Find 1 Flaw

Find 1 Flaw

Attached: 13410147-422F-464C-9FC6-8D2444DD45DD.jpg (1080x1320, 201K)

They're all flawed



Old lady face


absolutely based

le 56% face

Shutter speed too low

She’s not on my cock

>dresses like a whore

Short women are disgusting
Not thin
Shit fashion sense

Her fucking face

the penis?

The girl.

Pick any of these

>she's a woman, and a very mediocre woman at that.
>she will be fat in less than 3 years.
>poor choice of caloric intake
>chin unnaturally elevated, pretending to be that self secure and happy, thinks she's better than you probably

She looks retarded

shit feet

The last one’s a bit of a stretch. She’s a womanlet, so she’s probably just looking up because the person taking the picture is taller than her and she’s looking at them instead of the camera.


The whole pic is blurry, at least try a little


>Above knee skirt

Attached: repent.png (885x851, 1.37M)

Dude you just made me realize her knees are fuckin weird
Also checked

Checked quads. Blessed repentance man.


Find a flaw

Attached: 0E9CB9B6-F65A-4AD1-9011-347CFF9F0C04.jpg (750x1334, 149K)

Hi pajeet



Slag tags on her legs.

>implying you wouldn’t go balls deep

>ugly face
>ugly body
>ugly clothes
>probably bad taste with everything

should I continue ?

she has downs

tats + whore face

she looks short and she's a bit chubby.

What’s a “whore face”

That fucking nose..