Is anyone here practicing fencing for them sweet forearm gains?

is anyone here practicing fencing for them sweet forearm gains?
what style/school are you training?

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im a French fencer, practicing the épée
unless your forearm is a stick there are literally no forearm gains.
it's almost only legs, some shoulder gains from attacks

Is fencing for faggots? What can a metal stick do that an M1 cant?

if you want forearm gains go climbing

we europoors depend on our longswords and sabres to defend ourselfs

climbing is nice but it lacks the competetive aspect

i practice the italian longsword which is quite a bit heavier than an epee

Did medieval swordfighting for a few months. No gains to be found there

pre-HEMA and pre-Battle of Nations historical fighting. And we were focused on the Vikings, so almost no protective gear. Just leather shirts, lamellar, occasional riveted chainmail on richfags.
I miss my Dane axe.

Do you hate weapons or something? Do both you hippy faggot

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get out fagg

No I study the
It's Japanese for sword.

German longsword. Its fun. more delt than forearm heavy id say.

Fencing is the gayest sword fighting there is.

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*tips fedora*

it's also the most effective
>In fact there are some records in our national historic archive of more than a dozen encounters of Portuguese soldiers and samurais. These encounters are very well described and detailed. All ended with the same result except one. The samurai was killed in some or wounded (but killing themselves afterwards in shame) the only register of a killed Portuguese soldier was because he had such an amount of sake in his blood that he couldn’t stand straight. The Samurai that killed him was killed in the next day in a sword duel with a Portuguese sailor in top condition..

>tfw you will never dispute a legal matter in a formal trial by combat

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Samurai are shit tier. A fully armored knight would rape a fencer and his gay rapier. The only reason fencing caught on was because people stopped wearing heavy armor due to firearms making it obsolote.

I'm doing Batto but it doesn't really lead to any gains. It's just for fun.

>tfw you end him rightly

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And an unarmoured knight would get mauled by a rapier
>Who knew different circumstances could lead to different results?

I think you are underestimating rapiers. They are pretty fucking high tech as far as swords are concerned. I'm and my trainer sometimes uses his rapier for fun, it's really fucking nasty to fight against.

Except the only reason people stopped wearing armor is because of firearms. Put a duelist with a rapier in medieval times and he'd get destroyed. Hell, give him armor too and he'd still get destroyed because rapiers are shit against armor.

Nah, they're only good against unarmored opponents. If guns weren't invented nobody would ever use rapier.

>Nah, they're only good against unarmored opponents. If guns weren't invented nobody would ever use rapier.
True enough, but you can play that game where you change circumstances to favor one or the other weapon for almost everything.
Firearms did make armor obsolete and without armor the rapier is a way better weapon.

I wouldn't bother mate, I think he is genuinely autistic.
But nice trips

Medieval german top tier banter.

Don't forget, the only competition you ever have is yourself.

Six years of HEMA shoulder gains. Not much forearms.

Whole right side is bigger for it fuck sake.

Fuck, HEMA looks so fun but I have some mental block to do it because it's not useful on MUH STREETZ

>the rapier is a way better weapon
Spears are still better

neither is wasting your time on Jow Forums and yet you still do it. so just go and check it out.

it's a sport


Same goes for when people try talk shit about me doing boxing
It's a sport dickhead, sports have benefits outside practicing them in everyday life.

Did foil and epee for a while. I found it to be hard on my hips. But maybe I'm just a bitch

As suggested for forearm gains, start rock climbing. You'll be able to tear your own dick off after a month

>implying if you ever posted something on Jow Forums you are sitting here 24/7

practicing HEMA isn't a 24/7 occupation, either. you'll probably spend 90 minutes per week on it, maybe 180. you are most likely spending more than that on Jow Forums.

Its actually alright. The footwork games unreal and stance and structure. Gets you used to very high pressure fast sparring.

Really varies though it is a nerd martial art but i ended up a much better martial artist than i ever expected to.

>dabs on all ur sword and armor fags

psh, nothing personel kid

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If you learn to read you will see that I didn't write about time. I'm actually doing judo already

neither did I, until you brought up the time thing. I just said that "it's actually useless" applies to Jow Forums, too.

Lmao, move to europe so you can go and behed randon niggas. The police can't stop you with thier toy guns.