Please explain how this fat fuck has this hot girl on his shoulder, Jow Forums.
Please explain how this fat fuck has this hot girl on his shoulder, Jow Forums
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he picked her up
He’s the god of bloatmax
Keyword there is GOD
He lifted her up because he's not a weak 5'6 147lb nerd like you OP
When someone asks me who's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen I always say that dark-haired chick on the Bloatlord's shoulder but then they ask who the Bloatlord is and I have to take out my phone and show them what living it is, and trained walking, etc.
taller than 5'11"
She looks jewish...
she really is insanely hot and I dont say that about just anyone!!! :)
she looks like she exclusively fucks black men
Even more reason to plow
Based wholesome poster
SS+GOMAD wasn't a meme after all
You type like you do too, limp-wristed fag boy
She's Greek
No the fuck she doesn’t, spend less time on Jow Forums
imagine how hard his heart has to work even when he is resting
It's not like it matters, Kriakos is confirmed gay. Check his twitter
She's fat too
Do you think he'd smash my twink boipussy
>not exclusively spending time on Jow Forums and Jow Forums
In the 4th reich fitness will be heavily monitored. The health of the individual is the health of the nation. Things cannot continue as they are. I would support the next Hitler 100%. We need a return to traditional values. This is the only thought that stops me from killing myself and keeps me lifting
I'm a slim fit femanon she literally looks like a fucking blob
>those thighs and upper arms
Probably oppressing her with his vestigial ape strength
That's fake you gullible faggot
Nigga that doesn't even mean he's strong, she looks light enough for most of us to pick her up.
Dude would punch you into outer space.
Nice larp
Nice cope
yes, this one
>LARPing as a femanon in 2019
>being retarded enough to think women don't browse Jow Forums
Why do women on the Internet feel it necessary to let everyone know they’re a woman on the Internet?
Male retards would think I'm some dude with an anorexia fetish and thus have biased judgement based on dickfeel and not a woman who objectively can tell when other women are disgusting lardasses, regardless of attraction, which is kind of the point of my original post
She looks better than you
hes also strong, prolly has some money he spends sometimes.
its because he's living it and you're not
>he clings to an ideology responsible for some of the most evil acts mankind has committed in order to give his life meaning and fulfillment
You are the weakest person on this board
I love the bloatlord, for he is a kind and powerful lord.
Food nazi. Your kind would want to eradicate these beauties and I will fight to the death to defend them.
Have sex
Post tits
Post face "femanon"
this is how a real alpha male looks like, none of that cookie cutter six pack calisthenics bullshit
Seething roastie
Thank you.
unironically Y I K E S and have sex
There’s plenty of more evil acts out there
Nothing is more evil than genocide
Cringe. Party van inc.
what about bigger genocide
you have shit body, she looks godly
stop coping
Good, we should unite under the 14 words in order to protect white people around the globe.
It's called personality, incel.
But this is the objectively superior girl
Why every South European looks Jewish to you burgers?
Post body you fatty Incel.
he's gay btw.
>In the 4th reich fitness will be heavily monitored. The health of the individual is the health of the nation. Things cannot continue as they are. I would support the next Hitler 100%. We need a return to traditional values. This is the only thought that stops me from killing myself and keeps me lifting
it's rare that i physically cringe at something on Jow Forums. fuck off back to your containment board, incel manlet.
Could be his daughter. There is a slight resemblance.
She looks 10000% swarthy like a typical non-Jewish Greek.
no please
>mfw I remember when yokels like this went around crowing about the South rising again
Yikes, thank god I had sex growing up
whos the thot
How do I get a swarthy Greek gf? Doesn't even have to be Greek per se, just mediterranean
This the type of nigga you got to be nice to so he doesn’t kill you in the school shooting
Let the other cunts enjoy watching their children transition and get fiddled by faggots
I'm with ya bruv
I admire your taste user. Skellies are life!
absolutely based
Based and redpilled
Good to know others are out there. Stay strong, brother.
>went to Clapistan for a year
>everyone thought I was a Jew because every German surname sounds Jewish to them
swipe right
Because that bitch can't tell the difference between fat and muscle. That, or he's rich. One of those 2, or he didn't used to be fat.
Who’s the girl!
Chad post.
>people post they can DL/Bench/Squat 300+ pounds all the time
>Still cry no friends
>Literally can pick up anyone and take them home
I think most people here lie about their lifts.
>out drinking with some friends
>we were trying to decide were to go next
>one of the girls was bantering and insisting we either go to her preference or we'll have to pick her up and carry her if we go elsewhere
>said "sure" and did just that
>told me later she's pretty scared of me now
don't actually do that, even if you have the excuse of being drunk.
solid yikes from me dog
because hes not a gay little virgin like you
That girl is pure love. Fuck skinny bitches.
Yikes, have history
>some of the most evil acts mankind has committed
it's not really any worse than lots of other shit that happened throughout history. just a bit more recent so historylets cling to it as the worst atrocity ever because they've never heard about any of the other stuff.
Hitler didn’t have traditional values you uncultured retard
You were not strong enough.
Anyone would be strong enough for that, she's tiny. She apparently just wasn't aware how easy it is for guys to pick her up and carry her off.
What's up with nigger speak on Jow Forums?
go on
If you cannot inspire calm and security you weren’t strong enough.
I will have to lift harder then so that next time, she'll cream herself rather than being scared.
>being mad that the grizzly is being grizzly
You need Jesus Christ
Okay, here's your (You) incel. Now back to your containment board.