Just ordered pic related, been squatting barefoot until now. What shoes does Jow Forums squat in?
Just ordered pic related, been squatting barefoot until now. What shoes does Jow Forums squat in?
I have some Nordic lifting ones I got off Amazon. I think they're pretty good. Only problem I had was the inserts started moving around in them so I had to superglue them into place. This was only after around 8 months of wear
buypig nonsense
>t. Squatlet
I have those same shoes in black - I like them personally but they are the only pair I’ve ever owned so I can’t really compare them to anything
This exudes power
Enjoy bloatmaxxing and noaesthetics
>Autism: Now available in footwear.
no frills, buy em cheap, cover your feet and don't break your ankles.
Nike Metcons
they're strictly okay.
Shoes are for losers. Real men lift barefoot.
Imagine thinking your fancy shoes will do anything but make you a bigger pussy.
Post squat, faggot.
>no frills
Or stability, or force transfer to the floor, or anything else really. Also post squat.
I was so distracted by your girly shoes I forgot the picture.
makes sense to me
I ordered a pair of those. Returned them. I ordered a size too small. realized though that I look like a faggot + I homegym so I just squat barefoot. Bought a sweet set of adidas skater shoes that are super comfortable for work though
Post squat
Have a deadlift on the house.
>Incline bench press
>Bridges to the point of it being a flat bench press
>High, bar on neck, knee wraps, knee cave, foot pronation, bitch weight
Get shoes.
Did you always use them or did you buy them after a while? If so, how was the transition?
Never was trying to talk shit about a legend.
>judging the GOAT
seek help for your autism, user
He did several things right, but no one is perfect
You should get shoes. And pants. And a long sleeve shirt.
t. doesn't have proper ankle mobility
I can squat 180kg without squat shoes like Arnold, but it's safer with the shoes.
Post YOUR squat you retard
It's also harder to deadlift in squat shoes than bare foot
>not getting the golden wl shoes
Did you accidentally post your bench number instead of your squat?
"Safer" you need a tampon Marge?
Still no post I sight
Anyone knows how these fuckers compare to the nedre Nike Romaleos (2.0)? These look so much better and seem more comfy, except for the shitty tounge on the Romaleos I used to be happy with them since they're pretty light but stable, but now when I see these guys I kinda regret wasting $250.
Being the edgy 'lol safety is for pussies' retard doesn't make you cool.
If Arnold does it that way, that’s how you do it. Fucking zoomer autist.
Claiming "saftey" so you can buy gym bling because you think it will help with your 135lb squats is laughable.
I looked at some youtube videos but I mainly took these because the local adidas website was an easy way to get them and nike was playing hard to get. I'd wager they aren't all that differend, but who knows.
In one post you let us all know you do not understand the fundamentals of the bench press. Good job tard.
If Arnold drank piss you drink piss and hope to even reach the base of the mountain that is his greatness. Fucking zoomers.
>if this roided up Hollywood celebrity survived going it in the 70's it MuSt Be HoW yOU Do iT
Congrats on your 16th birthday and on having spent almost two weeks at your local Planet Fitness my man. You wear a Gold's singlet too?
"Survived". You mean thrived as the poster boy of the golden era and is STILL considered the GOAT?
Get a life pussy. You ain't shit.
Get shoes. A nice coat. Plenty of bling to distract from your physical appearance.
I started barefoot but got them at around 150 - it was not too different it didn’t really take much getting used to
All of you knobjockeys post squats, immediately.
If you're spending more money than you'd spend on a pair of Adipowers, you're spending too much. I never had the PowerPerfects (OP shoes), but my first pair of squat shoes was the Powerlift 2.0s. They had a slightly lower heel (.6'' as opposed to .75'' on the PowerPerfects), but the heel was made of the same material. The heel might be ever so very slightly compressible under heavy weights, but they're still infinitely better than barefoot, sneakers, Chucks, or whatever other broke ass meme shoe the unjobhaving motherfuckers on this board keep pushing. Pic related is me squatting in the Powerlifts. Them or the PowerPerfects are an acceptable bargain squat shoe.
Correct, I started early right when I started to feel a little pressure on my feet - I didn’t want to wait until things got bad
Is this 6pl8?
kek, cope harder. it's 2k19 and Arnold's not even in the top 10s of most aesthetic mr Olympia's anymore, boomer bitch boy.
been wearing the same shoes for a year, they are a huge upgrade over regular gym shoes for leg exercises
You made the right choice, gains shall cometh your way for a long time
Post post Arnold non hgh bloatmonster block.
Holy shit you were so close to falling backwards.
This is my biggest fear in drastically increasing my squat weight. So far I can go to 140kg, but no higher.
Also, I squat in vans.
Not you.
>Holy shit you were so close to falling backwards
No he wasn't, the bar stayed over midfoot almost the whole time
If you're talking about his butt shooting back best to ask him specifically but some people try to do this to engage hip drahve
Still living in a fantasy world I see manlet.
6playt is 585 lbs, that was 600 lbs. Haven't yet managed to do more than that, but I also lost nearly 40 lbs since then.
>Holy shit you were so close to falling backwards.
Not during the squat itself, but I almost did beef the whole thing trying to get it back into the rack (you can see a wobble right at the end, I basically lost it off my back, but right into the hooks) because with that slanted fucking thing, I had to walk three or four steps in and out to get clear of the slanted uprights.
>Get utterly BTFO'ed
>N-not y-ou, desu!
Try not to hurt yourself, coping that hard without a warm up. Go ask /plg/, they'll confirm it's me and probably also call me a faggot.
You squat that shit like a mile deep too, mirin'
watch the toes :05 - :08. also,
I'm at 117.5 kg now, I don't really have issues but I saw shoes recommended a lot and they had been next on my buylist for a while now. Can't wait to try them.
Little wobble, still wasn't close to falling backwards
Notice that I'm not the tripfag squat poster in question
Captain fat tits struggling to squat bench weight wearing a suit and wraps pretending he's a swole bro talking about buying some gym bling tossing around "cope" sit down boy tits before you hurt yourself. Grab a slingshot and a super suit and start video on your 180lb ORM
Chuck Taylors forever
t. Hank
How much did you claim that was?
Six hundo he said
Not even close. Notice the difference in plate widths. Looks at the cutouts on the inside plates.
4pl8, 6pl8 it's still more than you squat
That's 405 tops.
Its probably not even more than I bench
Those are all 45s, it's common for gyms to have a few different sets of plates that might be subtly different in appearance. nobody would lie about a 600lb squat anyways, it's barely past novice level. honestly, most guys can OHP that much with a little bit of training
405lb ORM pretending to be a 600lb.
I'm not the fucking trip fag, my PB is only 5pl8 anyway
Cutouts on bump plates are a dead giveaway. I fucking front squat 405.
It's "1RM" you tismic pie, holy shit.
I doubt that's Hank. Hank only knows 4 moves, and Capitalization isn't one of them.
my gym literally has the same plates. they are as close to 45 lbs as any uncalibrated plate is
Its whatever the fuck I say it is. I bench more than you squat.
The outside plate is a 45. The rest are questionable, probably 25s. Maybe 35s mixed in. The inside plate is silly light.
>shits self
Ordered these for 50$. Are they any good?
You're a COW, capisce? You're ENORMOUS