R9k's thoughts?

I personally believe that this form of "depression" cant be compared with people who are actually struggling in the real world and derive hopelessness from that. What are your thoughts anons?

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Three ways to be depressed.
>shit life
>shit brain
>no struggles

this gets posted everyday but

depression is trendy right now, theres a big difference between being sad and depressed for a day because chad dumped you versus chronic clinica depression

>Just because everything in someone's life is perfect doesn't mean they can't have depression
Honestly bullshit. I try to be sympathetic to most people's situations but these people only act sad because they like the aesthetic of being sad. I do too, but at least I have some reason for it (divorced parents, shitty job, no friends, etc). Fuck these people. They're the types of boys and girls in high school that are football stars and cheerleaders, go to parties all the time, have straight A's, and get full paid scholarships. There's literally no hint that anything is wrong im their lives but they still want to act like there's something "deeper"

If you have resources, then you at least have a chance to fix your depression, compared to having nothing.

>I personally believe that this form of "depression" cant be compared with people who are actually struggling in the real world and derive hopelessness from that.
Maybe it can't, but what does it matter? At the end of the day if somebody kills themselves they die, no matter why they did it.

This, except there's also the fact that people can be depressed for no reason other than the fact that their brain chemistry is fucked, which makes it even harder to tell between larpers and those who are serious.

Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, not the sum of all the bullshit you've had to deal with

hey upper caste successful people with wide social circles can be trendy too!

why do people parrot this pseud bullshit?

I think posturing for greater victimhood is a waste of time. Pursue strength.

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you would be surprised user, poor people in my experience are often among the most animated, energetic, and well-mannered that I ever meet. Maybe the struggle gives them purpose, or at least distracts them from existential dread. They also form more meaningful relationships because they rely on each other and can relate with their problems.

meanwhile ive seen the kids of wealthy and middle class people who are always searching for a new novelty, always dissatisfied and unhappy, and their friendships seem frivolous and lacking in loyalty or depth. honestly I think your living circumstances have less to do with your mental stage than people usually assume

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Because it's true?

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It's alot easier being depressed when your life doesn't depend on your ability to work.

Mixed bag
Women are always lying about depression and such
>eating disorder
Gives it away
I do believe in and know men who are well off who suffer in silence however
So while the message is right, the one delivering it is a liar
Make of that what you will

because it's true. The bigger issue is we memed depression as an exaggerated way to express one is really sad and as such confused it so bad we have to make it clear it's medical depression for anons like you that have only been exposed to the meme.

a big edge it gives is you know you could have it worse because you have experienced it. When you suffer poverty and then get out of it, you have seen a version of yourself that was poorer than what you are now. If you start wealthy you have no other version of yourself.

This is why it's huge parents stop buying everything for their kid when they become a teen because they are robbing them an identity that would understand what life is like without so they would do what they could to have a life with wealth in it.

second brain was just asleep, doesn't prove shit

Fair enough Satan, but don't think that grants you my soul

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Women are Evil sent by God to test us and the devil to tempt us
see: Eve

Being depressed and struggling are different things. They are usually seen in tandem, but you can struggle without being clinically depressed

Death entered the world through a woman, but life itself also entered the world through a woman.

These two arcanines tell the truth. Struggle is necessary for progress. Progress give us a sense of accomplishment which in turn gives us brain cummies that stave off existential dread.
Being born to parents that always give you what you want for nothing in return sets you up for depression.
t. born to pushover parents

I'm curious did you overcome the short comings your parents set you up with? Or did they radiate your life in a way you felt you couldn't escape?

I'm in the process of unfucking my brain wiring.
Growing up my parents (but mostly my grandparents as I lived with them until I was 12 and they 'raised me' (putting a kid in front a flashing screen all day isn't raising)) shielded me from everything on top of giving everything I wanted, they never pushed me into doing productive stuff like studying, working out or socializing.
As you can imagine, this life was extremely comfy and as a kid I obviously was very content in this lifestyle and saw nothing wrong with it. This meant that I never really considered escaping, why would I? I had everything at home.
It was only when I started browsing this place that I realized how my depression correlated with my cozy, stress-free childhood.
The hardest things I have to deal with is teaching myself discipline and building up self-confidence (my family never gave me any kind of feedback, not when I did good nor when I did bad, I was, and still am to them, kind of a pretty thing to care for and look at).

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at least you are breaking free, I've seen a lot of guys in their 30s that didn't fight it like you are and they are on total meltdown from it being far to late to escape what they did. Keep at it, you have hope of getting a good life, better than drowning in Skinner box pleasures

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Picture is completely accurate, you can easily have all of those things and still be suicidal and depressed. It can be a complete neurochemical issue. Not to say that there aren't a lot of rich, well off people who fake depression, because there are, but there are a lot of well off people who are legitimately depressed as well.

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Thanks, brobot. That's exactly what I want to avoid. I hope you reach your goals as well.

Just because you are depressed doesnt mean that you have a problem. Depression was never about the feeling of being depressed, its about WHY you are depressed. Certain things are just objectively not that big of a deal. You are depressed because, say, you have zero friends, dead end job, divorced parents who hate you as well and basically live a life of complete isolation and despair? Yeah, you definitely have a problem and your depression is justified. You are depressed because you didnt get what you want for once? You're just a snowflake who cant deal with reality.

Let me simplfy that for you even further
>circumstances that you were born/live in are shit
>YOU are shit (genetics)

I think most people here have the triple entente. Shitty life, shitty genetics and lack of purpose. What a way to live