Tell me please

how do i find girls that are into that weird shit that i'm into, im not talking "haha i like anime and play fortnite too" im talking souls games, 2001 space odyssey, old anime movies, wierd autistic games (dwarf fortress, factorio, morrowind, minecraft, etc.)

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around. but u gotta be you-know-who

First worry about find a girl

Look for pewdiepie or markiplier fan girls

Find a dude, why a girl would care for those things when Chad don't like it.

he likes it. Chad likes brainy girls

What makes you think you are any better?

All that you like are same trash of specific category.

Dude, be more like Lei Feng, stop lying to yourself

i don't know who i need to be! please tell me

go to a Jow Forums meetup

i don't think they're better i just want someone to talk about shit i like

it's possible
the only problem is her dick will be bigger than yours

well how old are you


lei feng? the tekken guy

who do you wish to be?

do i need to become a chad?
im pretty tall 5'9 and i'm not fat i could get chad looking but i'm not desperate for girls i just want to know where are the hardcore gamer ones

Go to conventions.
Have low standards, videogames are not heavily engaged in by people who have time to be physically fit.

i have the lowest standards possible, but even the nerdy girls i know just watch popular anime or play lol or fortnite, i've asked them if they play other games or anime and if they would be into it, they don't, is that just a gender thing and there aren't any girls who like things i like?

>anything you just listed
>weird shit
Fuck you faggot. Unironically try Reddit

no man that's weirder that you think, i would say 90% of non-chad people just stick to basic anime and fortnite, and what's weirder then? this shithole?

Videogames are a male-dominated culture. Videogame companies made money by advertising and specifically marketing to young boys. Most old games won't have nostalgia for women. The women that do have some nostalgia for some obscure games you like will be at conventions specifically for videogames/anime/comics

lol guess i'll die alone browsing Jow Forums

What the fuck are you even saying? Just go find some shitty Reddit communities you can integrate into. No doubt there are thousands of autistic Reddit girls that like that entry level shit you said you like. At worst she'll probably have some mouth breather tier political opinions, but I doubt that'll be a hard hurdle to jump for someone as vapid as you.
I'm saying this completely unironically. Stop browsing Jow Forums. You were clearly meant for Reddit. You'll probably find some grease ball autistic girl over there.

yeah maybe you're right but that's not real life m8
also fuck off, i browse whatever i want
don't you have to go eat butter or something? im not pretendig to be the weirdest guy ever this is JUST a "tfw no spergy gamer gf" post

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Are you high or something? And please, stick to just browsing this site at least. Not posting. Shit tier posts like yours reek of newfag