He looks better than all your homosexual bodybuilding and aesthetics heroes and he doesn't train for aesthetics.
He looks better than all your homosexual bodybuilding and aesthetics heroes and he doesn't train for aesthetics
Other urls found in this thread:
he literally did a bodybuilding show and takes steroids, he does bodybuilding routines
Lu Xiaojun is more aesthetic than Klokov. Both look good for weightlifters though. Most weightlifters are either fat or look dyel.
He does crossfit though
He did a bodybuilding show, OP. He's a bodybuilder by definition.
you have 5 seconds to name one thing wrong with homosexual
>hard mode: dont resort to projecting or advertising your latent self-loathing
Homosexual couple can't have biological children. One and only thing one you need to know
It's ok to be gay.
you need to have sex to have children, user
No its not
People like you who can't find a partner at all can't have children either, so you should just die
>homosexual couple buys surrogate
>homosexual couple has children
neither can most of the autists on this site, though
he said biological retard, are you illiterate too?
They put pp where poop comes from
Bet you feel pretty stupid mow huh
They're gay.
He did a bodybuilding show for marketing, but he looked good way before doing it.
Arnold looks like a weird freak compared to Klokov and is MUCH weaker.
Thats bc Arnold and almost all body builders of that age were roided out of their fucking minds. Klokov keeps his juice on the down low.
based and redpilled
They suck dicks
LOOOOOL look at all of this cope. Seriously, have sex and no, your decrepit mongoloid of a partner sticking his diseased, numb rod of flesh into the hole where stinky, brown WASTE comes out of isn’t sex. Also, consider suicide (statistically will eventually) and post bodies.
On what are you basing this claim?
>arnold could clean and jerk 242kg
>Arnold looks like a weird freak
Go beat off to your man crush and get the fuck off my board
>The virgin arnold vs the chad klokov
That's not a movement a bodybuilder would focus on. The risk of injury would be too great. I bet Arnold could curl more. Arnold probably used far more weight on calf raises as well. The list goes on. Apples and oranges.
ROFL. Arnold barely squatted 230kg for reps.
You seem to be dumber than I anticipated.
Klokov is much stronger than arnold ever was, you're mentally ill if you think otherwise. Have sex.
He was a powerlifter before he was a bodybuilder. Those numbers are from when he was 15-19 or twenty.
Imagine what he would have thrown up in 74!
>weaker than Arnold
Let's not forget that Klokov PUSH PRESSED 225kg
Arnold. You are comparing teenage Arnold to a mature athlete. Are you a complete knob? Rhetorical.
Arnold was winning medals powerlifting in his teens. Then he stopped. Imagine thinking this fucktard belongs in the same sentence as Arnold.
Arnold was still getting stronger in adultdood and his lifts were nowhere near klokov. You are mentally ill. Arnold went into bodybuilding after he realised he would never make it in strength pursuits.
This is who you comparing your man crush to.
Klokov still has squatted, benched, and deadlifted more than Arnold ever did. Klokov also has a much stronger strict press
Arnold did 450lbs for sets of 8 on heavy days in 1974.
Arnold is the greatest man to ever walk the planet, he’s dominated every career he’s followed all of them being extremely hard to reach the top in. Your fucko Klokov is virtually unknown compared to Arnold. How dare you compare a mere weightlifter to a god.
Only good California governor
But what about Ronny Reagan :(
>Someone who does alot of roids looks good
him & all of the aesthetic weightlifters do a fuck ton of hypertrophic accessory work to prevent injury
literally take away the oly lifts from their programs & they're on bro-splits
sodomites btfo
Fuckin FAGS
Look at how dumb you look trying to defend your sexuality on an anonymous Japanese image board.
and here I was, proud of pressing 225 lbs, when I see Klokov do it in kgs, lmao
Based hetero bro
They're faggots. That's what's wrong with them.
>Klokov keeps his juice on the down low.
I can't believe I share a board with retards like this. Oly lifters at that level are roided out of their minds.
Arnold wanted to be a bodybuilder and movie star like his idol Reg Park since he was 14, you fucking retard.
>H-he looks better than all your homosexuals!! b-bodybuilding and aesthetics heroes and he doesn't train for aesthetics!!!
Unironically this.
Not all homos are faggots.
Some straight men are faggots.
Therefore homosexuality is not the problem.
>Not all homos are faggots.
Excuse me Sir. You dropped your selection bias.
Of course you think all homos are faggots when your perception of homos is limited to the people against whom you're waging political e-wars like a faggot.
>you're waging political e-wars
Nope. You're just projecting now.
Nice buzzword.
Your whole post is full of buzzwords, retard.
Here's an actual example of projection for you.
It's not because actually read your posts, retard. See this is why everyone thinks homosexuals are all faggots.
>everyone thinks homosexuals are all faggots
In your echo chamber.
In reality. Tumblr and twitter aren't representative of normal people.
lol at uno frog
>Extreme amount of sexual partners
>Epidemic of std's
>Make up a large amount of pedophiles
Topped with the fact that they're all sexual deviants contributing to the degeneration of decency, morality and virtue.
Yeah, that's my entire argument summarized.
To shitty depth while on a mountain of roids
Stop committing blasphemy you actual degenerate.
That said, it's hard not to respect Arnold for literally dominating every career and aspiration he set his mind to. If it weren't legally impossible, he'd already be president.
hard mode: FAILED
Based critique of the Catholic Church.
Arnold was using less than the clown you have a hardon for and Arnold was stronger.
Arnold was definitely not stronger than Klokov, though he was strong as fuck in his prime. A 735lbs deadlift and 450lbs bench press are nothing to scoff at.
Arnold did 450lbs for reps. His 1rm was 500+. His deadlift max calculated from workouts beats your boy as well. Only on squats was he weaker.
Stop comparing a juiced up man to a young drug free Arnold.
Klokov couldn't compete with peak Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold wasn't even training for 1rm and he still bested Klokov in both the bench and deadlift in the mid 70s.
Post up Klokov numbers at 19 years old and compare them to Arnold's at 19 when he was in fact a competitive medal winning powerlifter.
>Arnold did 450lbs for reps. His 1rm was 500+
That's what he claims, but it has never been confirmed. I'm using his competition stats.
>His deadlift max calculated from workouts beats your boy as well.
Absurd. And Klokov isn't my boy. I'm not that other guy you were talking to.
>Stop comparing a juiced up man to a young drug free Arnold.
>drug free
Kek. Good bait.
Arnold's competition stats are from when he was 19. Compare them to Klokov stats when he was in the jrs in 2003 @ 19 instead of now.
Arnold and Franco lifted in public. He didn't lie about his lifts.
Arnold started taking steroids when he was 15 years old you tithead
Unless you have some kind of proof Arnold benched 500 or any of his other stats you have no argument.
I have some. But we can just use franco's numbers and size to show how big a bitch your boy is... "At only 5'5" and about 185, his best-reported lifts are a 750 deadlift, 665 squat, 525 bench press, and 400 clean and jerk"
oh yeah you got'em bruh
They're going to hell, if they don't repent.
Only bugmen think that "biological" children are the onlyones worth having.
FYI 20% of young adult couples are infertile.
grab a book on stats
you're probably white, why are you still worshipping a kike and a sandnigger deity? cuck
Going to an imaginary place of punishment on the orders of a being that banged it's own mother so it could impregnate her with himself so he could kill himself as a sacrifice it demanded as payment for the things it created and allowed to happen. Yeah, seems legit.
It's ok to be gay. It's not ok to try and force pray it away.
>using Franco's numbers to prove Arnold is stronger than Klokov
Using Franco's numbers to show a multiple time Olympia winner who is much smaller is stronger and therefore proving the OP is wrong.
Comparing some mediocre assclown to gods. Sit down mantits.
That's all well and good, but you were talking about Arnold.
Arnold's gym numbers from prior to his Mr universe win 1969 21-22 years old.
545lb squat
500lb bench press
710lb deadlift
270lb cheat curls for reps
>545lb squat
>500lb bench press
>710lb deadlift
>270lb cheat curls for reps
And there's not a single source to back those up except Arnold himself. How convenient. I guess we should believe Jason Blaha really did have a 500lbs reverse bench press back in the day.
Many sources back him up.
When you compare Klokov (laugh) to Arnold Schwarzenegger at the same age Arnold was stronger. No debate.
Who ?
Lmao the dick and balls so fucking small !
Calm down manclit.
Oh dont woory onions boy, did you got mad because is shited on your roided fag?
Buhhuu, go jerk off to him and browse your cuckhold porn to make you feel better