous and was overthinking everything". Yes, I think about the consequences of my actions, I'm not a retard who just does anything without reason

You gave her everything she wanted. That's what you don't understand.

You provided everything, you fucking loser. Seems to me like she didn't even see you as an equal partner, just as a cash machine and sex toy. You spoiled her like a brat and now you pay the consequences.

Why in the living fuck are you so obsessed over a woman? Giving up your career to provide for a girl, what the fuck. How old are you? 12?
This isn't some kind of high school fantasy, you need to stop and think hard about what the fuck you're doing.


yep, exactly like my ex gf. you dodged a bullet dude. join me in the ladyboy binge.

Pretty much thisShe wanted to breed leopard geckos. These little critters, desu I'm gonna keep a couple and maybe breed some myself

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tend to your lizards user, it will be therapeutic. also fuck ladyboys.


I bet you'd take her back if she knocks your door crying in 5 months

Nigga I'm laughing like a fucking clown in public right now. I'm sorry, that story is very sad and I feel your pain. But breeding lizards, what the fuck. Lmao good luck brother

Idk, she was broken and abused when I met her. Her family was also broken and dysfunctional. It's like she never felt loved and I could relate at the time. We ended up dating and we eventually became official. The next 3 years were good but she started to change, like she got more violent and bitchy. I got her setup with a therapist/med manager and she was fine for a bit. This june I proposed to her and she said yes, then it went downhill from there.

That's what she told you to not hurt your feelings you fool

>Idk, she was broken and abused when I met her. Her family was also broken and dysfunctional

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Thanks anons, I will. I got a couple of cool ones, one is entirely white with red eyes, one is white and a deep red, then i got an entirely red one with black eyes. They're pretty cool, not gonna lie.
I dont think so, typing this all out and reading it and your guy's replies makes me realize that this wasnt good for me and maybe she deserves to be with that druggie and end up like her whore druggie mom. I deserve better and somewhere along the line I lost myself respect and all my passions. Now I can do whatever I want. Plus, think of the money I save now
I know I know

you're better than her m8, forget it. birds of a feather flock and she's with her flock now and you will find yours too.

You are equally fucked up. You wanted to save your princess turned frog and gain unconditional love in return.

Post pics bro

enjoy your lizards. also fuck ladyboys, worked for me.

Try not to hate too much. Maybe allow yourself to feel anger for a period of time, but resentment and anger won't help you get better.

this. do it before the cunt jannies 404 this thread dude

It's not like I controlled her, she practically had me by the balls. She made all the choices and I just paid for it. She went through all my emails and texts to see if I was cheating but not once did I ever go through her shit



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You were too weak my friend, you need to know yourself. You need to have principles and beliefs and stand firm on them. I did the same thing with my gf. Girls want to be controlled. They will try and lead you, it's a subconscious test they do to see if youre worth staying with.

fucking based

OP let me give you some fucking solid advice from someone that had this exact thing happen to him
It happens, you're not the first and you most certainly won't be the last. I'm assuming you're in your late teens/early 20s so you have 60 more years to get your shit together. Someone better will always come along. In that she found someone else, are you really willing to be with someone that fickle? It hurts now but go get a haircut, go to the gym, make some new friends and crank whatever motivation you had before to 11
I read a post from some boomer who said how he was a fucking idiot 10 years prior and how he was an even bigger idiot 20 years prior.
Yeah moving on is absolutely drek but guess what? So is ruining your life over some thot you probably won't even remember 10 years from now. You're better off becoming a better chad and finding a girl that actually wants to have something to do with you instead of whatever bullshit you had
So go to the fucking gym, eat nutritious food and make some natty gains because remember: we're all gonna make it brah

Was she better looking than you?

This the (almost) entirely red one that I ordered a few weeks ago

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beautiful, thank you

fucking this. utterly based and chadpilled. ive been through similar shit to OP and it just made me go that much harder. Harder in the Gym, harder on the books and harder in the ladyboy's asses. Also I'm signing up for a well reputed BJJ gym later this week. We will make it guys.

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she was bit of a butter face to be honest

Fucking nice lizard


Well, whatever. There's no point in weeping over spilled milk.
What's important now is that you reconsider your life choices and get back on track. You said you have children now, correct?

How often did you fuck

yes, lots of lizard children

Was she your first? How come you were content with a girl that offered nothing?

Thank you all for your for your input. All of your words of encouragement (and meme fuckery) has really been helpful. This week I'll be dropping her stuff back at her broken family and cutting her out of my life.
Every other day when she was on her anti depressants. I was her first for everything, which I guess is something I can walk away from this with
She wasnt my first, my first died in a car crash 2 years before my recent ex. Up until then I was kind of messing around and inviting strangers over to fuck so I wasnt alone in my bed

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>She wasnt my first, my first died in a car crash

i cant imagine losing a gf/wife/lover to an accident

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It sucks user, I still dream about her every now and then. I still have her lucky bandana that I wear around my wrist.

god this actually makes me sad.

Since she's obviously not fit to be a mother custody will be in your hands. This is not the best case scenario but due to your fucked up decision making, you have to deal with this now.

You don't need a woman for a while, work on your career and raise your children. Focus on bettering your life for you and your kids, nothing else matters. Do what's neccessary.

That's the plan.

Our sex life slowed down to once a week. I brought it up, she said some bullshit about the pill. I went away for work for two months. She ended it the day I got back. I doubt she was cheating, but I guess I'll never know.

Probably better that way user, I know she didnt cheat on me because she cant drive nor can any of friends or the current guy

This made me let out an audible moan sound. That's tragic man, I hope you're okay.

This is bigger than anything than I've ever experienced, but if you have the opportunity and resources to go away for a bit, it helps. It's not gonna make the problem go away, but it gives you space from it. When you come back you will feel more capable of tackling it. It reads like escapism but for me it was the end of one chapter and the start of the next

Also, it's not weak or gay or whatever to go see a therapist. Talking to someone you have no connection to helps a lot. Depending what country you're in (read: anywhere civilised that isn't america) you're most likely eligible for free therapy too

Hope you get through it big guy

Thanks user. I'm definitely looking into therapy. Just like that old saying goes "time heals all wounds". I just need time and to find myself again.

Are you Joseph Joestar by any chance?

I wish, but my middle name is joseph

Lmao that's whatcha get for being a faggot. Name starts with a B, right?

your name starts with a B. Bastard Bully Boy

A actually
Thanks user

here for you bro

The formel is FTOW!
>Fuck 10 other womens

It doesn't matter if you are not in love with them, fuck 10 other pretty womans and you will forget her. I promise you that my friend.

Well the truth is, you will forget her after the first 5 pretty girls, but go 10 for you to understand that there is absolutely nothing special about 1 female.
Only problem is that you don't have other GOOD options. If you fuck or better make 10 other pretty girls love you, you will not even remember the first...

One tip - don't settle for the first therapist, find someone you feel comfortable talking to. Seems obvious but a lot of people I know have been turned off the idea of therapy by a therapist they don't gel with

this, except i used a few ladyboys instead.

is it ok if i pay them? it's been 4 years and i still miss her, haven't been with anyone since

How the fuck am I supposed to find 10 women to fuck bud

the only solution I can think of is prostitutes

Broke up with my first gf last week.

We were in an LDR where we would only meet every two weeks.

She told me she didn’t feel loved anymore and doubted if I ever did in the first place. She wanted to meet and tell me face to face next week but since I called her about it she broke it off there.

I told her I am so sorry she felt that way and its totally my fault and I always loved her and will blah blah please reconsider breaking up blah blah.

She didnt feel convinced and still broke it off. So in my last ditch attempt I sent her a long text pretty much saying everything above but in a more desperate tone. She then said i cant trust u anymore and break up for good and blocked me.

I know that was beta enough of me trying to latch on like that but damn I still think if I tried harder we would get back. Im slowly moving on but my friends ask why did I not try harder to get her back cuz she was such a beautiful great girl, everytime they ask that shit i get weak and almost end up DMing her again.

Plz tell me Im doing the right thing not texting her again. She was such a great girl for being my first gf, so much regrets of not doing better when together fuck. I wasnt needy either it was the opposite cuz I was kinda indifferent to her compared to how much she did for me which hurts me even more cuz that prolly hurt her a lot :(