How much will this kill my muscles

I am
>~20% bf

I do this daily
>5km run
>5km walk
>TDEE of 1900cal, calorie intake of 2200-2400

I do this weekly
>3x SS+upper body volume(biceps, triceps, shoulders, lats depending on day)

Will the cardio and calorie deficit above decrease my muscle mass?

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btw 170-180g protein a day

Running never gona make it

shut up

your daily walk+run will burn about 400-600kcal, so you might need some extra food to make gains, I’d aim for 2700 or so
consider varying your running and taking a day or two off a week to keep it interesting and prevent burnout

>I do this daily
km run
km walk
Say bye bye to your knees and hips.

>I do this weekly
>3x SS+upper body volume(biceps, triceps, shoulders, lats depending on day)
SS is an acronym for Starting Strength.
You aren't going to get any strength because you are exchausting yourself running like a retard making you weak for the lifts.
Not getting any strength also means weak and small musclettes.

This routine will definitely make you look like a weak ass faggot.


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5km run and walk isn't very significant bud, you'll be fine

I think it would amount to 800cal
I just don't want to be any fatty anymore. I mean 20% bf isn't much but I have shitty fat distribution and look way fatter than I actually am. I want to get rid of it first while at the same time doing some strength training so I don't start of as a complete DYEL in a few months

I just need to find the perfect deficit where I don't get too little and at the same time eat little enough so that the deficit requires mostly body fat burn

I'll do the running a few hours after gym

>I'll do the running a few hours after gym
But what about your joints dude.
They need rest just like the muscles do. Actually they need more rest than the muscles, since they are harder to heal due to lower vascularity.
You should not be running every day. Even every other day isn't actually ok.

what about just walking instead?

Walking doesn't really damage your joints so it's fine. You can alternate days between walking and running I guess.

whats are the benefits of running if walking doesn't harm your joints?

Running is an aerobic exercise. Trains your heart, respirotary system, makes the blood flow, etc.

>Will the cardio and calorie deficit above decrease my muscle mass?
Probably, but you're gonna lose much more fat than muscle.

>TDEE of 1900cal

nigga what

There are none. Running is the biggest lie ever sold to mankind. Just look at long distance runners. All look like they have a terminal illness.

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yeah that makes no sense. I'm 5'5 and mine is like ~2000 with the training

This, wtf.
Try this one:

t. heartlet

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fuck meant basal metabolic rate

Your TDEE is not 1900, your BMR is (basic metabolic rate).
Your TDEE literally is the complete amount of calories you need to maintain your weight. With that weight/height and that amount of physical exercise, it's easily at 3200+ kcals, putting you in about a 800 kcal deficit.
Potentially your TDEE is even higher, use a calculator.
If you wanna preserve muscle mass, you don't want your deficit to be too high. Ideally no more than 500-700 kcals, so calculate that shit:
Other than that, do what you already do: workout, eat lots of protons, good sleep, blablabla

whups :)

The problem I really find with TDEE though is that the "activity" levels never really give you much of a clue. What activity level would I be considered here? It doesn't even calculate how long distance I move every day which should be 10km