QTDDTOT -Summer is almost over Edition

Ask your mind-bendingly retarded fitness questions here.

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If I lift and eat at maintenance, my body won't gain any new weight but will my body composition still change?
Ex: 180 lbs/25% bf -> 180 lbs/15% bf

squat 5x5
bench 5x5
cable row 4x10
dumbbell row 3x12
incline dumbbell bench press 3x12

deadlift 5x5
ohp 5x5
barbell row 4x10
dumbbell row 3x12
incline dumbbell bench press 3x12

So I have three questions about this:
- Can I mix exercices where I do some for strenght (5x5) and others for mass (3x12)?
- Is it OK to do the same exercices (dumbbell row ,incline dumbbell bench press) without alternating every week given that I rest a day after each session?
- Even if this meme routine is retarded, is it true that I will still see some progress with it, because it's worse hopping from one routine from another without being consistent?

Do you think I should start cutting or continue to “bulk”

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I do swimming and tennis alongside weightlifting. I'm pretty lean at the moment with a fair bit of muscle and I'm afraid all this excess cardio is gonna end up making me lose muscle. Can I just compensate for this excess cardio by eating more calories? Or do I have to cut down on sports (because I really don't want to)?

So I'm thinking about starting 5/3/1 for hardgainers but there seems to be no built in PR set for neither bench nor OHP, so if I never do a AMRAP set how do I calculate a new 1RM?

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Also I should add, I have dedicated days for cardio as well (twice a week). So, I'm even more worried about the potential muscle loss.

You look thinner in the after pic

Technically yes, but dramatic changes like that will take literal years of strict diet compared to just bulking or cutting.

>Can I just compensate for this excess cardio by eating more calories?
That's how it works, yes. You've discovered that cardio doesn't kill gains.

Yeah, that’s why I qualified “bulk” with the quotations. Maybe lean bulk was more appropriate?


I'm trying to lose weight while doing SL5x5 and my progress has completely stopped. What do I do? Should I do the max that I can or just keep failing over and over?

Why the fuck I don't feel anything few hours after work-out?
I do sets until supposed failure, I mean up to point I can't do reps while maintaining proper form or can't physically do a rep. My muscles feel kinda numb, sometimes I feel burn, but that's about it. After 3-4 hours everything's gone and it feels like usual.

I already asked this before, but some user assumed I don't use right weights and my muscles have adapted, but how is this possible if I still reach failure within 8-10 reps with these weights?

What the fuck do I do wrong, bros?

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Been doing a bunch of hypertrophy for a while, want to get back into strength stuff. Thinking of doing a 5/3/1 for main lifts.

For accessory work, is it better to do heavy or stick with lighter with higher rep ranges? Like should I focus on heavy curls or keep em light?

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Trying to fix my anterier pelvic tilt with hip thrusts, but it hits my spine that it's pretty uncomfortable. Any suggestions to in performing this so it is less uncomfortable?

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Please help. Last week I hurt my shoulder while doing (flat) bench press. I was able to complete the rest of my workout without problems so I thought it was minor at worst. Then last Friday I couldn't get through my warmup for bench and the same thing happened today (couldn't even get up to 1pl8 bench). BUT flat bench is the only lift that hurts; I can do every other chest exercise without shoulder pain (even dips) and ohp feels normal. What the fuck did I do to my shoulder? The pain only occurs with flat bench and it's located on the front of my shoulder and tantalizingly close to my bicep.

if your gym has those big foam pads for squatting, put the bar in those. if you don't have that, wrap it in a towel, or perhaps even both if you can for extra padding

can't say for sure but depending on where the pain is located, it's very likely the form of your bench is bad (watch some vids, really stick your chest out) and your bones have started grinding up against your bicep tendon, creating a bit of tendonitis

Could be anything but sounds like biceps tendinopathy. Look up anatomy. Stop benching. Consider doctor

Man i hate counting calories. I just put what i ate earlier on myfitnesspal and it total for what i ate all day was just 1k calories? Im cutting so thats good but shouldnt i be dead if i ate that few?

Hmmm I'll double check form next time. Maybe I'm shrugging my shoulders a bit making them activate too much? I do stick my chest out a lot. I'll play around with it and see what I can do.

Where do you retards get your protein powder? Online is best I'm sure but where?

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What the fuck is saw palmetto and why do I see it associated with pygeum

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Summer is over bros, gotta go back to college, god i hate this.

Used as a topical DHT inhibitor

I looked this up just now and now I'm worried. One of the things mentioned was an inability to curl but I can still curl just fine. What a fucking mystery injury I got.

If you, like me, only hada barbell, halfrack and a bench, what would your program be? I'm doing 531 with boring but big sets right now but I want to add more assistance work. What would you recommend and on what days?

worth taking it?

You can take the 45s and put them on your lap while you are still lightweight.
You shouldn't need more than 2 since your are just trying to fix your muscle imbalance and not train these muscles for show.
You also need to focus on stretches since tight muscles will pull your posture in weird directions.
Get down into a kneel and lean forward to stretch your hip flexor muscles so they aren't pulling your back forward.
You also want to stretch your thigh muscles out.

pretty much the same thing happened to me, curls were fine (my injured arm was definitely weaker but there was no pain)

just take it easy, ice it, and make sure to stretch your biceps more regularly.

a PT I went to told me that after any pain dies down putting the bicep under tension can help with recovery, so just make sure not to neglect bicep exercises as a result, but don't go crazy on em or anything

It will improve, but why stall? Just go on a 1k cut a day minimum for like a month. You can always do refeeds on a lifting day. Seriously dude just IF or OMAD until you hit 15% and you won’t want to look back.

it only gets worse once you're out

Stop benching if it hurts. FACEPULLS stretch your chest 3sets 30 seconds a day twice a day. If it persists, see a doctor.

This is reassuring. I'll just ease back a bit and see how it is in a week before trying out a doctor.
I do facepulls every workout just like Jeff told me to.

Maybe. I always took Finasteride which is a prescription, and I had absolutely no side effects. My hair loss stopped.

Recently though, I hated how I was checking my hair in the mirror every chance I got to make sure it looked good. I hated how I felt trapped by hairloss so I just shaved it yesterday. Great feeling.

Up to you though, I’m not too familiar with Saw Palmetto so I can’t give you any other information other than that

How to get chicana gf

I injured the ball of my foot a while ago. It was getting better but when I deadlifted on Saturday it felt worse again. I have squats today, which are a little easier for me to drive through my heels but I think I'll substitute leg press for squats today. What should I do instead of deadlift? I was thinking glute ham extensions, good mornings, and leg press but if there is something better I can do until my foot gets better I'll do it.

If i take pygeum, saw palmetto, rogaine and fin. Will i turn a grill, owo?

>doesn't use bulk to mean bulk
>still use bulk to justify cutting
You only cut when your bulk puts on fat or you aren't at a decent bf%.
Your issue isn't fat covering your muscles. Your issue is not having a lot of muscle.

On the off chance you’re serious, my test levels and lifts were never inhibited while I was on fin.

No need for fin and saw palmetto though. Rogaine doesn’t affect DHT (iirc). So no, you should be fine if that’s the route you choose

Move to south east Texas and be good looking white guy.

FYI they are fucking nuts stay away

How long is the hypertrophy window after lifting? Like, if I hit a muscle group hard and I’m sore for 4 days, is that muscle really repairing that whole time?

Amazon's subscribe and save feature is bready good for shit you regularly consume like protein powder. You can even skip a shipment if you don't use it consistently and end up with more than you need.

Could i run a 5 day 5/3/1 that also includes CGB/ tricep day? i wanted to have a focus day because they’re lacking

Im 6'0 tall 215 pounds. I am very close to 2/3/4/5. (450 deadlift)
I am still around 14% body fat though.
I have been on a diet where im eating about 1400 calories entirely of chicken and rice a day.
Is this an okay idea? How long should I keep this up? I am planning on doing it until 200 pounds.

Add vegetables for micros

Is doing a cut after 2 months of my first bulk ok? Or should the bulk be longer than that?

Current weight is 78kg at 175cm

I recently lost some decent weight and noticed that my neck still appears 'fat'.
I do have a slight overbite, but even if I correct it, the shape of my neck stays the same. Right now I'm at 16% BF so I'm not sure what to think of this.
Area in red is what I'm talking about, it's hard/meaty to grip, but I'm not sure if this is simply fat/weak muscles or something else. Just short distance bellow (blue) i have thin skin that I can grab quite easily without any fat there at all.
Any advise what the red area is and how to fix this to have a better chin? The bone is where it's supposed to be so I have no idea.

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Will that aid in weight loss? If I move from 1400 calories of chicken and rice to 1500 calories of chicken rice and vegies? Or is this just for health benefits?

A lot of people gain or lose weight in different areas quicker. I would aim to get around 12% BF. If that doesn't fix it, do intermittent fasting.

Imagine thinking lean bulking is the same as cutting

It's not the same as cutting but it's definitely not the same as bulking.
Only a retard would argue otherwise since it's literally got a different name to differentiate between the two.

Is it normal that tricep extensions are my lightest weight exercise?
Do most humans underdevelop them in their daily life or was it just me?

Ya it's probably one of the smallest muscles. Someone else could probably comment better on this than I.

Is it okay to have push and pulls movement on the same workout?

What's a good routine or program to increase general athleticism for activities like rock climbing, gymnastics, free running, etc? Calisthenics?

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What are some things I should do to reduce the chances of fucking up my shoulders from bench pressing?

Rock climbing, gymnastics, free running and etc.

I'm looking for something to do in the gym that'll help for athletic activities outside the gym.

>eat 3500 cal/day for two days, then 1000 next 2 days
>eat 2250 cal/day for 4 days

Made up numbers but the point is they total the same amount of cals for a total timeframe. Would this have the same or very close to the same effect on body weight?

user is right, if you wanna get good at climbing, climb more.

So it's likely just fat then and I'm unlucky that this part of the neck does not change much at my BF% ?

What the fuck should I do to gain weight. I used to work in a kitchen and i would see a steady rise in my weight, but I had to quit due to uni starting back up. I've been stuck at 76 kg and 183 cm for the past two weeks since I quit. Essentially my question is what the fuck do you motherfuckers eat, especially you people without a whole lot of money

chicken, eggs, rice, oatmeal, yogurt, pb&j. I'm sure there are better bulking foods but I gained 10pounds in 3 months on this diet (I'm not really bulking, lean bulking I guess).

Do you burn more calories when you are new to an strenuous activity? Do you burn less calories as you get used to the activity?

Not an expert but this seems logical to me. I boulder and you constantly see new climbers making very inefficient movements, flailing around and dragging themselves up the wall whereas more seasoned climbers will shift their balance and use techniques to minimize their energy expenditure as they climb. I'm sure it's the same for lifting, you learn how to use your muscles more efficiently over time

Think about what muscles you mainly use for the activity then do lifts that target those muscles. Like for climbing you'll want to do pulldowns, weighted chins, ohp, for upper body, farmer's walks for grip strength, leg/knee raises for core, etc

183cm also, went from 53kg to 62kg.
I was an extremely picky eater so what worked for me was greek yoghurt, cashews (with milk), cereal, protein bars, chicken or salmon sandwiches (too lazy to cook), and half a serving of a mass gainer with a banana, 300ml milk and 50g of ice cream (easy 900kcal)
I used to think I would never gain weight and constantly made up excuses for myself. But now I'm making steady progress. Just count your calories and I promise you will gain weight. I know my food choices aren't ideal but they're much healthier than the shit I used to eat and I easily reach my daily protein goal.

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Is it problematic to have the majority of your protein intake approximately 6 hours before your workout (~100 grams), with the remainder (~40g) post work out?

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How the hell were you only 53kg? Good job on the progress though.

I've made decent progress, this isn't the first time I have a go at lifting, but it's the time I have taken it the most serious. When I started in april with the program I am on right now I was about 68kg. Now I ain't saying I'm not happy with my 8kg gain, but the stagnation is so demotivating for me at the moment.

Hey, I am doing RP Male Physique Template program and I my arms are my weak point. I want to add more volume to triceps. Does doing Push-up challenge here every day helps at all? Like will doing 100 push-ups a day help my triceps size at all?

I just started to get to the gym last week i paid a trainer to help me to use the machines, she gave me the next routine that should last a month:

15 minutes of any cardio
Pulley (cable): 15x3
Pulley (seated cable row): 15x3
Pulley (lat pull down): 15x3
standing dumbbell curl: 15x3
Seated dumbbell shoulder press (back at 30º): 15x3
Seated dumbbell shoulder press (back at 90º): 15x3
Leg extension: 15x3
Leg press: 15x3
Lying leg curls: 15x3
abductor machine: 15x3
adductor machine: 15x3
Some plank and abs to finish

What do you think? it's a god start?

Are you a girl?

Not ideal, but it's not that big of an issue. Meeting your macros is more important (see pic related)
add a little bit and see how you respond then add more if it doesn't hurt your performance add more
it's kind of retarded but would still work well for a beginner with no experience training

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No, I'm a 25 yo male

>it's kind of retarded

>How the hell were you only 53kg?
Tough childhood mostly. Got diagnosed with severe depression after my sister's suicide and my weight was dropping without an end in sight for the last 10 years.
What opened my eyes was just getting really sick of being a skeleton. I always knew I had strong willpower but I never applied it anywhere because I felt like I didn't deserve to be happy.
Now I'm feeling better than ever and it only goes up from here.

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- Mixing exercises for strength/mass is fine, my routine does that too.
- Doing the same exercise as you described is suboptimal because your muscles take longer than 2 days to recover, but still not the end of the world.
- Yes, you will see progress with any consistent routine where you are pushing yourself every workout. Especially if you are a beginner, it's best to start with any routine that isn't mindbogglingly retarded, and just stick to it for 2-3 months. In the latter half of your designated amount of months research and think about how you can create a more optimized routine to switch to, or keep with yours if its working and you haven't plateau'd.

You won't lose muscle as long as you eat enough, especially protein.

Thx bruv

Way too much volume and no free weights.
Look up Greyskull LP (Phrak's or Jow Forums versions are fine) and do that. You can add 1 or 2 assistance exercises to each day

How do I fit lifting around a shift pattern?

I'm on 12hr shifts 3 days one week 4 the next and it's really hard to do anything around them, no 24 hr gym here and home gym isn't an option

It's structured like this
Wk1 wed/thur/Fri
Wk2 Mon/Tue then sat/Sun

At the minute all I do is run which is easy to fit in as I need no equipment but lifting is going to be harder

How do you increase hand and finger strength

What exercises will help give a more fem physique? I have been loosing lots of fat and some muscle to get to a more cutsey/sissy male physique. I have been kind of going for more of a runners build but what muscle groups should I focus on? Thanks in advance!

legs, core, get a waist trainer or something

Jow Forums where should I take this cute girl I met for a date? I might just ask her out for drinks but I get really anxious in restaurants/bars for some reason. She plays piano so I was think of taking her to a local symphony sometime.

How about taking her to poundtown pussy ass bitch

rent a boat and take her out into the middle of the water, guaranteed sex

i will after the date buddeh

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is doing yoga worth it? should you look to learn all of the poses?

Good shit baby boy

>went to the gym for the first time.
>Did nothing but machines cause I'm scared as shit.
>Finally went to the bench press cause I need to at least try.
>O shit these weights are heavy.

>Tfw I can only bench the god damn bar with shakyness.
>Was done for the day anyways but felt even weaker than I thought I was

I'm suppose to leave for bmt in 3 months I don't even know if I can make it anymore. Let alone pass the PT test.

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What do I eat in a day? I can eat the same meal every day 3 meals a day easily but idk what to buy

It must be 2000 calories, have 150 grams of protein, and the rest comprised of vegetables, what do I eat Jow Forums?

How do I enter my resistance or calisthenic workouts in cronometer for an accurate calorie expenditure figure?.
For example, if I do 60 min of resistance training, roughly at 1 min per set and 1 min per rest, should I input 60 or 30 min?. I hope I'm being clear with this.
You can mire my nutrition while you're at it.

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is eating 1600 calories a day too hard of a cut if my estimated TDEE (assuming zero exercise, even though i lift) is 2300 and my BMR is 1900? I eat ~195 grams of protein a day

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This video is all you need:

ok, then can i get a bf% estimate? im guessing around 17%. currently 5’11 175lbs

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I hate the routines in the sticky. What are some legit novice routines I can do 3 or 4 times a week? Not really trying to get into powerlifting or anything .

Am I fit enough to post this on social media?

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How ripped can I get by doing bouldering only + a few exercises?
Or will I forever look like a lanklet with little muscle mass ?

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I got my max deadlift up to 130kg. Am I making it?