How do i make brain gains, Jow Forums?

how do i make brain gains, Jow Forums?

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By making body gains, meditating, and oh yeah, studying.

Browse Jow Forums


1x10 pages or to failure of a book of your choice before bedtime.

Read a book nigger.

he said brain gains, not schizophrenic retardation

i mean if you can filter out the 95% bait, trash, schizo posters, fbi shills, glowniggers and any ordeal of those, Jow Forums has some decent insight

Aerobic exercise, cruciferous vegetable intake, high protein diet, low inflammatory diet and lifestyle, sexual and social gains, and probably

god damn Jow Forums is retarded

I like meditation. The brain is fed stimulus almost 24/7, try to give it time to focus on nothing a few hours a week. Tinker puzzles are fun, idk how beneficial that are though but it's a good thinking and problem-solving distraction. I tried chess but I'm too retarded for it.

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>if you filter 95% of the river, 5% of the is clean water, might as well drink it
yikes, you realize that your mental health is destroyed by all that shit yeah? as much as you think you can filter it, you're still reading it

"just read" is the stupidest advice ever. if reading had any real impact on intelligence, everyone on this site would be geniuses since they're reading at least 10000 words a day

>of a book

reading a book isn't the same as reading 20 word posts 90% of which can be summed up as them calling someone else a faggot

If someone took every Jow Forums post and compiled it into a book, would anything change?

Literally turn off all external stimuli like radio, tv, internet and sit and read for an hour a night. Fiction, non-fiction, whatever. Best way to get brain gains and improve concentration.


Learn an instrument. I practice violin for at least an hour every day.

Read. Preferably non-fiction, but since any recommendations I'd give would betray my left lib bias, reading fiction is fine.

It would be autistic homoerotic ramblings



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fiction is shit tier. rots the brain. it didn't happen, so who gives a shit about it? fills up your brain with trash. read only history/biographies/college press history books.

i read books but everything just leaves my memory after a bit. how do i make memory gains, Jow Forums?

>reading anything but nonfiction makes you retarded

It expands your vocabulary. It's entertainment that keeps your brain constantly engaged. It can be a simulation of how real people behave in different situations and what their thought processes are. There's a reason why we have kids read fiction books.My nephew was recently able to contextualize a school bully by relating him to Draco Malfoy. Shits important.

t. illiterate nigger who never read Moby Dick

Also curious about this

holy shit, bringe. imagine the brainlet

this, i started going to Jow Forums around the migrant crisis and before trump was elected as candidate. I put a lot of money on him to win the election and got out of Jow Forums after.

>There's a reason why we have kids read fiction books.

Not just kids either. Hemmingway helps young men deal with sexual frustration. "The Knight in the Rusty Armor" is a staple for people who've dealt with trauma. etc.

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Reminder vegans are deficient in creatine, which is why they show big IQ boosts on creatine supplements

Start with the Greeks.

You are reading like you watch TV, just sort of mindlessly digesting the words as they pass through your optical nerve.
You need to actually think about what you are reading and analyze it. Write while you read.
I recommend "How to Read a Book" for an introduction into deeper reading.

Don't do this, it makes you think like a Chinese dictator.

It's not really brain gains. Just read OP. This is for people who like nice stuff. This will teach you money management.

I try to immerse myself in the whatever I'm reading. If the book is describing a particular scenery, imagine yourself there. When you go to recall what happened in the book you can recall the imagery as opposed to words on a page.

>how do i make brain gains, Jow Forums?


Yeah Jow Forums is literally cancer, if you want tk lower your IQ then yeah, go there

What kind of gains are you trying to make? Are you trying to be more introspective? Do you want to improve your memory? Do you wish you were more creative? Are you looking to get better at strategy, maybe logical thinking? Like fitness you need to figure out your goals first. No point spending your times reading books if you want to get better at crunching numbers.

This but unironically.

>Not going into a blackpill spiral in order to eventually ascend into eternal Übermensch Bloomerhood

Prove it with science. Oh wai-

Intelligence and knowledge are different things. You gain knowledge from reading. You use intelligence to apply that knowledge and make connections between the different knowledge you have gained.

I've found Semax to be useful for memory and concentration. A major downside is high BDNF levels cause hair shedding, which can be permanent if you have a propensity for hair loss. The positive effects will remain for a few months after you stop taking it. If you are comfortable with intramuscular injections, you can take Cerebrolysin.

Steady state cardio (jogging, cycling, rowing, etc) will improve BDNF levels more than any other form of exercise.

Fasting can also raise BDNF levels and improve glucose uptake in brain cells.

If you want to get into books casually, just without starting with the Greeks or whatever to kinda condition yourself to get into reading, I recommend this dude's channel:

Just watch a random review and order whatever tickles your fancy, I decided to give Hesse's Siddharta a read and now he's easily my favorite author, the book was eye opening.

Disingenuous or brainlet. You really can't think of any difference between a book, and a bunch of printed out Jow Forums posts?

Keep a journal. Write your thoughts about what you read that day. Especially as it may apply to things happening in your irl life.

It's called the Bible

Based and Cervantes pilled


imagine being this much on a faggot

we talking about reading great literature books, not even shitty self help books.

I’m too retarded for chess too

By studying the Greek language and consulting the lifting manuals of the ancients. They made the sculptures, they know the way.

Read books. Actual books. Not pissy fiction stories or autism-inducing autobiographies, but philosophy and similar shit that forces you use your brain so you can point out all the BS autofelatio and logical fallacies those “famous” historical faggots have put to paper.

>I tried chess but I'm too retarded for it.
Trial and error. Chess is simolar to tic-tac-toe, it just has more patterns for you you to learn and study.

Study Mathematics/ hard sciences
Meditate ( more just for focus)

Start reading 1 hour per day. Any book, fiction, non fiction, children's books, contemplative sci fi, plato. Anything that can strengthen your concentration, enrich your language skills or give you any sort of insight, intellectual or artistic.
Dopamine fast. Turn off your pc and your phone.
Set time to learn about a subject you're interested in.
Meditate, focus on breathing and calming your mind.
Go walking or hiking

Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double–blind, placebo–controlled, cross–over trial
Caroline Rae, Alison L Digney, Sally R McEwan, Timothy C Bates

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 270 (1529), 2147-2150, 2003

In this work, we tested the hypothesis that oral creatine supplementation (5 g d-1 for six weeks) would enhance intelligence test scores and working memory performance in 45 young adult, vegetarian subjects in a double–blind, placebo–controlled, cross–over design. Creatine supplementation had a significant positive effect (p < 0.0001) on both working memory (backward digit span) and intelligence (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices), both tasks that require speed of processing. These findings underline a dynamic and significant role of brain energy capacity in influencing brain performance.

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If you want to learn specific information, try Anki, a free flashcard computer program/app (lol free on Android, iPhone cucks have to pay)

It uses spaced repetition to intelligently present cards to you until you've memorized them. Cards you do well on will be shown at longer intervals once you've gotten them right (say, 1 day, 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 months, 8 months, 1.2 years, etc etc.). If you forget them they'll slide back to every day.

Download the app, download a shared deck (I like Ultimate Geography) and go through the 20 new cards it throws at you. Then keep going at it every day.

Same fucking way as any other gains.
Puck a calculus book and do exercises thatbare above your level until they are not.

>works of fiction don’t require use of your brain

this. There's reading, then there's understanding. A big number (for you) of autists here mistake reading with understanding. Also, reading "great literature books: for "brain gains" is retarded. Read them for enjoyment, not for the purpose of becoming smarter.

Is language learning a good way to make brain gains?

It doesn’t. It’s mass produced entertainment for the masses.

How do I avoid low blood sugar? When I fast sometimes I get really slugish

Probably one of the best. Try to learn a new alphabet also.

try duolingo, it makes language learning much easier

skull crusher until failure

Yeah, if we’re talking about bargain bin tier John green novels

happens to me too, i found that i had to ease into the fasting. i started with 15 hour IF, then 16, then 18 etc until i reached a full 24 hours.

also coffee seems to make it worse

this but unironically