How can anyone be suicidal?

Never understood suicidal people. Life is the greatest gift you'll ever get and there's people trying to throw it all away? I can't respect that at all.

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They don't know how to follow the Dao

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Life is absolute fucking garbage and only a child would think like you

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>greatest gift
>yet still the shittiest gift i've ever gotten
hmmm, really makes ya think
but seriously, fuck off norman. of course you don't understand suicidal people, you're life has never been bad enough for you to consider suicide.

Nobody asked for your opinion you stupid bloomer piece of shit.

>Life is the greatest gift you'll ever get
>mfw feelings of 2 animals, one eating the other

I don't know LOL Like how can people be starving? Just go buy food! LOL

This. Almost all goals in my life;love, friends, great hobbies are all impossible to accomplish for me. All i have is my passion for music and if that fails i'll end it all. Normies just can't understand it

>he shitposted from the internet

I hope you get kidnapped, have your legs cut off, be chained in a basement and pumped full of low end alley drugs, only to wake up to the searing pain of brutal anal sodomy by random men, all hours of every night for the rest of your life.

Then, when you're wishing for death, you can think back to your post and truly understand how much of a fucking sheltered idiot you were.