What are your plans to find love in the future?

What are your plans to find love in the future?

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Plans?bigga u know I am going to be alone

i need to find a job then save up money and get a foreign gf

don't kill self before singularity and rock the ai hologram gf

I have none. Even if I luck out and I get the rare chance of a girl actually pursuing me and wanting me to be her bf theres literally zero way Ill be able to hold her.
Zero experience, or social skills to keep a relationship going. Not to mention being a virgin, and having a small penis.

Yeah at this point Im purely content on just dying alone, and watching qt girls from a la window shopping for what I know Ill never be able to afford.

Live long enough to buy a robot wife and live alone with her.

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Well, I'm talking to a girl I met on a dating site. And, dare I say, we've quite fallen for each other. The only reason we haven't met irl is because distance.

someone who shares my obscure life goals. Lets hope we live long enough to see Artificial Waifus become a reality, user.

Idk about love I just wanna fuck more girls

None, I am mongrel scum who doesn't deserve love. Any attempts on my behalf would further pollute the genepool with my inferior half-breed genetics. Assuming I could even attract a mate anyway, which is impossible.

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get famous then destroy my body and soul with drugs to the point that i have the gun cocked and pointed at my brain stem but remember that my ex said she will always love me so i reach out to her in my hour of need and if she responds i wont pull the trigger haha

no seriously though thats exactly what i plan to do

I look forward to the day they become real. Honestly it would mostly be a relationship of caretaker but having even an AI to talk to would be enough. Unlike many that simply want a sexbot, I'm not interested in that at all. As long as I can get a robot wife to help around the house and let me hug her that's all I'll need to stay happy.

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this picture is so bad and i FUCKING HATE IT!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE THE GUY IN THE PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't have plans. I'm just waiting until I have the guts to end my own life.

This sounds like something a highschooler would write in their diary and would think is deep

I have 5 goals in life.

Get a job

Get an apartment

Get a good computer

Get a girlfriend

Currently homeless, but my plan is progressing. Wish me luck

Why do I need love? I'm only focusing on making money and will spend it on prostitutes and sexbots.

No need to plan, I already found her.

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Im currently looking for economic stability first. Ill try to live in Canada or Australia and once I feel secure with my job ill start spending some energy in hitting clubs or shit like that. But if I dont find anyone I love I wont bother, hookers shall be.

wish you the best
good luck

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planning on fixing my autism first, then i'll my move on to trying to get women

will never happen, sorry dude.

will happen.

I literally don't even know what I can do. It is like playing a text based RPG written in Finnish.

First I need to stop being obsessed with my ex.

>tfw programmer
>tfw will have to make this shit for you incels


Thanks frendobendo

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I don't really plan to find love in the future, in fact, i can't really feel love for any girl right now. About 4 years ago (1498 days ago if you want to be precise), i fell in love with this one girl that was the physical encarnation of everything i like and everything i've ever dreamt/wanted in a girl, she was literally the girl of my dreams, a perfect 10/10 for me, and since that day, my heart has belonged to her.
The thing is, i know how much of a piece of shit i am, so even when i had opportunities with her, i just decided to not do anything because i'm too much of a piece of shit for her, so even if she accepted me, i wouldn't want her to be with someone like me.
Basically, i although i feared rejection, what trully terrified me was the ever so slightly possibility of her accepting me.
Now, in the last 3 years i've only seen her 2 or 3 times, but i'm certain that i still feel the same, my heart still skips a beat whenever i see her, and this warm feeling still floods my chest when i'm close to her.
Everytime a girl tries to become closer with me, i just don't feel anything, Shit, if anything it only makes me think harder about HER.

I know that i lost my chance with her, that it's too late now, and i'm for the most part OK with it, but still, i can't stop feeling like this, i expected to stop having these feeling once i stopped seeing her, but it's been too long and it still feels like the first time i realised that i liked her.
It's a blessing and a curse at the same time. I won't ever fall in love with anyone again, so i won't have to deal with the bitter side of it ever again, but i'll also spend the rest of my life without her.

TL;DR i already gave up and i'm for the most part ok with it

Join the military,after 20 years i will retire,then go to a foreign land and save a poor village girl in some south east asian/mongolian village.

No idea, Tinder stopped working for me and I have no clue how to approach women in person

Are you me? This is exactly the same thing that I'm going through.

I'll travel the world and get different ethnic cuties pregnant.

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my only future plans are my suicide

Im trying to figure out how to talk to the tomboy in one of my classes. Ive only got like 4 weeks left to befriend her since she only recently decided to sit on the side of the class I normally sit on. Im running out of time so I need to start talking to her so I can hopefully get her number.

I kinda want to do this too, but I would feel weird having a bunch of halfing kids wandering the globe.

>find love
I'm a fucking subhuman- why would anyone love me, logically speaking? No point in investing any energy whatsoever in this sphere. How other fucking ugly-ass introverted/autismal genetic mistakes even gather enough ego to expect someone to love them is a complete mystery to me.

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I don't have any. I have completely no interest in intimacy..

At my age there's not really any point, and I've already tried all of the realistically available options. I've simply concluded that any specific effort I make is a futile waste of energy and resources. Either I'll wind up with someone through sheer stupid luck, or it's just not going to happen at all.

i dont have any plan and i wont make one if you are true man you need only yourself women corrupt you

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i dont intend to

>using gene editing and cloning to grow a better body
>get my brain and Spinal cord transplanted in new body
>grow ideal gf from DNA of 1 of my exes and my last crush

It's basically impossible for me. I'm not attractive enough for online dating and that's all that works anymore, anything else is considered rude/creepy.

My plans are to avoid whatever even hints towards love. So far so good, I've talked socially to a girl that would be theoretically in my dating pool two or three times in the past 8 years. Don't even remember their names at this point. I notice some women acting in some way that could suggest they're interested and I make sure to stay away from those.

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