Martial Arts General. Discuss training and fighting and such.
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I found this to be an interesting exercise. Legs hurt like hell. Use pic related if you have no wood.
i think you're doing the wrong side in that video
His tattoo looks so shocked
>tfw /asp/ is filled with autistic pro ‘wrestlers’ flooding all the catalog with spandex wearing thots and gay pro acting
At least Jow Forums groups all the good shit in one board now, fuck /asp/ies kek
Also for any wrestling bros, do you know why the guy didn’t defend by hooking the suplexer’s right leg instead of left? Better to just do the shrug defense when they’re at an angle?
Had my first K1 win by KO lads will upload on youtube, likes appreciated.
Have a (You), that's awesome
Fucking sweet man. Please upload the link, I'd love to watch it.
What weight class did you fight in?
brain damage general
S tier = boxing
B tier = muay thai
C tier = bjj & wrestling
yes, i've done all 3 in the course of 12 years
Grappling is probably not the optimal choice for anyone looking to fight, but pair it with decent striking and suddenly it becomes a ground and pound TKO. I only compete in BJJ but I train MT/Kickboxing for fun and just in case I have to fight many Tyrones at once.
gotta agree
boxing is fun as fuck, but in terms of a proper MMA fight, it's not enough
for street fights, good boxing is god-tier
any actual fighters here? what's your cardio like?
i've been running 4x a week, but i kinda wanna move it up to 6-7x a week
just curious
It’s Different than running, but runners always do well with the transition, their body adapt quickly.
well, we're waiting
UFC this weekend is gonna be a bute
a good way to get periostitis.
conditioning like that will fuck up your shins in the long are kicking (hard) heavy bags, pads and sparring. that's how you do it.
t. muay thai fag
can't wait to see Costa get bodied by Romero
battle of the """genetic freaks"""
Dana's a legend for setting this fight up, lol
congratulations brother. keep up the good work!
75kg limit (middleweight for this event)
took a while video is up
That's fucking awesome mate, good shit.
I'm looking forward to it
Requesting any of Eddie Bravo's books.
Vicious fucking strikes for the KO man, shit. Looking good, keep going.
cheerio, looking to fight again soon at a higher weight, can't be arsed with all the cutting
Read this
Fuck, I miss kickboxing. Striking and kicking just feels so good, but I had a concussion in training (2nd ever) so it's best to stick to grappling from now on. I miss it though
yo bros i wanna do boxing and starting strength
problem is the days after boxing feel tiring so my lifts go down a bit.
Will my body get used to it or am i over training?
>boxing and ss together
literally trying to train different ends of the spectrum
you can't have 100 stats in everything
you'll have to prioritize one over the other at some point, can't be a powerlifter and a boxer
watch me try boyo
will report in a month if my body gets used to it.
I know what you mean man, I had to cut quite a bit this past wrestling season. Absolutely miserable.
you can't do both optimally.
I'm not really interested in the anecdotes of one of literally ten thousands of people who tried to do both at the same time and failed
your life is yours to waste
Can you /mag/icians recommend a good conditionning routine for muay thai? I do rounds of jumping rope for cardio, and body weight. Mostly Bulgarian split squats, pull-ups, close push-ups, I want to gain weight and get stronger basically.
Having a tough time with stretching as I'm not flexible at all, so working on that. If you got favourite stretches or recommendations about that I'll take it.
I don't run much, kinda prefer jumping rope and I find running really boring. Is it worth it to run? I'll do it if it is, anything to get stronger.
>Pic unrelated, just a chocolate mousse I baked some time ago
damn ok
how did your season go? not too familiar with wrestling myself but it looks fun, lots of good mma fighters have a solid wrestling background
>I don't run much
then you won't be competitive
I knew a guy who could slow jump rope for an hour straight no break, but he couldn't last more than 3 rounds of sparring before a break
Congrats man.
Well shit. Will take it up then, thanks for the heads up. How do you make it bearable?
>21 posters in thread
someone took a second look caught u mirin
music mostly
I change from running on a track to the treadmill every now and then
It was my first year of wrestling, so I got lit up pretty hard. Lots of dudes here have been wrestling since they were 6, so it's tough for someone who started late. I had lots of fun though, and I'm a lot better than I was.
Ok, good idea to switch every now and then.
sounds about right, it's always tough when you first start. My first bout was a loss. Don't give up you know what they say you either win or you learn.
probably because he did it slowly.
boxing is explosive, i did a lot of running too and it worked but i didnt do it slow. I did a fuck ton of sprints with jogs/shadowboxing for rest
glass jawed dude but noice nonetheless user
>can't be arsed with all the cutting
Have you considered this
Find a nice place in the woods with trails, makes running 100000x more bearable
I thought about it, there will be an event in october with a no limit class i might sign up
I'm interested in starting freestyle wrestling or bjj, what lift would be the most useful to maintain? Squat or deadlift?
>freestyle wrestling
that's trash and nobody does it except olympics. do folkstyle instead
Why did Bigfoot retire? I wish he didn't.
>do folkstyle instead
Don't know what that is buddy, but the wrestling club I am thinking of joining produces national and commonwealth champions, and olympic level wrestlers in the UK.
mmm you look scrumptious, cant wait to beat one out to your videos :)
Well done buddy
Bigfoots got a family :( fun fights but he's gotta enjoy his life too mang
Anyone here do martial arts and powerlifting?
I don't need to be Candito or Larry Wheels levels of strength, I just want to be strong and be able to fight. It's hard to balance all of it.
Been training Muay Thai for a little over a year, and a little bit of BJJ in between.
Leddit has some guides on how to balance training weights and BJJ, give it a google
I'd like to get into boxing but I'm worried about getting brain damage from a bunch of hits to the head
Plus my eyesight is terrible and i'd probably have to wear contacts that would get rubbed off my face during training
I've found 5/3/1 BBB is the best for maintaining strength while training 4 or 5 times a week in both BJJ and kickboxing. I've made consistent gains with this routine and maintained my strength. It's rare I see someone stronger than me in martial arts, and when I do they're much larger.
Isnt Glen Cordoza the guy who works with Kelly Starrett? I always wonder what kind of flexibility routine i d need to do to apply eddies style of jiu jitsu.
Solid work user. Congrats on the W!
folkstyle is where 2 guys start standing up, and then wrestles for takedowns and and work on ground control to pin them.. used in college, highschools, and mma
freestyle wrestling is where 1 starts on the ground and the other guy tries to flip him onto his back, it's really fucking gay
greco is basically like only throws and no ground work
>open video
>nog BTFO
Folkstyle is only done here in the United States. Based on his response, he lives in the UK. It would literally be impossible for him to do folkstyle there
I've heard him say you literally just need to be able to get full butterfly stretch and double lotus and you're good to go.
You get 5 concussions, you could still do a bit more
literally just lift first and rest a bit before boxing, you'll be fine
fuck off and die