How long until she realizes she can do better?

How long until she realizes she can do better?

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Obviously not a gift from God but look at that mammoth next to her. What kind of spell does this boar have over her?

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maybe she loves him for more than his looks? do you know what his personality is like?

Fat fuckin retard dick. Not long, just thick

Are you lost faggot, who cares that the thot you orbit is fucking a nigger

And she's not even fat I don't understand help me cope

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He draws shitty cartoon porn I'll go look for some examples

>imagine someone who is such a loser that he obsesses not over women in his life, BUT women who they don't know, don't interact with and are only aware of because they found pictures of said female posting images to share with friends and family.
go back to your containment board, Jow Forums shitters deserve to be purged.

Idk who this whore is but young girls will often date losers for free weed/drugs and she seems like the type