Hate having a small wrist makes my fucking arm look tiny REEEEEeEEeEeEeE I WORKOUT GOD DAMN IT Reeeeeeee
Hate having a small wrist makes my fucking arm look tiny REEEEEeEEeEeEeE I WORKOUT GOD DAMN IT Reeeeeeee
How is that small?
It is look at this shit girls have bigger wrists
>thought I had tiny writs and hands because alot of people mog me
>actually measure the girth and compare it to a survey with percentile rates
>86th percentile(of white Americans)
I don't remember how thick my wrist was but this was at the thinnest part, and I do remember the results was 86th percentile and that the reference sizes were from a survey of White Americans
looks pretty normal to me spaz
I'm 25, 188cm. Look and feel like a kid, no grip strength, tenditonitis.
Hello I'm user and I'm a wristlet
My dick's the same circumference by the way
without any measurement reference how the fuck are we supposed to know or care
Being obsessed with wrist size like some kind of lesbian
>Never gonna make it
Small wrists make your forearms look bigger if you actually work them out.
17,8cm whatever that is in burger
Wristlet here as well user, honestly the key thing to having small wrists is just grow taller.
Girls done care if you have small wrists if you are 6’4
Trust me
yeah same problem, im unironically trying to increase the size through my mind. I've read people change their eye colour or someshit and thought id give it a try for shits and giggles
>havent worked yet
It's about 7 inches which is above average
I’m 6”2 and you don’t look like wristlet
They both look normal you insecure retards, not everyone is supposed to have giant wrists.
Girls don't care about wrists, imagine being 6'4 fit guy and blaming your fucking wrists because you can't fuck girls, that's beyond pathetic. I'm 5'11 with "small" wrists and it doesn't stop me to get puss, stop being a fucking retard.
Who the fuck cares what girls think?
This girls don’t know what they want anyway they are retarded
>wrists arent even the same fucking size
The guy who said that girls don't care about you if you have small wrists and posted his picture where his wrist looks very normal to me.
My hand is average and my wrist is kinda small(I can barely touch my pinky with my thumb around it). But all the fucking boomers I've met have giant fucking hands and wrists, at least 1,5 my size. Even fucking skellys. Is it really a decline in testosterone which causes this?
Don’t call me a retard again or we’re gonna have some problems, bud
Also hardwork since child age,many started working when they were 13-14 years old if not even younger.
My hand and fingers are longer than my dad's but he mogs them because his hands are thicker
Imagine using your grip strength all day long,getting small cuts,bruises on a daily basis for decades.
Why are you holding a mirror like a retard
Are you implying everyone on Jow Forums isn’t a self obsessed retard
You can be my twink boy if you want to
See when you do that "okay" sign? That hole between the fingers is bigger than my wrist.
Arnie had small wrists, stop making excuses
sure but only if I get to put you in my fanny pack when we go in stores manlet
this is the most autistic thing to be autistic about
I would literally break your fucking bones you dumb bitch and you know it. You can't even talk to girls stop acting like a tough guy.
That wrist looks completely normal. Arm muscles need some serious work though.
Cringe > 9000
mirin skin
Says the guy who is a 6'4 decent looking guy and blames his virginity on his wrists
your skin looks like a month old cum rag
Okay but I don't care unlike you. This faggot can't talk to girls because of his wrists and tries to make fun of other people to hide his insecurities, you are really pathetic.
you know exactly why
lay off the needle mast cuck
Mistakes of my youth, they are really terrible I know
you didn’t even read my original post you dumb roided monkey.
I have no problem talking to girls (cause 6’4).
Stop getting mad at me cause you’re a 27 yr o roidhead faggot, comping cause you were never the chad in high school.
As far as you breaking my bones bro idk, I wrestle at 195 and I’m pretty sure I could keep your stocky ass away by just pushing your forehead with my reach.
Love you bro be safe and have a nice day at the gym
Who you think has the longer dick between you two
>gf holds my hand and says i have hands like a girl
Yeah even details like hand size bitches notice thots are slick as fuck
Pretty cute, show us your tummy
>implying it’s not your pussy forearms that look ass
I can overhand grip 3 plate deadlift and the bar is secure and I do 90 lbs chin ups my forearms are not weak it’s just they look small because I’m a wristlet I don’t have a big bone structure
No one asked you faggot
it's aesthetic af bro wth you on about
you're all faggots.
>gf says I have hands like a girl
>I'm embarrassed but I like it
>my arms look tiny
It's not your wrists you fucking dyel
Wouldn't mind if I was a twink but I'm fugly