>tfw I don’t have time for the gym
I fucking hate my life
>tfw I don’t have time for the gym
I fucking hate my life
...break down your day OP. You have time, you just dont know it.
I have a kid and a demanding career and I never miss a day. Man up and make it work or be a pussy forever
>Be me
>wake up at 4:30-ish
>eat something quick
>gym 5-6:30
>bus 1.5h to work
>work 9-5
>get home around 6-6:30
>eat 6:30-7
>fuck around until 9
I can probably fit a half hour of cardio after work because i should start doing cardio but cardio fucking sucks dick and the gym is always crowded in the evening.
I bet OP makes time for anime and vidya
>pull ups
>chin ups
>ab wheel
>lying leg lifts
>dumbell ohp
>goblet squat
>push ups
>tricep extensions
>dumbell curl/dumbell hammer curl
>RDL w dumbells (go very light)
>running somehere close early
>single father
>two children
This is my typical day without the kids:
>wake up at 430am everyday
>get ready for work
>leave house by 5am
>45-60 minute commute to work
>work at least 12-14 hours a day, AT LEAST
>off by roughly 7pm everyday
>traffic is worse in the evenings and it usually takes me an hour to an hour and a half to get home
>stop by my moms for about ten minutes to make sure my kids are doing okay, since she lives right off the exit toward my house
>typically home by 930pm-10pm
>HAVE to do homework and keep up with the discussions online through school
>not in bed until around midnight or 1am
When I have the kids (which is hardly ever, literally two times in the past 3 months) I spend time with them instead of doing homework.
I'm not op nor am i a shut in, did you miss the part where im not even at home for 12 hours a day?
You can cook and eat something in under thirty mins? What do you prepare for lunch?
I do dinner meal prep on Saturdays and get takeout once a week. Water fast through the day except for a small protein bar if the rumbles get too unbearable.
Haven’t played video games in probably a decade and anime is gay as fuck.
I haven’t even fapped in about a month. When I say I’m busy and don’t have time for the gym, I mean it.
Note to self: never having kids
What's your job, and is it necessary to go 1hour away to do it?
Imagine living a life this shitty, i'd escape to mexico.
It's not the kids that have fucked him. Over. He only sees them a couple of times every 3 months
Imagine working 14 hours a day minimum. Get a better job
>12 hour work day
>3 hour daily commute
nigga MOVE lmao
I used to not have time for gym until I realized I'll rather lift weights than earn more money for my boss
The closest residential area to my job is still a 30 minute commute on average. It’s not worth it to go through the hassle of selling my house and moving all of my stuff just to move to the next small town over.
I make over $250k a year and over $300k on really really good years. I co-manage a subsidiary of a company that creates fiber and other similar types of products. I’m on the floor walking around and working with my hands for most of my workday.
So for all of you pathetic fucking NEETs that get on peoples ass for not having time for the gym, take a look at my life and say that.
You really sound like you're making the most of your money while still in your youth. I'm seriously jealous.
If you hate your job and basically don't get to see your kids what's the point of going on?
Zero social life
I don’t hate my job lol sometimes people have to prioritize things other than the gym. I still see my kids too
What the fuck are you doing here?
>I don’t hate my job lol
I thought you were complaining so I assumed that
Since there's nothing you want to change what's the point of this thread and the depressed wojaks?
>selling my house
If you have a house, make a home gym.
Set a laptop nearby so you can train while you do the school discussion catch up thing
Because I came across a post about someone saying they didn’t have time for the gym. Then I thought about my own life and how it sucks that I can’t hit the gym anymore.
And I gave that user the benefit of the doubt because he might be busy like me. It was nothing but a bunch of pathetic unemployed NEETs giving him shit for it. I have unemployed friends who spend like 3 hours in the gym. Like cool bro. You’re a fucking loser.
I'm sorry, I think you misunderstood my question. What the fuck are you doing here?
Lmao look at how mad you are that I’m proving you wrong. It’s possible to be too busy for the gym.
Project harder
I think he meant "what are you doing on Jow Forums?" as a serious question
Don't assume bad things
No, i genuinely couldn't care less about whether you'd gotten your life into such a fucking dogshit state that you only see your own kids two times every three months and have zero down time to do anything other than post on Jow Forums. I'm just wondering why you're here shitting up this board with your drivel?
Lmao so mad
Only part I find hard is constant cooking, beed to get back into prepping
If you don't have time for the gym, make time for the gym.
>Living to work
>Wow i love it!
Yeah, no, mate.
This, user. Set up a home gym with that 300k/year salary of yours.
>stop by my moms for about ten minutes to make sure my kids are doing okay
Did you have kids with your Mom?
Sweet fucking jesus, I keep getting down on myself for how shitty my life is right now, and I keep forgetting how much worse it could be.
I hope things get better for you soon brother
And every single one of these unemployed losers is a lot happier than you. Go on, slave away for paper you don't even have the time to spend it for. Nobody cares your ex-wife fucked you over and took your kids away from you because you're gone 14 hours a day and come back a pathetic fat slob with 0 sex drive because your work is destroying you. And nobody, nobody but you, cares about her getting fucked by some gymbro without money now. Nobody cares about the suicidal thoughts you get every evening because you know what's coming the next day. The same shit as always. Have fun going to work tomorrow.
You have time for the gym. You clearly make more than enough for a killer home gym, so you don't have to worry about the time to travel to and from. And an ok workout doesn't take more than a half an hour. Dorian Yates never spent more than 45 minutes working out.
You have the time and and ability, probably more so than the average person. Do it and stop being a gay melvin.
You're just being gay about it.
larping skinny fat spotted. you prob are pasty white fat and gay and afraid to even start lifting weights, so you make up these easy to see through ironic retarded stories as a way to justify to yourself that you don't need to lift
ask your mom to buy you whey protein powder
find some heavy stones
use a backpack and fill the backpack with stones like >80lbs of stones
do balance beam practice on the nearest bridge over a body of water. you wont get any better if there's no risk/reward factor
you're welcome. this is how oyu get stronger, both mentally and physically
My ex wife moved out of state and left the kids with me. My mom is retired and offers to watch them while I work.
poor man COPE. Kill yourself NEET
Post body
Well I guess you know what you need to do
post taxes.
your story is hot dog shit or exaggerated. if you've been making 250k-300k yearly, why are you still in school? defer school and concentrate on your job and lifting you retard.
made up story
This is the absolute worst "troll" thread
Getting my MBA lmao kill your self pathetic NEET and stay poor