When did you fellow vegans discover B12 is a meme pushed by the pharmaceutical industry to sell supplements? We have to spread that B12 supplements is just a meme and there is no need to supplement it as all plant foods have it.
When did you fellow vegans discover B12 is a meme pushed by the pharmaceutical industry to sell supplements...
I wouldnt care if B12 supps were a meme because Im not vegan faggot
Based, spread this to as many vegans as possible
cuked and bluepilled
based and redpilled. that's my mission man, vegan diet needs no B12 supplements whatsoever
Enjoy losing your teeth and becoming mentally unstably
Its all part of the vegan experience
How do I tell baiters apart from actual vegans on Jow Forums?
I support this. Pic related is a vegan strongman that does not take B12 supplements, you can get pretty far like that.
do plant foods have B12? As far as i understand B12 is found is soil and not in plants
but I don't eat meat for B12. I eat if for the saturated fats and proteins
>do plant foods have B12? As far as i understand B12 is found is soil and not in plants
Plants come with small quantities of soil as well, if you're a vegan and eating a healthy plant based diet you're getting all the B12 you need without supplements
enjoy macrocytic anemia
Lol Eddie eats two raw steaks a day
interesting, does the human body not require alot B12?
Actually Coca-Cola contains plenty of B12 vitamin.
>interesting, does the human body not require alot B12?
Naahhh, specially when you're not eating corpses
But it's important you eat the vegetables raw or else the heat will destroy the B12
meathead propaganda and lies
post body cuckboi
It's not a meme, modern farming gets rid of the B12 that you'd otherwise get from plant foods. It's only in meat in any decent quantity because they throw supplements into animal feed.
If It Fits Your Micros
Liar, cows produce B12 in their stomach, not by eating soil
lurk more
what if i just love hunting and killing animals (deer, moose even bears)? i love eating them just right after I've killed them
ps. I mostly use a bow
human body can store a lot of b12, we can suggest that
>if b12 is real why are you not deficient after 6 months of not eating meat?
>check m8, meatcucks!
and they will probably accept this as proof, because it comes from personal expirience
Not drinking Coke for sodium
As a vegan I support the killing of as many retarded vegans as possible, thus cleansing weakness from our ranks and leaving, hopefully, only those who engage in veganism in order to emulate Hitler and embody the purest of Aryan ideals.
>implying any real vegans go on fit
I’m pretty sure anyone posting about their dietary habits on a chinese rice farming forum is a baiter
can someone explain to my why veganism is good? do you guys have any convincing videos? I'm tempted to convert but I hear about all sorts of health issues involved in refraining from animal products.