Group of girls at work keep making kissy faces at me and then giggling to each other

>group of girls at work keep making kissy faces at me and then giggling to each other
Do they want me?

Attached: 1548048214691.png (550x535, 407K)

Yes. Flash them your cock next time.

Ask them "When are you going to sit up on it?"

I'll be straight with you user.


I woupd assume its just a cruel game they are playing with their friends.

lol no that isn't how girls flirt with a guy they actually like

shoot your shot user. best case scenario they do like you and next thing you know they got an 8 inch cock up your ass that night

they want just to fuck with you
but not in the way you would like

I wish girls would pretend to be attracted to me.

lol. Yes, you should ask them out in fronr of your coworkers to show them you care.