I don't get it. What's wrong with this??
The guy taking the photo was caught in the act
I want this mother fuck dead. Did he really do that and expect to get away with it? If I ever see this punk at my gym he's dead moose meat
Why the fuck do you guys keep posting my pic to this site?
OK, whoa....
>I once played a super shy, super timid Elf Ranger, who would go barefoot to "be more in-tune with the nature, connecting with it directly beneath his very feet" or some other gay elf shit
>Of course, one of my friends at the table interpreted that as "Sub Elf Twink with a foot fetish" which was apparently her magical realm, so she had her PC (A Tiefling Warlock) constantly try to dominate my pc, and constantly rub her pc's feet against my pc's feet
>MFW I'm actually a sub IRL and that turned me on
>MFW I think this might have actually given me a foot fetish and I really don't like it
so fucking cringe
Yeah can't be fun being known as the guy who goes to the gym to take photos of other men instead of lifting...
You're a fucking retard
there's something hot about a bad boy in a red tanktop and blue shorts doing OHP in the squat rack, what a bad bad boy haha :)
Kek what the FUCK
an interesting alternative perspective!
why are you taking a photo of a random dude and with the flash on?
big oof
honestly, out of all the "signature memes" that are unique to each board, this has got to be one of the most shit. This shit is less funny than sneed
No fucking way DYEL can do 1p OHP.
why is he squatting in the curl rack?
Leave this poor kid alone jfc guys
Plot twist
It's literally nothing
Some monkeys are trying to force a meme, that's all
you guys are pathetic with this shitty meme
LOOK MOM I POSTED THE PIC AGAIN!! HAahaha le XD LMAO ROFL TROLLEING ON the 4Channels!!! HAhahaha I posted a pic of a guy doing nothing but minding his own Damn business and says "WOW THIS BAD!" ARNT I le EPIC Meme troller MOM? BTW where ARE my Chicken Tendies AND doritos MOM??L:????
oh god the cringe i can barely look at this