Who else genuinely good looking but reject fat girls and reject any girl thats been tainted by the smallest amount of...

who else genuinely good looking but reject fat girls and reject any girl thats been tainted by the smallest amount of degeneracy, so you're forced to reject the company of modern females altogether?

Attached: black irish.jpg (360x540, 33K)

This but Im ugly

I'm genuinely good looking but I have serious issues with anxiety and self doubt so I never end up doing anything about anyone.

This but I'm even worse than ugly, I'm average.

good looking robots are proof it's an attitude problem

If you really are good looking you shouldn' t be here

Yeah. Women really need to stop being hypergamous whores.

are you in magazines? are you cashing pay checks on account of your looks alone? no? then you're not good-looking. not good looking enough to count anyway.

black irish is honestly the best looking ethnicity.

I'd never be so callous as to say that I'm good-looking (I'm not), but I have rejected some girls who were ugly in the past.

Men allow them to be by being desperate, thirsty betas as a collective.

>all these betas thinking they're goodlooking because a woman looked their way once

whoa that dude is super cute wth

The guy in OP makes me look like a goblin by comparison, but yeah. There was once a time when girls liked me before I dropped out due to overwhelming degeneracy around the age of 19. That's the age that the last shy girls start turning into sluts.

I have a good face. Decent Jawline and good cheekbones at least. Otherwise I'm just a lanklet. Back when I was actively trying for girls back in High School I'd have female orbiters. Until they realized what an uninteresting, autistic person I am at least.

I actively get off on rejecting women now. Still wish I had a qt virgin gf though.

>only been asked out once
>Asian and can talk to her about feels
>turn her down
>she was a libtard but I think I fucked up
Did I fuck up?



It doesnt matter if you're good looking, average or ugly but theres no better feeling than rejecting a girl.

I'm good looking but I'm not a ho, and since all men are I have to be volcel.

you are being stupid, I wouldn't have lost my virginity if i didn't let thing slip.

That's why you bots, aren't getting any or fucking around. The south is stupid. conservationism is shit.

All the zoomers weren't born when conservatives were constantly trying to ban video games, comics and all sorts of shit.

To them being a conservative is cool and woke, you people disgust me.

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>Conservationism is shit
What's it like being a brainlet?

see and there it is, you think you are one of the enlightened 8 because you have embraced hated and elitism.

No, I'm enlightened because I didn't fall for decades old memes about how great "personal freedom" is. Libertine behavior is objectively bad.

Well , conforming ,working a shitty job, not making life for the generation after you and being a general little shit has worked wonders for you.

>not try to fuck her asian pussy
yes you did

Where did I advocate conforming? Modern society is toxic and conforming to it is extremely not conservative
>Working a shitty job
Never advocated for that
>not making life for the generation after you
What are you even getting at here libt*rd?

>Where did I advocate conforming?
being like all the super woke, conservative memesters on Jow Forums.

>Working a shitty job
comes with the package

>What are you even getting at here libt*rd?

you conservative folks are stagnant

>being like all the super woke, conservative memesters on Jow Forums.
I'm not saying become a WigNat so it's not conformity, you fag.
>Comes with the package
Ebin meme
>You conservative folks are stagnant
Again, what are you getting at? Last time I checked, it's you guys that have poisoned the culture for future generations.

>I'm not saying become a WigNat so it's not conformity, you fag.

>Again, what are you getting at? Last time I checked, it's you guys that have poisoned the culture for future generations.

Last I checked, civil rights, healthcare for those who needed it, as well as seperation of church and state were liberal institutions.

If you had it your way there would still be castes, slaves. and shotgun weddings.

Why don't you like personal freedom? That's the boot-lickingest shit I ever heard.

Who is this guy he's super pretty

I'm a very handsome MGTOW. I reject women because I only care about power and success. Women only get in my way of my success by wasting my time and depleting my resources.

that's the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life and I'm not even gay.

>That's the age that the last shy girls start turning into sluts.
don't even remind me, I've had so many chances. It's so easy to get a gf when you're in your early teens because they're all desperate for their first boyfriend. God I was ignorant.

>you are being stupid, I wouldn't have lost my virginity if i didn't let thing slip. That's why you bots, aren't getting any or fucking around.
to this exact moment your post was perfect and full od truth, why the fuck did you have to start politics talk?

Sorta the gay version of this
>tfw want bf so badly
>tfw peers ask "why don't you just ask someone?"
>tfw can't just say "because they're all flaming femmy faggot poof sluts"

PLEASE I need to know who he is

same here

i also got some compliments from non-family members but im very insecure and realized flirts towards me years afterwards, because i thought they were just friendly

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>realized flirts towards me years afterwards, because i thought they were just friendly
that's why I think I might have autism

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