What does Jow Forums think about bread? I live in a country where it is like an essential food...

What does Jow Forums think about bread? I live in a country where it is like an essential food, I'm trying to gain muscle mass but I don't want to get fucking fat, should I continue eating it or no? I'm literally addicted to it

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Just don’t eat shitload of it and you are gonna be fine. Also plain white bread is not ideal.

Bread is literally poison for the human body.

do you live in Algeria or something ?

How about "everywhere except the US"?

It's great. Americans hate it for some reason they never explain fully.



Bread is ok but without yeast. It is the yeast that causes problems with indigestion. You can find recipes for pita bread or any type of flat bread that uses only flour, salt and water as the ingredients. Olive oil is optional.

Yeast is good for you it's the gluten in bread that is bad.

Lab mice are fed fat to make them fat. Fat is the only dietary component that makes all mice fat in all diets

The gluten and the yeast are both bad

>It's great. Americans hate it for some reason they never explain fully.
most americans have never eaten real bread, just that disgusting white thing that comes in slices

If you're not white, maybe. But probably not.

>he likes his bread to be full of dirt, sawdust and dead insects

TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT defends his bread like a real CHAMP.
Your bread fucking sucks dude, it tastes awful and makes you fat as fuck.

extra nootrients tho

>he likes his bread with sugar

1-2 კვირა შავ პურზე გადადი და მერე გაგიადვილდება მთლიანად თავისდანებება

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Is that a new term for Americans?

Bread is delicious, and it goes good with many things. PB&J with a glass of milk is a goat tier preworkout snack if you are bulking.

>კი, დღეში სამ ცალ თონის პურს ვჭამ, როგორ მიხვდი?
მიცდია მსგავსი რამ, არ გაამართლა, თან პურის ჭამას რომ ვწვყვეტ წონაშიც ვიკლებ მომენტალურად, რატომ არ ვიცი.

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წონაში დაკლებისთვის შევწყვიტე მე პურის ჭამა სამი წლის წინ. იმის მერე კი ჩამოვედი სასურველ წონაზე მაგრამ პურს მაინც ვეღარ ვჭამ. გემო დაკარგა და სულ "ზედმეტად" მეჩვენება მაგიდაზე თუ ვხედავ

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haha the non americans know more about american diets than the americans haha american sitcoms and internet memes are an accurate depiction of american life haha he went to the midwest once where they eat deep fried mayonnaise and all americans are the exact same without regional or cultural differences haha

It's pretty much one of the worst foods you can eat. It's nutritional value is pretty much that of sugar, only your body can digest sugar quicker. So basically it's like putting a giant lump of sugar into your stomach that spikes your blood sugar and makes you fat and feel sluggish.

The only good bread is sourdough rye, fight me.

Go for whole grain wheat bread and it should be fine

Mutts add sugar to their processed bread full of preservatives.
Bread is based, all kinds. I cycle between white, brown and seed bread

Banana bread is the superior bread, don't bother (you)ing me

Real fucking shit.

>live in Paris for a few months this year
>high quality fresh baked goods on every block for a euro or two
>return to the US
>fuck why is everything so shitty and stale here in comparison

i can do this too, look

çoooç çoooçoooo oooççooo çoooçoooo oogogggooog gggoooçooççogogog

I hate It, bread is the only genuine food addiction I have and makes cutting hard.
Pic related is my fucking crack, I legit can gourge on one of these all by myself in one day.

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don't tell this to your compatriots please we don't want more amerilards in here.

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quantos quilos comes

How is white rice compared to bread?

slightly worse nutritionally
pure white bread has more minerals and essential fatty acids and more protein as well.

Superior because it doesn't contain gluten (aka poison).

Based polyglot

Bread can be anything because there are a lot of different types of grass seeds, there are a lot of ways to process grass seeds into flour and there are a lot of ways to prepare that flour. You literally can't find flour, let alone bread without niacin, iron and shit added to it. It's just a collection of the processes used to create it because it's made from fucking grass, like what cows eat.

Kek I won't. I want to move to Paris permanently though, what a glorious city.

Come bro you're welcome in here.

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It's the actual food of the gods. In moderation.

Fuck France.

Just don't eat it. Empty calories. Literally a million things better.

And if you want something carby and delicious, would you really choose bread as a treat?

based and checked portubro, that regueifa is DELICIOUS

I don't think my whole-grain sour dough rye bread is bad. Also you people thinking that Gluten are bad are idiots

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You live where they make the best bread. Pic related
Ajarski Khachapuri has literally every macro you need for gainz in one meal.

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Jew here, you can rip challah from my cold dead hands

Forgot pic

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I miss the old food pyramid and the encouragement to gorge on bread and grains

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There hasn't been any change in the basic recommendations, nor should there be. Americans consume 50-60% of calories from added fat, added sugar and alcohol (that which they shouldn't consume), 25% from animal products (that which they should limit) and 20% from starch-heavy foods (that which should be the basis of their diet)

He thinks life expectancy in america is not decreasing ahahah he thinks mortality in america is not increasing hahahaha he thinks obesity is not greater than 60% and increasing hahahahahah so funny

>5-7 servings per day

>raw egg
why dude, why not boil the egg and slice it on top WHY

the sheer abundance of food and different food from other cultures/real bakeries here is amazing you guys don't know shit about the food here

Gorge my asshole you pedantic dweeb

leaf here, can confirm we do not eat bread as a dietary essential

Bruh... as a fellow Amerilard, you need to actually leave the country and try food elsewhere, or befriend some people whose parents actually know how to make non-American food. Almost all of our "different food from other cultures" is totally bastardized, Americanized versions. People from other countries barely recognize our versions of their food.

Prob 10g of protein in that whole thing

There's a whole lb of cheese baked into that crust, way more than 10g of protein
The hot cheese and bread cooks the egg around it while it's out of the oven

"Give us this day our daily BREAD." Not "please let me have some ketofaggot tofutard shit". The reason people shit on bread is because of America loves its processed shit and bread is no exeption.

If you're physically toiling it's irrelevant. A lot of Jow Forums is not busy or active with the body besides weights.

Bread is okay but rice and sweet potatoes are much cleaner carbs