Why havent you taken the vanpill yet?

Why havent you taken the vanpill yet?

>Live in car
>Collect neetbux
>Free travel wherever you want

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Just look how comfy it is

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Free travel? You don't have to buy gas? Where do you get water and electricity? where do you take a shit?
Why would I bother doing that when I house in my country is cheaper than a van.

Your neetbux will cover all gas and food costs, also solar.

>Why would I bother doing that when I house in my country is cheaper than a van.
I envy you, user

A mobile prison.
That's pretty much what it would eventually come down to. Hassled by cops and homeless people and maintenance is going to cost more and more in a very short time.
No thanks.

why would you? It is a shithole and nobody wants to live here. That is why it's cheap.


this guy has lived in a vehicle for 40 years of his life

>get in carcrash
>suddenly homeless
>taking a piss or shit just got 100x more complicated and probably illegal
>always dodging cops and property owners
>cleaning it is a nightmare
>mold issues
>always smells like dirty laundry
>spend tons of time at coffee shops to charge your shit on the sly
>showering at gyms and ymcas
did it for a year. you get so anxious about crashign the fucking thing that you don't want to compete on the fucking highways anymore. got in a fender bender and had a mental breakdown thinking i just got homeless (was fine but i didn't know it at the time, sitting behind the wheel having a level 10 freakout). it's great for weekending and trips but to live in it's hell
sleeping was peak comfy though. never have issues with noisy neighbors, if they're loud just drive somewhere else. sleeping innavan in rain was comfy too. except for the break-in attempts. not comfy.

>wake up
>sit in bed and browse interwebs
>sit in bed and jack off
>cook in tiny kitchen while standing next to bed
>entire van smells really strong of cooking
>sit back down on bed and browse chans
>lie down on bed and go to sleep
yeah, what a life

oh also I forgot you can drive around in the van and shower in public, what a treat

Yes but how do you collect the neetbux with no solid address

I've wanted to Vanlife for a bit, looks comfy as hell, but I have very little money as it is.

>Faggot pretending that isnt his life at this very moment minus showering in public

Just replace the van with your bedroom and its the exact same situation

lots of pessimists in this thread who probably arent happy in their current situation and never will be lmao

you can get a mailing address with UPS, its basically like a PO box

but my neetbux specifically pays extra to cover my rent, and I get to live in a comfortable house

okay OP you sound totally secure

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>the cops are just gonna pull you over and put you in jail for living in a van
There has been a full sized school bus driving around my town for the last 5 years
>rear 6 windows or so on the passenger side are all plywood, the rest just have semi clean sheets hung up in them
>bus is dirty and rusted as shit
>at night sometimes you can see the lights on in there and stuff, its clearly someones house
And its still sat in front of my workplace, which is one of the more popular strip malls in this shit town, for like 6 weeks before someone had him move.
He moved a half mile down the road to the walmart parking lot for another month, then who knows where, then he was back in my lot for another couple weeks, then a different spot in our lot.
Nobody gives a fuck, the van scares girls into needing a buddy system when they leave the store without fail because it looks like its only made to rape people in, but I still see him driving it around sometimes and parked in different lots, my uncle has told me he's been seen up at a campground he goes to as well.

>scares girls into needing a buddy system when they leave the store without fail because it looks like its only made to rape people in
topkek, as they should

Ok, look. I live in Montanna. I see/chat with you guys every day. Land is owned by people. Please stop

>house in my country is cheaper than a van.
This thread is for people who don't live in third world shitholes

>fire extinguisher past the only source of fire
Yeah good like diving for that extinguisher when the fire starts, lmao

I did user. It doesnt run too great but my plan isn't to travel, just to find some land to live on.

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I browse Jow Forums for multiple hours a day, and I am not about to give up that pleasure. This does not appear to be a comfortable setting.

genuinely interested in how this works. how did you set this up? how do you get internet connection? are you just able to sleep in parking lots? where do you use the bathroom?

You hotspot your phone for internet or leech wifi.
Yes, or on the street
Restaurants, gym, other businesses, or poop in a bucket with a bag and toss that shit

Why do that when I can stay in my room and play pretend living in a van for free

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clean asf class B.

What is it?

Pathetic, I tow a airstream with my truck you might as well be homeless lmao van life gtfo I also own a house and fuck my wife while you fuck your hand and have no place to poo

>no fridge
>no shower
>no bathroom

You are just a massive faggot

>implying you shower

You dont need to cook when youre saving a thousand a month in rent you can spend that on chicken tendies

I make 108k a year tax free with my wife ya'll are hilarious

I bet you are a smelly fat fuck, I'm a normie with a good job funny thread though..

1990 ford E250 converted by intervec. 351W is solid as fuck, the only weak spot is the E04D.

inside tour pls

Show insides pls

Why not double down and go type 3 ambulance?
Look at all that room for activities

>itt normalfag boomers think everyone has the opportunity of a wife, home, and income to support both of these

Where would I shit?

I have IBD and shit 8+ times a day; I don't want to get up in the middle of the night and squat over a fucking ditch

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Five gallon bucket and a bag of cat litter. There you go. Put a lid on it to hold the smell. They even make toilet seat lids. It's called a "camp toilet."