Cold shower Vocaroo challenge

Do this
>set up Vocaroo
>record the sound you make when doing cold showers

Here's mine

Btw, the part where I count to 30 is when I put it at the absolute coldest. Usually I make it to 1min but I wasn't sure how long Vocaroo can record so I limited it to 1min today

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VERY nice thread my friend.

I just huff and puff for like 30 seconds and then go silent? I doubt anyone screams in pain while taking shower

thats some good gay porn, gj.

jesus christ

>record the sound you make when doing cold showers
Nice try CIA, you're not getting more info to dox me

You're Ooking the whole time like a chimp

too insecure to use your normal voice yiiiiikes

Fucking hell OP. This thread made my day

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I will do it if the thread is still around when I go shower

If vocaroo let me use my phone to record, sure, but it won’t. So no.

In my case the only sound you will hear is just the sound of shower. Why do you want to hear it?

Based bear annon

Guys don't do this
OP is baiting for gay porn sounds

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Lost at that number

I'll do it tomorrow morning since I just took a shower already

>thread up for 4 hours
>no other vocaroo

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I sense lots of potential

This is incredibly gay.

After the 5 seconds I stepped in


Sounds like a loud brap

You have problems dude

if you have trouble with hyper ventilating when taking cold showers here is a tip to reduce this when you go to take your shower put your face in first because it will help your body to relax

I would do it but I'm visiting my parents and can't spasm out

An original thread on Jow Forums for once? Holy shit.

ye and noone is posting because everyone is a coward like somehow posting a vocaroo means everone has access to your bank account, adress, Facebook wall ect. That and beeing lazy lurkers

what the fuck

because OP is the only one with balls to actually do cold showers. Everyone else are larping

We know you are just fapping OP.

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K I tried again. Sorry for background music

Some of us are fapping to OP's vocaroo you know

music is all we can hear. Do it again so we can hear your squeaky faggy screams

So THIS is what frog posters sound like

I know and I think that's why there's not a lot of vocaroo on this thread. Too many faggots lurking with their dick out.

>"oh come out"

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I might make a video of my post workout cold shower, I just don't know where to post it.


Absolutely monumental thread.

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keep the thread up, boys
I'll do it later today


Thanks OP that made me laugh

what did he mean by this?

Bump because i want to do it when i go shower

you sound like a gorilla

Based thread

I didn't know you have to become a gorilla while doing cold showers

those fucking chinese squat plugs...

Vocaroo won't record on my phone, but it's mostly just a "Hnnnnnnfuck!" Followed by affirmations. "You've got this, you're a god, suffering is an illusion, it's not that cold, fuck you." etc.

Finally some good content here

image even making sounds while taking a cold shower

don't you sing in the shower?
seriously wtf why even shower then

are you the "durrrr crriiinge" vocaroo dude?

>nobody has STILL posted a vocaroo of them cold showering

Ill post one later if everyone is a puss but it will be silent because im silent when I shower.

You're supposed to use hot water first and finish with cold water you dumb fucking bastard.

Your thread had potential OP, but nu/fit/ is full of pussies who don't know how to have a little fun.

I did cold shower at the gym once and made noises. After I was done people were looking and laughing at me like I was jerking off in there... I never went back again

>tfw 37°C
All you gonna hear from my cold shower is a moan of pleasure.

Proud of you, son.

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Bumping for more cold shower noises

>making sound when youre in pain like a woman
ngmi Odin will cast you out of Valhol

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Post vocaroo
sorry used laptop, shit mic

The stuff this board produces is always dumb but sometimes unexpected and I love that. Great thread.

What the fuck do I post if I make no sound at all?

Post the sound you make when you masturbate on the shower

I did it once while using the shower head on my dickhead after a long time of being on nofap.

but this isn't cold shower
eat more fiber

coldest it could go, nothing else i could do

jk but I legit thought at first you just trolled and just posted some random soundclip of someone having diarrhea. It sounded like the toilet flushed at the beginning

fokking epic thread op thanks!

shower curtain + initial turning on water which then goes to the shower head
honestly this thread should be redone during winter

Only nonfag in this thread aside from OP

It actually sounds like someone mixed your poop when you put his dick on your ass and made you shit liquid

this one is golden


based caveman

The homos that plague CBT are gonna have a field day with this one

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OP sounded like a caveman gorilla
I sounded like having a diarrhea whilst getting dicked
we need more people to post hopefully the next user cries in the shower kek

thank you

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>Im wald im grünen walde
Absolutely based

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Best thread in a while


this is the soundtrack to punisher

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>background music

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>not taking ice cold showers

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this. ive literally given myself 2nd degree burns with a hot knife that are still on my skin and made less sound than this pussy