What do i do? Besides go to a doctor because i am American and i cant

What do i do? Besides go to a doctor because i am American and i cant.

>always tired
>literally dying
>wake up
>eyes stinging burning fucking hurts
>look pale dying sick sad
>literally like completely white flushed ghost uncle fester looking dead
>my eyes are so black
>my eyes are literally black purple red black blue
>eye bags go all the way down to my cheek
>eye circles are completely black along the entire bottom fo my eye
>i always feel SO fucking tired
>like i might pass out and faint if i walk more than half a mile
>literally it takes me 6 months to do the slightest thing
>like i ordered this cheap shit from china and i did the math and lost like 60 dollars from shit that never showed up
>told myself every day
>okay call up the credit card company and charge back
>6 months later
>i told myself to do that 180 days
>every single day i said I am too tired ill do it tomorrow
>180 times
>always sleep
>try 8 hours of sleep 12 7 nothing works
>i just sleep 12 hours when i can because its the closest i get to not feeling tired
>whenever I sleep 12 or 11 hours STILL TIRED!!!!!!!

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>what i want to do is sleep 12 hours a day, have nothing to do, lay around for hours, keep resting my eyes on and off, take 2 naps during the day, and have a 3-4 hour period of laying down and then have a few hours of laying down before bed
>if you do the math that means i have 3-4 hours of energy. And by energy i mean get out of bed like play video games or walk around
>fucking HUNGRY as fuck all the time
>cant sleep at night
>I always stay up all night sleep all day ruin my life no matter what i do i cant switch it around and its RUINING MY LIFE
>can see my eye bags and sickness from a mile away
>always light headed if i walk around and do stuff for a long time like i might just fucking straight up pass out
>get a job one time people tell me i look tired as fuck like dying get on a webcam one time someone tells me i am tired as fuck and wont stop saying and for 10 minutes tells me how tired i look and like i havent slept in weeks everyone tells me i look high or like i need to go bed BUT I SLEEP ALL DAY

For some reason alcohol really gets rid of it. Like whenever i drink my eye bags go away i dont feel tired as fuck i dont feel like i am going to faint i dont get light headed

how much do you eat? how much are you drinking on a daily/weekly basis? sounds to me like u are extremely depressed but im just a layman
how much would it cost to get a doctors appointment?


You're literally not eating enough food and the alcohol is giving your body much needed calories

iron deficiency anemia, get blood tested i am almost certain that is what you will see

t. anemic fuckboy who is pale, tired and has eye bags all the time

Get you blood checked. Could be some definency or low metabolism.

Are you light headed dying? I can’t even do simple tasks and getting confused doing anything

Post pics of your sickness you drama queen faggot. Post diet and body stats

You sound like a whiny hypochondriac.

My bet is, you live a sedentary, unhealthy life and you eat shitty food, but you expect to feel good despite your shit choices. Quit being an asshole and go the fuck outside.

Also if you can afford alcohol you can afford to see a fucking doctor, pull your head from betwixt your zitty buttocks

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Nigga see a doctor bruh you gon die

>Believing in a pantheon of mental disorders instead of just taking responsibility for when you go to bed

I am American


i eat ramen pasta and frozen pizza all the time plus fast food, pretty sure i am going to die young but at least im not fat

Eat good quality raw meat/fish and organs go on the sun 1 hours a day lift weight regularly go to bed early at the same hour and wake up with the sun without an alarm stop porn coffee and video games

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>going to die young
>at least im not fat

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never said how much i ate did i nigger?

You never didn't say how much you ate either



Another normalfag falls for the dieting meme

But I’m chubby

You wouldn't be chubby if you ate more.

If you are European or Asian:
Drop all of your bullshit.

Start eating fucking big & fucking healthy.
I'm talking eat fucking meat twice a day, sprinkle some fucking carbs like rice in there for babyboosts, drink only water und milk.
Fuck off with sugar shit, fuck off with fastfood/microwave shit.

>I dont have time or money wah wah wah I'm a fag

Yes you do. Even if you are working 50hour weeks and have a family, you have fucking time.
Every1 that doesn't work in a fucking sweatshop has time.
Gyms cost fucking nothing, if you can manage $15 a month for a shit gym, fucking off yourself & find a way.

Stop porn. Jack off but don't watch people fucking.
Sleep from 8-9 hours, keep a schedule, fall asleep and wake up at the same times every day.
No more sleeping over 9hrs, more rest isn't always restful.
Start Doing cardio, fuck off it doesn't kill gains unless you want it too.

For any race other than European & Asian:

Dont lift, start binge watching Marvel movies/Star Wars
Start consuming onions milk, all of your food needs to be microwaved and from plastic containers.
Play video games.
You dont have time for the gym, just smoke weed and watch Rick & Morty.
Stop using the chans, use Reddit, they REALLLLY know what they are talking about & are very healthy.
Sex is bad for you, just watch porn, it's not at all an industry dominated by a tribe of inherently evil people that fucking hate you.

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