Sitting in class

>Sitting in class
>See this happening
Wat do?

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Toss a dildo at the teachers head when their back is turned

Tuck my boner behind my belt

awkward nervous laughter and then consider punching him later when i think about how fucked up that is if i run into him in a parking lot or back alley or something

are you actually self-righteous, or are you just trying to make me mad?

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Ask to go to the bathroom, go anyway and rub one out.

When I was younger I used to be the sort of guy who'd tell girls if people were being mean to them. In hindsight it was kind of pathetic and other guys didn't trust me as a result but as an adult I learned that you're always supposed to have others mens' backs. So nowadays I'd look away and act like I had no idea what happened if somebody questioned me about it.

pull off her panties and start to stick my dick like crazy

i would cum on pants

Do the same thing the random user did.
Take a picture of her ass, and fap to it later.

yell out "I've always loved polka dots"

Report the disgusting behaviour to a figure of authority immediately, and tell her not to think all men are pigs.

Sort of depends if it was actually a joke or if they're trying to be a bully. I probably wouldn't go out of my way to end up in a spot where I'd do that, but just because I'm not going to snap over the situation when it happens doesn't mean it won't happen later.

this is fucking disgusting. any one who thinks its OK not to tell the girl and an authoritative figure should be punished to the highest degree.

I'm usually not a moralfag but that picture makes me sick when i think about it. that guy is such a piece of shit

this. wtf is wrong with people? origato

Well not a parking lot, definitely not a parking lot. I forget it's not the 90's early 2000's anymore. That is a bad spot for that sort of thing now.

Say "Nice ass stacy" loud to get the attention from my group to her ass. Group and I lough with action taker. If she defends her self and tries to harm my reputation I would say "Is every point on there for every guy you fucked?".
After that I have achieved a great victory, a good lough with my group and maybe even destroyed her reputation.

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>wearing stockings underneath your dungarees instead of pantyhose


deck the beanhead

Polkadot panties make me hard as fuck

She's doing it on purpose. Butt lifted off the seat, not sat on her skirt. Also dungarees aren't often made of a light material so she'd definitely feel it being lifted.

Take a pic, watch for a little to see if she wasn't into it, and then inform her of what's happening.
If necessary, i would show her the pic, and then delete it in front of her. (not without saving it somewhere else first)


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lick my finger and stick it up her butt

>Take picture
What else do you want me to do?

How the fuck is she not aware of what is going on. This is some advanced Boomer/suburbanite tier obliviousness

Save it to memory and masturbate to it later. Fortunately someone was nice enough to take a picture of it so I can masturbate to it right now, thus rendering your hypothetical situation meaningless.

polka dot dresses do it for me

>she's probably not comfortable with this
>wait until after class
"Yo, teacher guy. Some random student was groping one of the girls again. You need this pic in the incident report?"

>be me in maths in school
>final year
>every class we sit in alphabetical order and always next to same qt
>uniform includes slightly transparent light blue polo shirts (and skirt for girls, all them panty shots tho)
>subtly looking at qts boobs one day
>we get on quite well
>"look but don't touch user"
>ha ok, start feeling them
>10 seconds in teacher stood over me
>get in trouble and detention
>letter gets sent home and my mum finds out

cant decide if it was worth it

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At least your mom knows you're not gay.

Fistbumb the mad lad

>"look but don't touch user"
>ha ok, start feeling them
>10 seconds in teacher stood over me
>look but dot touch
>start feeling them
Are you actually retarded?

worth imo

>high school
>cutsey guitar girl who sits behind me in history taps my shoulder
>says that she thinks I have great hair, and was wondering if she could put her hand through it
>tell her to fuck off, no one touches the hair
>she does it anyway
>move across the room, don't speak to her for a long time
>prom is coming up
>she comes up to me in the hall, asks who I'm taking
>say that prom is for fags, I'm going to go in the desert to get drunk with buddies
>"oh yeah, totally. Could I maybe go too, user?"
>she'd be a liability out there, friends devolve into horrific freaks and deranged caricatures after a handle of absinthe
>just tell her that I think it would be better if she just went to prom like a normal person
>don't talk to her again

You can't just touch people like that

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This is pretty alpha though. Good on you mate

she didnt mind, we got on well

As a 34 year old man who has never touched breasts, what you did was worth it.

She literally told you not to touch, and then you started touching. You have the big autism.

anything further happen?

this is probably not original.


>when will this meme die out
>gets turned into an anime girl
thanks for the laugh user, saving that one for sure

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In my high school. There was a strict policy that skirts had to reach to the bottom of your fingertips, so a scenario like that would have been impossible.

Truly an real hero

My school said "knee-length" but it never happened unless teachers were being very picky about uniform that day.

What about girls with no arms?

But peoples arm lengths differ? Knee-length would have been more efficient desu.

But she told you not to touch them...

Couple years back 2 girls were bullying a girl in class and the teacher was out of the room. The girl stood up and said stop being a jerk to me.
The blond girl who mostly did the bullying just reachoed over and yanked the girls skirt down in front of the whole class.
Obviously that didnt go over well and the girls got suspended for 3 months or something but everyone in class saw her sailor moon panties and she was at the time 17.
she dropped that class and didnt really social alot after. the 2 girls didnt bully anyone after either so I guess it worked out in the end.

Wait until everyone leaves class then smell her seat

>white knights ITT
skirts were made to be lifted

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The people who made the rules weren't autistic

>get suspended or even expelled or artested for taking the picture

>any one who thinks its OK not to tell the girl
She probably knows whats going on and is fine with it.

This dude got 100 pickpocket

Do nothing like I was doing 5 minutes before and will be doing 5 minutes after

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>any one who thinks its OK not to tell the girl and an authoritative figure should be punished to the highest degree.

I can guarantee you that Stacy would never even fucking CONSIDER speaking up to help me, if someone was fucking with me. So she can go fuck herself.

You should've banged her with her sailor Moon panties pushed to the side.

This is my fetish. Cute panties enhance cute butts