Does having SEX actually raise your testosterone noticeably enough to affect fitness gains irrespective of diet/regimen/etc? I've never seen any conclusive proof of this. I'm a virgin btw (26 yo) but if sexa ctually raises testosterone I might be a little bit more motivated to go entice some thot
Have sex
No. If you want to get gains, go to the gym instead of LARPing on 4chins
Good quality sleep
Healthy diet
Lowering stress
That's all you need to raise testosterone
and cold showers
>need sex to increase testosterone level
>need increased testosterone level to get sex
Doing a set of heavy squats / sunbathing do more for me than having sex with my wife. After a set of heavy squats and sunbathing, the following day I wake up extra hard and I am horny all day.
>become a twink
>get testosterone straight from the source deposited into your anal cavity on a nightly basis
I fucked my gf 4 times yesterday and my lifts were dece, I always found I did my best when fueled by sexual frustration and rage though
How do cold showers help?
>start dating this one qt
>lose my virginity to her
>female coworkers start complimenting me out of nowhere
Helps keeping your balls cold thus promoting test prod. But also, .
Women can sniff out freshly unvirgined guys, it's in their genes
Social proof. Girl likes guy, therefore guy is valued. Also probably something with hormones that everyone subconsciously picks up on.
Eggs and zinc before bed.
>lowering stress
>good sleep
but user, my stress keeps me awake at night
Yeah and it's great for your mental health. Despite all the people you hear saying shit like "I'm a strong independent woman who doesn't need no man" or "women are worthless I'll live without them" men need women and women need men. Of course there's been a recent successful attempt to divide us but that will never change that we need each other especially in our younger years. When you turn 60 you'll stop giving a fuck but every young man and woman should have a partner(doesn't have to be sexual)
or they just talk about it and now that guy has gone up in value because its something they cant have or is Now harder to get.
No, you can noticeably increase your test only with roids. If you are genetically inclined to have low T there is nothing you can do: nofap, zinc, sex, eating healthy etc will increase your T by a negligible amount (unless your diet and sleep schedule are garbage, but I'm excluding this case since you already browse Jow Forums).
If you are VERY low T (well under avg - standard deviation) talk with a medic
Look up the 20 rep breathing squat program. That will release testosterone like no other.
However. If you are overly concerned about your testosterone levels, you should just consider gaining your doctor into putting you on to TRT.