No career

No career


Its over. What do u guys do with ur lives tell me about being a wage wage in a cagie

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Have sex.

Have sex

>Jow Forums

Maybe start working towards one?

Try it at 28.

32 lmao

23 starting uni this year.
Get over yourself little bitch

Have sex also go to school.

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stock clerk, minimum wage and hs dropout

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I dropped out of high school, got my GED at 24, and went to community college for 6 years. Self-taught Japanese and passed JLPT1, self-taught programming and completed certs. Now working at a FAANG earning 6 figures with a roadmap of transferring to Tokyo. No excuses.

get rich parents like me and become a boomer surgeon at 36

26. Been learning to code for around 6 months now on my free time while wagecucking at a warehouse.
Working on a personal e-commerce project rn for portfolio. Hope I'll make it.

try it at 30

your type of post is what i hate the most on fit. all this "just bee urself bro" "no excuses" "if i can do it you can too"
next time tell me to become a tranny and suck cocks for money.

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Same but I should be getting a job on an offshore oil rig as chemist so I'm cosy


Career success is based on class. I assume your family is of low class. Nothing to be done about it, just hope you're born into a higher status family next life.

Based and pajeetpilled

>tfw NEET KV at 28
>tfw theres a coming financial collapse without any tools to combat it, interest rates are too low to drop significantly and QE is trash, literally nothing left in central bank toolkit except reset
>tfw the great equaliser is coming, and everyone is being brought down to my level

credit expansion will then come after everyone gets their shit together and i'll ride the leisure cruise to wealth

rate my plan

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Do you even code?

This is how at least the UK works too. People may not be as open about it as they are in places like India, but if you open your eyes for two seconds you'll see it too. Did you know the majority of people who attend Oxbridge come from the same 2 colleges? Did you know most people who are born into working class families remain working class in manual labour jobs for the rest of their lives?
People heavily underestimate how much class affects your life satisfaction because it's shrouded in this fake equality anyone can make it bullshit to keep the hamsters on their wheels.

Class is a huge factor but someone who's born to some shit-tier family and has ambitions of a career can pretty easily get into an OK university and start a career that way. My CS course had a few people like that. Student loans and grants are more than enough to enable a little social mobility.

Unless you're caring for a parent or a child you can go to uni and start a decent career in 5 years, sometimes even have a placement year in the middle of it to get a bit of savings to help you during final. The UK is hardly India-tier. You don't need to have gone to Eton to have a career.

Sure is a lot easier when mummy and daddy pay your way though.

I already fucked that up anyway. Got into a decent uni but the social isolation from not being at least middle class like everyone else got to me and I dropped out. Guess you could call me a pussy, but seeing everyone around you happy and enjoying their lives with no worries in the world beyond what booze to buy and daddy buying them too many gifts just because of what they happened to be born into while your life has been nothing but constant struggle and misery REALLY does things to fuck up your psyche.

You still have decent A-Levels if you managed to get in there in the first place, you can still reapply for student finance, you can still learn things for whenever you feel ready to go for a new course, you've not fucked up your life yet, put the rope away.

Depending on your situation it could be worth trying something like NHS bank work as a nursing auxiliary or something to supplement income while working. The reason I mention it specifically was because being able to pick and choose shifts made it actually possible to take part in societies. Northern Ireland could also be a decent option before it unites with Ireland, it's cheap as fuck compared to London (I paid the same in a week for a shit bed as I did for a month in a decent room in NI), and Queen's and UU are OK universities.

You've got tons of options and from the sounds of it at least decent secondary level education. Focus on yourself and check out what options there are. Yes there are people who are getting it way easier, but you can still work and move up the social ladder. Get your mental health in check (counsellors and CBT helps even if it feels like bullshit) and see what your options are when you're ready. You'd be surprised. Make sure you choose a uni with pretty liberal retake/later submission policies though.

Also try out societies for weird shit. You'd be surprised how fun they can be. I wish I knew this before my last year of uni because I didn't actually make friends until I tried out the swordfighting and Esports clubs.

I'm just considering doing an apprenticeship at this point. Don't think uni is for me at all.

Humanity and the world moves on.
Unemployment may drop to what 10% even 20?
Fucking retards all you have to do is be better than 50% of the workforce in any given field that requires some type of thought or skill and you can push through a recession or depression. You think just because there is a recession or collapse manufacturing, or anything else that humanity unknowingly depends on will disappear?

It seems that fucked up YOUR psyche. Not everyone is like you are. Me and many people i know came from poverty and we went to decent uni's after school and even though we where poor and most had more then us we stayed on course and finished our education and while it sucked it wasn't really that bad. We where after all fixing our lives and on to better things. I can't phatom how foolish it would be for me to feel about so bad about what i did not have while i was working to better my lot. Especially how foolish it would be to think like that so that i ended up even failing it, especially since getting in to a good uni is like half making it anyways. I don't think its right of you to make a general statement that seeing others having more messes with everyone's psyche, it seems like that messed with your psyche. Step your psyche game up and don't assume everyone has your self defeating self pity mechanism going on

you're a sad sack of shit

I work as a remote software developer. I'm going to start my masters and work full time while doing it.

My dad was a farmer from a poor village, my mom was from the mountains. Both got PhDs. Don't listen to this class shit, if you're smart and you have a well defined goal you will get far ahead. No one wants to put in 80 hour weeks - they're too busy rewatching the office

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Decent idea, make sure you have your mental health in check before you waste an opportunity though. gl user

Marry a hard working woman, have kids and be a stay at home husband. I did it, it's the best neethood. Be smart and fuck her good or she'll dump you. Be sure she's not too attractive.

My mental health is screwed. Just been NEETing endlessly playing games, binge drinking amd smoking the past 2 years.

I wasn't applying the part about my psyche to everyone. God I wish people would up their reading comprehension.

america? i hope not

>looking this hard for excuses to give up

If you want to so badly, why feel bad about it?

financial cracks are sales on all stocks, only retards get poor during financial crashes, people with money make even mor emoney

How do you survive being NEET? Teach me pls

I have a bf who feeds and houses me in exchange for fucking my ass whenever he wants.

If that's what it takes...

I'm also a HS dropout programmer. Not interested in going back to school with my current wage and prospects though (we don't have the equivalent of GED).

Seething and coping

How do I get one of those?

>just bee urself bro
Was no where to be found in his posts retard

eightchan /cuteboys/ apparently

Go into trade you fucking dipshit it's really not that hard to do at least ok in life

Here's what I would do:
>Try and go to University
>Failing that, get a welding cert. and go work on an oil rig and make bank

I decided to become a flight attendant and I'm a month away from getting my license. Next step unless something happens is saving money and becoming a nurse, am 23 so you are good

how old

cripplechan got fucked bro... what do I do now?

the second you hit 30 as a man literally the only thing people see you as is your job, your job is almost 100% of your identity and it is how everybody will see you

Not sure. Guess I got lucky at least in finding a guy in my town who could take care of me. Maybe try apps or dating sites if you look cute enough?

Based boomer.

Give more info. Where do I find women like this?

>if you look cute enough
fuck, I guess rope it is

This is me Guess having a girl's physique helped me in some way

I have a degree in finance but I'm working as a dishwasher trying to maybe be a chef. I know it's retarded but I think it's fun, I get to work hard and feel appreciated and the people I work with are fucking cool and I get to screw around and have a good time with them. I can't help but feel that if I got a job with my degree I'd be stuck in an office with miserable cunts and I wouldn't really be able to screw around and socialise like I do now

what the fuck am I doing with my life bros

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You're doing the right thing. You have to do what you think is fun. The only mistake you've made is never trying to work in an office, it might be just as fun for you.

Based. I was working as a pizza delivery driver with a Mechanical Engineering degree. It was pretty cool. I got a job on an oil rig in the Baltic Sea for two months though, which was also cool.

Just join the Canadian armed forces

Yeah I can see the twink aesthetic, lucky you. I'll have to find another way.

Eurofag here. Currently 19 years old. Got a degree in programming but wanna go for my masters, it will take 4 years.

Should I do it or start working now and put aside 2000 euros every month for 4 years?

Master degree
96000 euros

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It's not all sunshine and roses. My mom constantly goes on at me for my body/weight and nags me about finding a career or else I'll basically live in shit the rest of my life.