Do you skip leg day Jow Forums?

Do you skip leg day Jow Forums?

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Not after watching this anime

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-12-10-56-17.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

I'm t rex mode


wtf? how do your legs even get that skinny? even when i was a dyel skellyfag, they weren't like that

>Played soccer in middle school through high school
>Legs were insanely developed in comparison with the rest of my body
lmao how are your legs so weak your thighs are literally the biggest muscles on your fucking body nigga.

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she's clearly an addict

fuck no I don't skip leg day, do I look like some retarded dyel faggot?


the fact that you have a single 'leg day' period makes you a retarded faggot, so calm down, twig boy.