Alright/fit/izens, I'm low on food and doing a big shopping trip today. What are the essentials of a well-stocked fridge and pantry?
>inb4 10 cases of sips and chicken breasts
Came here to post this
Although us Euros don't keep our eggs in the fridge
Wtf why
Yes, we do, where the fuck do you live?
Difference in processing, but eggs don't generally need to be refrigerated anyway unless they're sitting for longer than 4 or 5 days.
live chicken
Tuna is good af and usually has low cals. Tuna salad hits diffrent as a snack with tuna onions and vinegar
Kale, oats, milk, eggs, broccoli, chicken, brown rice and "supps"
My shopping list is usually something like this:
>Huge bag of rice
>Canned beans
>Frozen veggies
>3-5 lbs of lean meat
>Greek yogurt
>Shredded cheese
>Whey protein
>Peanut butter
>Sour cream
>Hot sauces
I try not to keep more than I need to in the house to avoid unnecessary snacking.
Bongland, eggs are very fresh and sold in the aisle
I get 30 a week from a farm nowadays anyway, just keep them in a cupboard
>big bag o' whole grain rice
>ditto for beans
>whole chicken for roast
>canned whole tomatoes
>large (5L+) can of olive oil
>eggs in bulk
>ground beef from a proper butcher
Sorry I didn't answer you
When a hen lays an egg it's covered in a mucous membrane to protect it from bacteria.
British eggs have feathers and poop on them sometimes because they're so untouched from being laid
American eggs however have this membrane washed off which makes them porous and bacterial can get in more easily, this is why they're kept in the fridge. To prevent the eggs from "sweating"
>buying canned beans
Get them dried, they're half the price
Don't forget onions.
>Big bag of rice - not parboiled, fuck parboiled rice.
>Chicken Drumsticks
>tfw IBS
Essential shopping list for me, assuming i ran out of everything:
>chicken breast
>spicy italian sausage
>jasmine rice
>olive oil
>red and white onions
>green onions
>bell peppers
>almond milk
>whatever spices im out of
>whatever other meats i want to make for the week like steak or short ribs
>whatever fruit i feel like eating like oranges
>almond milk
Waste of money, almonds and water
They take a long time to prepare, and uncooked beans can be toxic if they get into the hands of a toddler or a cat or dog. So there's valid reasons not to use them.
Beans are one of the few foods out there that don't get totally ruined by the canning process so I'll pay a bit more for the convenience.
Chicken breast.
Sweet potato.
Cottage cheese.
eh im euro i always keep eggs in fridge
get broccoli and lots of meat
Imo this all you need to be golden my man:
>big bag(s) of rice, I prefer jasmine thai but use whatever you like
>meats: chicken, beef, turkey, fat content according to your needs
>frozen fish like salmon/tilapia/tuna filets (optionally fresh fish if you can afford it and have the time to cook it the same day)
>canned tuna: natural or in oil
>a few different types of pasta
>oils for cooking: peanut or olive are my go to
>veggies: fresh or frozen, whatever suits you
>fruits: especially berries for topping oatmeal/yogurts etc. and avocados (god tier)
>yogurt: I go for 0%-2% greek/normal ones most of the time, sometimes I di 3,6% for stuff like dips etc.
>beans/lentils: can take your meals to a new level if you use them correctly
>coffee/green tea reserves (if you like to use stimulants)
>eggs (go organic and get them directly from a farmer if you have the option)
>peanut butter
>array of spices for cooking
This should be pretty much in everyone's base arsenal
Chicken Breast
Cottage Cheese
Bell Peppers (Red or Green)
Serrano Peppers
Feta Cheese
I usually buy these each week or two
Do you live in your car?
Oops forgot eggs
There's no reason to put your eggs in the fridge if you're not an American
not enough kefir in this thread
>>almond milk
>helping destroy california 1 carton at a time
>lmaoing@all these plebs keeping eggs in the fridge
you guys are clueless
I want to eat tuna but dislike the taste, and tips or recipes for that?
5 kilos of soi flour
10 liters of soi milk
10kg of carrots
I normally drench tuna in hot sauce to make it edible, something like Tabasco. Same goes for canned chicken.
I dont buy the regular flavorless one because i also dont like the taste lol. In canada and im sure other places have this also they sell flavored tuna. My favs the garlic hot pepper one but they have lemon peper, dill, spicy and a bunch of other flavors and they are also low on cals like 80-100 per can/tin thing so i usually but those they are also cheap af like 1-2$
Eat it quicker
Peanut butter
Turkey breast
Canned of tomatoes
Canned beans
Wholegrain pasta
Beef mince
I'm Dutch and we've always kept eggs in the fridge, but recently I found out it's total bullshit. If they really need to be cooled, the supermarket would cool them, but they don't.
Don't you turn all your eggs into mayo anyway, Dutch boy?
Thanks y'all, let's keep it coming. How much spare protons should I have on hand? Does it go bad fast?
Also europoors, Amerifat egg producers spray down the eggs to kill salmonella which removes a protective lining. This is why Euro eggs can be kept out but American eggs must be refrigerated
Whey powder has very long shelf life
All good options, thanks anons
>long time to prepare
You just have to put them on water for a night, lazy fuck. And I'm not so sure about its toxicity since I've eaten raw beans many times and here I am.
Over here in the US the Grocery store does keep them refrigerated...
brussels sprouts
sweet potato
olive oil
These are the essentials. Feel free to get whatever spices/accessories you need otherwise.
Posting from the gym so I might forget some things
Big fucking bag of rice
Big fucking bag of pasta
Big fucking bag of potatoes
Big ficking bag of beans
Chicken, beef and pork depending on your taste/needs
Big carton of eggs
Big bottle of olive oil
Frozen/fresh vegetables, as many as you can handle with the most variety you can muster
Whole milk
Go to the Dollar Tree and get frozen vegetables. Spinach and the "winter mix" will go a long way. There's also big bags of beans, lentils and other legumes.
The lectins in raw or undercooked beans are toxic. Don't eat beans that haven't been properly cooked.
My biggest problem is that I always forget to let them soak overnight when I want to use them. It's not so much laziness as it is forgetfulness.
Oh and there's Oats and tuna for a very low price.
>peanut oil
Fruit oils only plz olive avocado coconut
>Serrano Peppers
100% based
60 Pack Eggs
1/2 Gal Whole Milk
1/2 Gal OJ
2 Bags Spinach
2.5 lb Broccoli Crowns
Bag of Whole Carrots
Bell Peppers or Avocados
2 lbs Salmon
Olive Oil
Salt - Not Sea Salt
Pepper/Other Seasonings
10lb Bag White Rice
1lb Bag Dried Black Beans
7 lbs Steak - Choice Cut Ribeye
2 Tubs Fage Greek Yogurt 2% or 5%
Bag of Mixed Nuts
Cherries/Strawberries/Peaches (For Yogurt)
Beans are fucking cheap out the can, god damn penny pinching paupers
Agree with you senpai, especially with my little one and dogs running about
Imagine a cat eating a bag of uncooked beans
>60 Pack Eggs
A week? Based