Just hit 26. My body is trash. Friends are gone. Girls dont like me. Mom is schizo. Dad has not called me in months.
what do i do Jow Forums
Just hit 26. My body is trash. Friends are gone. Girls dont like me. Mom is schizo. Dad has not called me in months.
what do i do Jow Forums
you should read the sticky
should have careermaxxed
*hugs and brapps*
Get busy dude. Sober, Jow Forums, NoFap, and coldly realistic about what you can still get education- and career-wise. Life is long.
Move increasingly heavier objects perpendicular to the ground.
Repeat until there are no objects heavy enough in your vicinity, start wandering the earth on a search for heavier objects.
Lift more/eat better
Make new friends
Meet more girls
Get mom to a doc
Call dad
There you go
Doesn't look like any problems lifting could fix. Wrong board? Also
>Dad has not called me in months
That goes both ways, you haven't called him either.
Sit down with yourself and have a good, long think. Take something to write shit on, a notepad or a notepad app on your phone will do. Think about who you want to be, think about what life you want. In an ideal world who and what are you? Be fucking HONEST with yourself, don't just say "duh i want money and a new car" or "I wanna be a permaneet and watch anime all day". What life do you want to live? What life would you TRULY be happy living for the rest of your life?
Write all this shit down. Define your goals fully, write down exactly what they are in as few words as possible. From these goals, define which is one is your 'main quest'. Think of a video game, you can have a shit load of side quests but the hero needs that one main quest or it's just gonna be a mess. Define your main quest.
Once you have your main quest defined, figure out the path from where you are now towards that end goal. You don't have to fully develop the path, just figure out the general direction. Again, write this shit down. Take the first step on the path you just defined and break it down into its smallest pieces. The smallest it will go. The idea is that once you break your goals down into the tiniest chunks you can, they become so much easier to strive for and to complete, due to the miniscule nature of them. Keep completing tasks and moving forward, breaking down the next step in your path the same way into tiny, manageable chunks.
Do it every day. However don't push yourself too hard, you'll just build resentment and hate doing them. Work on your tasks for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. Don't aim higher, just start and do them for 5 mins. If you want to keep going then keep going, up to you but you'll be 5 mins closer to your goals than you were before either way.
You know what you should do. Why are you asking?
Stop pretending weed is helping and stop playing csgo. Switch to chess, read a book, eat better, plan your days with a planner, walk around and take a go at calisthenics.
Fuck your parents man. Gain goblins. My dads a russian drunk and I made a new life when I turned 17. If your 26 it shouldnt be that hard. Good luck OP.
Lift heavy things and put them back down
Embrace it and reach Godhood, you fucking faggot
Lift until you have no feelings left.
based and redpilled
pray, faith, praise the Lord, eat veggies, do starting strength, start getting into literature and the other beauties of life
read the sticky
delete frog images
do not frog post
everything gets even worse when you hit 27. and again at 28. and so on.
testing pls ignore this post
>stop playing csgo
fit user here i lost 80 lbs went from obese to normal and actually have a tiny bit of muscle showing. this was where i went wrong, now given what they've turned counter-strike into is an abomination to what it used to be, i still wish i had not stopped playing it.
Wo wo are you trying to get fit to compensate for your shitty life? Dude slow down no amount of exercise is going to fix, that a muscular body is not a replacemnt for your self steem. you need to fix your life first seek help if you need it. Getting fit is adecision that you take to improve your life no a way to fmagically fix all your problems.
Eh idk bro it's so trash now. I play comp every now and then but since I've been playing for like 14 years, if I play 1 match I'm gonna wanna play till I win a few. I'm really competitve, so I notice when I don't play that energy is used at the gym and then idgaf and have better days. I'll play on rest and that's when I blaze but I'd rather still play chess.
but you cant defuse bombs in chess
join the military. that's what I did when I hit a dead end at 25.