/fast/ #475 We Out Here Fasting Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

While you're at it watch the rest of this guy's videos on nutrition.







Google snake juice. Not strictly necessary, especially for short fasts (Sugar is more addictive than coke

If you're lean, 5:2!-- OMAD (one meal a day, 1-2 hour eating window) 5 days a week + 48 hour fast a week. Also look up leangains.
If you're a fatass, FAST UNTIL YOU AREN'T.

You don't have the willpower to fast to death. Now look down. See that large bulbous gut? That's food. Thousands and thousands of calories stored and ready to be consumed by your body.

This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very MUSCLE SPARING when you fast.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is the coolest part about fasting. Your body remains very anabolic when you fast.

this is the biggest lie ever told. without leucine your protein synthesis will be zero nigger, you need essential aminos or else your body will break down muscle tissues to get them. you cant get essential amino acids out of fucking fat. ITS CALLED ESSENTIAL FOR A REASON

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not an argument.

Where can I get potassium for my snake juice?

>not taking the bloatpill
Enjoy being a twink

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What kind of bottle do you guys use for your snake juice? Gallon and just fill it up to 2 liters or is there a specific brand you like to use or what? I know it sounds autistic but really I'm just asking for a good water bottle brand

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i go to school 1:30-7:40 does that count as fasting if i dont have breakfast or lunch before going

I’ve been feeling better since i started eating less. I’m getting leaner and fasting longer. Last night i ate last at 4pm and didn’t eat until 7am this morning. I felt really good when i woke up.

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48hrs in, I’ve just done some cardio and HOLLY FUCK! That was the BEST session I’ve ever had! I only increased and increased my speed throughout the exercise, no mood swings, no thoughts of:
>user, just call it quits today
I was running and had pure fun, for the very first time ever I’ve felt pleasure doing cardio. I’m euphoric rn.

I imagine it’s because switch from glycogen to fat metabolism some 20min into the exercise since I’m already getting all my energy from fat.
I’ll test it out few times more just to make sure.

Good luck to all anons trying to fast!

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This says that fasting is the same or better as cutting normally.

Go back

Newfag here. I'm fasting anyway, 24hrs in right now, but I'm curious on how fast you'd gain fat back after you start refeeding? As long as it's not more than TDEE you should be fine, right?

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You regain water weight mainmy.
Shitty eating habits are the reason people regain their original weight.
You should google the whoosh effect as it's somewhat related to your question.

yeah workouts, especially cardio, are a lot more intense and the high afterwards is amplified. if you don’t eat after a good cardio session the high will last for a good while. feelsgoodman

Thats basically just cico lmao. Im talking about fasting for days brainlet

a fasted state is assumed to be 8-12 hours since their last meal (wikipedia)

Holy fucking shit bros i think i reset. I completed a 3 day fast and broke it with a little bit of oats and spinach. That was fine, but for dinner I had a burrito and hot sauce. The burrito tasted disgusting, it felt greasy and salty and made me feel like crap after. The hot sauce burned my throat too. Mind you, I would eat this every week or so and have no problems what so ever. I'd even drink the hot sauce straight from the container. I can't go back to eating like that again, I need to change.
>Tl;Dr fasted, broke it and later on ate a regular meal I used to have and felt horrible after

>drinking hot sauce straight from the bottle
probably for the best you broke that habit, user

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Thanks but not from the bottle, the restaurant I go to has little plastic cups (probably about 20ml) of hot sauce and i usually drink 1 or 2. Still bad, not gonna do that anymore. I don't know how Mexicans eat hot sauce like that every day.

After losing 60+ lbs the last year doing OMAD, I had a difficult summer and gained 20. I just started SJ, haven't eaten for the past 24 hrs. Hoping to continue for the next 10 or so days to make my way back. A couple questions:
- I haven't lifted in a long time, definitely not while fasting. Am I wrong for wanting to increase my metabolism through stronglifts while fasting? Or should I just stick to my 10k steps and a little swimming?
- If I take adderall to subside my hunger, am I in for any hormone imbalances / other drawbacks? Would ritalin be better?
- Any tips for someone just starting snake juice?


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>adderall while fasting
Full retard user

was going to go on a week fast, but then my brother invited me to denny's and i went big on a t-bone steak, eggs, hashbrowns, and an english muffin. also, hot chocolate to drink.

Pray for me. I'm starting legit tomorrow. I've done it before for religious reasons, but i couldn't help myself this time around.

watch your intake on snake juice and monitor how you feel. don’t drink too much at once cause it can make you have diarrhea, at least that’s how it is for me. you might be different.

>Boosts HGH

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Serious question, been stuck at 175 from a long cut that started at 196. Ive tracked cals by weighing food every meal autistically but my weights stalled for for 2 weeks. im at 1750 right now how much should i drop my calories? Or will this go away if i stick to my current macros?

Why should I believe one of these guys over another?

I'd stay at 1750. Maybe use a cal calculator or two to check. Your also at a weight where running becomes an option to burn more cals. Or just add in other kinds of cardio. Just keep it LISS.

post discord invite reeeee
theft accidentally

>Your body remains very MUSCLE SPARING when you fast.
If you fast days on end without any leucine you are going to burn muscle like crazy. It takes years to build +5kg of muscle past noob gaiks and only 3 weeks of cico to burn +5kg of fat. Why the fuck would any serious lifter risk this shit? Its beyond retarded.

>it's not an anabolic stimulus, but...
What dies that even mean? So HGH increases, but it doesn't?
>he's also a chiropractor
What a nonargument.
>no sources

I don't believe in most extra benefits of fasting and see it mainly as a fat metabolism boosting and cutting tool, but damn, what a faggot.

>the same post every thread
>since thread one

I been posting since 2 threads only but im glad other anons seem to have mentioned what i mentioned aswell. Because its true.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
David Duke - ?Zionist shill?
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist

Not an argument

so basically only fast on long off days for 18 hours only. You shouldn't need too many of those acids for upkeep if you don't work out, but it'd need to be inbetween actual repair sessions i recon.

>t. Bugman

Have sex fat fuk

That would work. I wouldnt go more than 24h without atleast 5g of leucine if you give a shit about protein synthesis and your lean mass. If you fat as fuk it wont matter, get the fat off fasting and then put on muscle later

It improves muscle "quality" and health, but it's not good for peak strength and size gains.
Of pro athletes using it as a tool it's biggest in cycling where it has become a staple among several (or even most) top pros.

Anecdotally, there is one rider that is famous for being the worlds best finisher in a bunch sprint in the longest races (250km++), where he is "only" a top-7 or so guy in sprints after more normal distances (

Alright Jow Forums poorfat here. I'm 5'9 214lbs(formally 224) 5 days into this fast. How much of this is water weight nobody knows. I've been doing a SJ fast and doing cardio for 95 hours now but I don't have the money or tools to buy/make things that will help me gradually refeed like avocado and bone broth. Should I refeed and start doing alternate 48 hour fasts and 72 hour fasts or should I stick it out? I don't want refeeding syndrome.

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FACT: 99.9% of fit healthy individuals accomplish their goals by eating healthy appropriately-sized portions of food, and working hard everyday.

I'm not anti-fasting (especially for people who are hugely obese and have binge eating disorders), and I have even completed a few very short fasts to challenge my willpower. And I'm glad you all have found your niche and you're all trying to make it..

But some posters ITT who act like fasting on salt water only, for 30 days at a time, for the rest of your life, is the only way to lose weight and be Jow Forums, are brainwashed and narrow minded fools. These posters spend way too much time on youtube watching videos (by posters with credentials/souces you don't vet), and buy it as Gopel. (No different from a cult member or a religious individual.) Take what these posters say with a grain of salt. You should go outside and socialize and spend more time with actual humans living in society, and talk with the Jow Forums people you meet. Ask them what they do to stay in shape. 99% of them will not say they do prolonged snake juice fasts. Try suggesting long term snake juice fasts to Jow Forums people you meet in your day to day life. Get some feedback from Jow Forums people you see in real life, rather than someone posting at a computer.


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If you're new to these fasting threads, just be sure to take everything you read with a grain of salt. No one responding to you is a medical professional and just because they watched some video doesn't make the information contained within it correct. Every person is different but 99% of fit and healthy individuals eat healthy and workout daily and don't ever need to try drastic crash diets.

Trial and Error is your friend. Try out a routine for a few months, and if that doesn't work, try something different. I believe Fasting is a last resort after you've tried everything you can.

And NEVER fast because you think it's the easy way out. Many fasters ITT are only fasting because they are too lazy to work hard. Sweating and working out is hard. Cooking homemade healthy food and meticulously tracking your food intake is hard work. Don't chose to fast just because you want to be lazy and lay around all day, because once you finally start to eat again, you will gain back any weight you lost frok living a lazy sedentary lifestyle. Start developing active healthy habits NOW. Dont chose to be lazy your entire life.

Thanks for reading. And be safe. We're all going to make it (but most dont need snake juice fasting to make it)

IF Fasting BTFOd by based layne norton. Who actually looks like he lifts unlike that shizo snake faggot who makes money selling salt to brainlets.




fasters are brainwashed and not worth talking to
they do not care about muscle and thats why they choose to fast, theyre already weak. so what if they get more weak?
>let it be
honestly id rather have them less fat and super weak and loose skinned than super obese and marching towards an early grave while stuff their face.... so we leave them here in their own personal autism containment thread.
life is fine this way

Post body


try reading the OP again

>fat fuck lost weight fasting
Do any of you retards itt even lift? Im talking about actual lifters losing muscle while fasting. If you giga obese like that wikipedia nigga then by all means dont eat for months, you dont have any muscle to begin with

>just CiCo
It's fasting, you smooth brain. And it's better than traditional cutting, wether you like it or not.

I did and its complete garbage

>autophagy, hgh, muscle sparing
All three are completely wrong.


>zero protein synthesis for hours/days on end is better than elevated protein synthesis through out the day
Based retard poster.

It is :)
Unless you prove me wrong

>implying a /fast/ poster has ever been unashamed enough to post their body

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Fasting will help you switch to a healthier way of eating. Don't just fast and then continue eating mcdonalds and snickers bars every day.

Wtf, how does muscle work?
He should've lost all his muscle, by your logic.
He didn't.
So, which one is it?

Absolute state of this retarded cult toplul

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No argument still

You really like linking forum posts and youtube videos as sources, huh.

Wow man. Not one of the other anons. Congrats on your progress. Looking great. You'll make it.

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You need leucine and volume to build muscle, you are going to need leucine and said volume to keep muscle. While fasting you dont get said leucine and you also cant keep up the same volume = you lose muscle

Tldr, have sex and lift weights

Sparing means sparing. Muscle will be lost. Now go read some books and wait for your brain to mature.

It isnt sparing because elevated protein synthesis equals to anabolism which is actually muscle sparing.

1k protein calories split into 3 meals with 5g leucine per meal will preserve more muscle than 1k protein calories ate in a 23/1 window with 15g leucine at once

This is science.

That means you will lose muscle at the same rate, doesn't it?
How come people don't waste away after a month or two of not eating?
How come i remained strong enough to lift the same weight even though i hadn't eaten in a week?
Answer me, clown

Sauce me up senpai

>That means you will lose muscle at the same rate, doesn't it?
>How come i remained strong enough to lift the same weight even though i hadn't eaten in a week?
Not advanced. (Noob gains)

This article cites some studies regarding what ou posted.

Retarded article. First comment sums up my thoughts.

Dear Drew Dahlgren,

It’s impossible to increase muscle mass during a fast. The body is not in a sufficiently anabolic state. In fact, if you do strength training while reducing your calorie intake to zero, you will suffer from extensive muscle fatigue because the regeneration of muscle tissue is slowed down.

The main purpose of taking BCAA is to avoid autodigestion of the muscle during the training. This is why they are taken before the training. Other than that, they are just regular amino acids that are ingested with every protein-containing meal and don’t need to be supplemented. In fact, BCAA alone do not contain the full spectrum of amino acids that are needed for muscle growth!

Furthermore, looking at the graph that is provided in this article, we can see that before the fast, the body burns about 400kcal of protein. This is the equivalent of about 100g protein, which would be an average to high daily intake from food. Thus we can assume that before starting the fast, a large part of the 100g of protein that are used up actually come from the diet.
Then, after beginning the fast, the body burns only about 250kcal worth of protein, which is the equivalent of about 60 grams, which is considerably less than before the fast. However, now there is no protein influx from the diet, and thus we have to assume that the full 60g of protein are taken from body storage, which is in fact muscle tissue.

It is thus shown that there is a muscle tissue loss during fasting, and while it is certainly smaller than what many people think, it’s a lot more than “100g in 7 days” as stated in this article.

Kind regards,
Michael Kohlberger, B.Sc. M.Sc.
You dont actually need to buy fucking bcaas though. Quark and steak contain all the leucine you need.


>google image search for that photo, because the user who posted it is a Fat Ass Larper

>find this


Go read through that article about the man's story who's picture you stole to try and Prove fasting works!

That man in the photo you posted DID NOT FAST!! HE ATE A PROPER DIET

Highlight from the article:
>And just so the readers know, when I say “diet” I’m referring to what you eat; not starving yourself

>not starving yourself




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So basically confirms that fasting burns muscle tissue. Neat.

Please explain to me why a fatty like you is Larping and Lieing to convince people to fast?

Do you fear that you don't have enough food, and you want others to stop eating so you can stuff your fat fucking face more?

Im really confused can you please explain how you can be such a dumbass fat fuck?

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I once fasted for 100 hours, and the day I had my refeed, i lifted that evening.

Needless to say, I was weak as FUCK due to muscle loss during the 100 hours fast.

Took over 2 weeks to build my lifts back up to where they were when i fasted!

So in 4 days, I lost 18 days worth of lifting progression............ wtf

>If you are worried about muscle mass, then exercise – especially resistance exercises. OK?
You cant keep up the same workload without any amino acids to repair broken muscle tissue, that is giga catabolic. Use it or lose it.

The fastest way to cut weight with minimal muscle loss would be on 800 calories of protein daily and 2x around maintance refeeds with 2x fully body trainings after refeeds.

Holy kek

put me in the screencap senpai

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Good lord. I suggest this to be the last fasting general. Have some fucking dignity

Guys im on my second hay of fasting and its bad. I am super weak and Icant even stand up for more than 20 seconds. My stomach hurts pretty bad too. But i daidnt get salts. I thought that I can make itthrough first 2 days without it. + I dont have any of that potassium. Only like pink salt and normal salt. Should I quit? Um super weak and it aint even the second day I dont get why my stomach hurts

fasting is a meme anyways

Yes, end it! Eat some proteins and a banana asap


Gonna start a cut soon.

Gonna try a three day waterfast for the first time.

My question is:
should i start the cut with the three day water fast? or should I save the fast for a couple weeks into my cut when my fat loss starts to plateau?

don't believe u

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>fasting tards getting teared apart itt
Provided the keks. Thanks frens.

Yes, if you feel bad, end the fast. If it's your stomach growling or a hunger pang that lasts a few minutes, you can ignore that, but if you're feeling consistently shitty for more than an hour, you have to end it

>Fasting infographic
>Uses Goku, a character known for his prodigious hunger and detrimental weakness while hungry
The guy who made this could have at least used Jiren or something, I don't think that dud actually eats, just meditates for gains.

24h-36h fasts are enough, if you want to supplement your cut and easier to fit into a weekly schedule imho. But I'd kick off the cut with the fast. Going from 0 to 3 days is hard though, even if you fasted before.

no u

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>muscle sparing
I always kek

6'4 133kg obese dude here, I've been fasting for 3 days, I could go longer but I might break my fast with this tonight, watermelon and carrots.

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This entire thread is a self own by the fasting community

Imagine fasting after reading this whole thread back to back

Actually read the manga. Goku goes entire days without eating and then loads up massively at his one meal for the day

You can see this as early as dragonball while training with Roshi.

It's an obvious lie when you look at bears
>hibernates for 3 months fasting
>comes back stronger than ever, all muscle
If he came back weaker it would simply die.

>that one user in this entire thread samefagging

This is why Jow Forums needs IDs

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