>be me
>trying to bulk
>too lazy to make food
>am not able to bulk
pls bros gimme ez to make food with high calories
>be me
>trying to bulk
>too lazy to make food
>am not able to bulk
pls bros gimme ez to make food with high calories
Not going to make it with that attitude.
Stop being lazy and eat correctly.
but i hate the majority of high calorie essential foods, and my metabolism is insanely fast. i need help
>My metabolism is insanely fast
Are you 7 feet tall? You probably aren't eating as much as you think lol
well true, but listen i dont like eggs they taste liek shit, oats are fucking disgusting, yogurt is nasty IVE BEEN EATING LIKE SHIT IN MY 5 YEARS OF WORKING OUT. I DUNNO WHAT TO DO
i just want food that is easy to make(microwavable)
Lol just drink a glass of chocolate milk with every meal you dummy
does...does this actually work....?
>too lazy
That mindset doesn't belong on this board. You can lift literal tons of metal daily but can't lift a fucking spatula?
>refined sugar with every meal
I mean if you want diabetes sure
assuming i use a spatula to cook
Milk you fool
If you have a tall glass of milk with every meal that is an extra 250-300 calories and 20g of protein with every meal
This shit is simple as fuck
Youre not gonna make it because you dont actually want it.
i will take your advice and drink more milk
>too lazy to make food
>"hates" high calorie dense foods which is what you need for bulking
>doesn't like eggs, oats or yogurts for whatever reason (more than likely some faggot that believes what he eats is his choice and not his bodies)
>admits he's been eating like shit
>doesn't even cook his own food
>expects microwave foods to give him all the calories and macros he needs to bulk properly
You are certified ngmi. Get off this board, rethink your life and come back when you're ready. You literally lift heavy pieces of metal almost every day and then come onto Jow Forums to lurk and post, you're a fucking retard, get the fuck up and cook your own food faggot.
peanut butter, cheese. Dinner chicken and rice is the simplest shit, season the chicken and wait 30min, simple as fuck
>need to bulk
>don't want to be fatty again
wat do
Hop on gear and take 4 scoops of protein powder with your 8 meals a day.
>going through food at a disgusting rate
>buying daily amounts of oats, dairy, meat and fruit that would previously last me five days
>seriously considering going back to being a skeleton
give me strength brothers
Bread, milk, peanut butter, trail mix, chips(sparingly), fruit juice(sparingly), cheese, eggs. EZ