The holy trinity of making it:

The holy trinity of making it:

Jow Forums

Jow Forums

Third one is dependable, eg. /sci/, /trv/, /his/ etc.

Attached: 1565589961120.jpg (900x900, 185K)

no /fa/?

>he ignores the /fitlit/ combo

I'd put /fa/ in the thrid one as sexcore is regularly posted on here

Someone post the Jow Forums, /tv/, /sp/ and Jow Forums picture.

>Jow Forums
Full of slavs and poos.

Something about pedos?

You mean it depends you fucking idiot.

>Jow Forums
last time I checked those guys were on suicide watch

Jow Forums Jow Forums /ck/ is probably the ideal life for me

>Jow Forums
full of people shilling the latest cryptomeme they just invested in

guess most there at least have a high school diploma

depends on how you travel, just doing the typical normie vacation is a complete waste of time and money

haven't really used this board but I guess if they have actual historical discussion and not just shitposting about nazi germany all the time it seems okay

For me, it's
Jow Forums

Attached: pep.jpg (720x693, 81K)

Still better than americans

>not /fitlit/

Never gonna make it

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Not really, Bitcoin recovered to 12K recently.

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Jow Forums

But what of /ck/?

cuck king

>spending time on message boards
>making it


/lit/ is the most cringe board I know.
These people will overintellectualize ANYTHING, overanalyze ANYTHING, and will use all the batshit philosophical arguments they can find to dissuade you from following the go-getter, manly mindset.
They're the worst kind of goblins, who will use the fact that they're *correct* to mask the fact that they're not *right*.