Start taking omega 3 caps because Jow Forums told me it's based

>start taking omega 3 caps because Jow Forums told me it's based
>horrible stomach pain
>stomach growling at 110% volume
>bloody diarrhea
why did you lie to me, bros

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omega 3 supplements are toxic, all of them
get it from food, you only need a tiny ammount anyway

don't take it on an empty stomach that's it

Should've taken Alpha 3 caps nigga

How much did you take you fucking mong?
It's fucking oil
you are eating plain oil

>>horrible stomach pain
>>stomach growling at 110% volume
>>bloody diarrhea

You probably want to see a doctor that's not the omega 3 pills

you take drugs after a meal dumdum

wanna bet he just took some Joe Rogan dose on an empty stomach and it all just went right trough him?

OP is an actual retard if he did, they say "eat on a full stomach" for a reason

3 caps like it told me, 3g

-Contaminated oil.
-Unrelated sickness, sounds like salmonella poisoning.
-You've been overdosing on the oil and it's fucking up your small intestine and kidney
-Eating it on an empty stomach

Dr. Professor lead researcher John A. Mitchell Ph.d in brapiology and 20 experience in snapcity incidents

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so 3000mg?
Damn you stupid
500mg is plenty

Omega3 has been the biggest scam Jow Forums ever convinced me to buy outside of myprotein

What's wrong with myprotein ?

told by WHO

>tastes bad
>mixes poorly
>quite literally the only advantage is that it's cheap.

People on Jow Forums should read Ben Goldacre's Bad Science before deciding if they should take/shill any supplement. It's an excellent read to equip you with the tools to sniff out supplement industry bullshit.

can you post the pink wojak that is horizontally falling?

>tastes bad

Protein powder isnt' a "milkshake" get the natural vanilla chug and move on

>mixes poorly

Does well enough if you know the technique

>It's cheap

It's cheap and has what it advertises in it therefore it's good. Get that hedonism out of your system and learn what is supplements and what is food you dope brain.

>Protein powder isnt' a "milkshake" get the natural vanilla chug and move on
>Just pretend that this thing you take 3-4 times a week doesn't taste like fucking expired medicine
How about no

Natural vanilla has an extremely neutral boring flavor quit being a little cumbrain

fuck off shill i'm not buying anymore of your crappy powder

whey tastes like spoiled milk or something anyway
why are you subjecting yourself to that?
why not just eat food?

You were suppossed to eat food too, retard.

eat food first retard

Bumping, I took omegas, zinc, and calcium on an empty stomach, puked for like three hours

Because even at $40 for 5 lbs, whey is much less expensive than real food.

Chicken Breast 4 oz
>needs to be cooked
>24g protein

Whey 1 serving
>doesn't need to be cooked
>can sit on the shelf
>24g protein

you mean cod liver oil right?

Well I guess then you are probably just going to have to pretend that the think you take 3-4 times a week doesn't taste like expired medicine


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Get this in your head. Food doesn't need to be fun. Food is just there to feed you. Eating can be fun and fundamental innsociety, but it can also be that thing you do because you need to do it, just like peeing.

>Mfw I realize I said peeing can be a social activity

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Or maybe you are just a bitch who can't actually cook. Cooking is fun and constructive work and the best thing is that at the end of it all you get to eat.

Sorry user, most supplements are trash tier and are only chemically similar to the real thing. Supplementary B12 isn't even B12. I bet there's something fucked up about the omega-3s you are taking

if you're talking about cyanocobalamin, yeah its not really bioavailable. But it's possible to get supplements with e.g. methylcobalamin which works much better. Just do your research before you buy a supplement. And no, that doesn't mean 1 google search. Read some fucking articles.

I'll just eat food and track the nutrients.

Supplements are not drugs and that doesn't matter anyway because unless it explicitly says to take after food it doesn't matter

Yeah, that's another option and honestly a better one. Always better to get nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements (there are exceptions to this though).

cyanocobalamin is the most well researched supplement form of vitamin b12 and it's used in animals and humans with great success, what the fuck are you even saying?

>Supplementing with any of the nature bioidentical forms of B12 (MeCbl, OHCbl, and/or AdCbl) is preferred instead of the use of CNCbl, owing to their superior bioavailability and safety.

but one of the authors is involved in "designs for health" which sells methylb supplements. some research also suggests that different people respond better to different varieties, but honestly I think it doesn't matter that much

A lot of Omega 3 supplements are Rancid. Crack one open and give it a smell, if it stinks, that means it's rancid. You should be able to drink a tablespoon of it, go check out Cod Liver Oil or Omega 3 in liquid form.

>omega 3 caps
Am I really supposed to keep them in the fridge? Please guise

what's wrong with bloody diarrhea user