Can some of you guys help me?

Can some of you guys help me?
I'm trying to find my NEET sister a boyfriend or at least someone to talk to.
She's had extreme social anxiety since a young age after almost being raped.
Her stats:
>Age: 23
>Height: 5'8
>Weight: 110 lbs
>Hair: Dark brown
>Eyes: Hazel
>Likes: Anime, Youtube, Sleeping, Collects Stuffed Animals and Anime Figurines
>Dislikes: Vidya, Leaving the house, Eating (used to be anorexic, still kind of is)
Anyway describe yourself with the same stats that I described her with and leave some form of contact if I determine you're worthy.

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wow i cant believe this fucking bait, its so obvious and retarded i just cant belive it. anyways her are my stats
Weight:154 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes:shit colored brown
Likes: the typical anime and vidya, and also coding
Dislikes:Normies, math(even though i like coding but who cares) and also normies again idk i cant think of muchb more. is somewhere we can exchange emails and maybe discord idk this is bait

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I would love to be her friend but she's prolly a fucking normie

Autist user is it you again?

>dislikes: math
like what I like or die, faggot.

Attached: reactgun.jpg (233x216, 9K)

>dislikes vidya

Yeah, that's a no no for me chief

She's taller than me so I lost already.

Vidya has fallen to the normalfags years ago. Disliking it is based.

I'm bored so I'll give my stats
>Age: 22
>Height: 5'11
>Weight: 130 lbs
>Hair: Dark brown
>Eyes: brown
>Likes: Anime, Vidya, Math, relaxing
>Dislikes: Eating, Essays, annoying sounds

I might post contact, idk.

>disliking what normalfags dislike is based
how is this substantially different from
>liking what normalfags like is what normalfags do