Still not doing martial arts?

still not doing martial arts?
>makes you fit
>makes you more confident
>physical, mental and spiritual development
>makes you dominate conflicts
it's never too late, start now

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"I'll show you how great I am"

>paying ridiculous amounts of money to learn how to fight
>when it comes down to it somebody just throws dirt in your eye and stabs you anyway

>buy a cheap heavy bag
>train with it
>find a sparring partner

>its not expensive

Jow Forums is alergic to cardio.


Former wrestler here thinking about joining local boxing club. Punched some pads recently and was amazed by how tiring it is.

Dude the hoodrat boxing gym in my town is like $45 a month.

> Paying fuck all for next level conditioning
> Paying fuck all for improved coordination
> Paying fuck all to have fun with a mate
Yeah, it sure does suck

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cause martial arts is for sick people who want to fight other humans and you'll get brain damage unless you do a shit meme martial art where you never spar full contact like pussies in pajamas

most importantly, girls prefer the bodybuilder look

the Chad works out to improve muscle mass and to get girls and enjoys life

the beta omega works out to fight other people and are virgins

Even the expensive martial arts/boxing gyms are like $200-400/year.
Most places I've been have been $50-100/year.

I think Foreman was better than Ali. Also hes still alive.

My BJJ gym is $125/month but im not poor as fuck like you so it's no big deal.

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That's a lot of money

I pay $30 a month for weights, judo 3x a week, and a pool at my Y. I payed $45 a month for weights and boxing multiple times a week at my boxing gym a while back. So stop being a poor nigger, and also learn what a tueller drill is dumb faggot.

How fucking poor are you? You could earn that in a day working minimum wage.

>Chad is a gymcel who only works out for pussy
No chad is usually an athlete in some major sport that's big in the area and only does weightlifting for his sport.

where do you live

best wrestling type? catch, greco roman or freestyle?


The one with the best trainer. Aside from that probably catch if you can get it in a competitive region. That being said I like Greco-Roman as I do judo and slamming people is just really fun go or nogi.

bait, but i'll bite cause trips - kys faggot. If you can improve your looks via gym, you'll sure as hell look better with martial sports 3-4 x week. Also - you lose the "street violence" after you get your ass beat for the firts or second time . Inside the gym there's violence and you become confident and chill on the outside.

catch by far from what I've heard it's just all-out grappling
>The one with the best trainer
also this

Dude kys i hate People like you. Dyel teens who train bjj or other shitty martial srt to be more ''fit'' and to know how to self defend. While it gives you fake confidence and you can be destroyed on the street by literally anyone with 1 punch. 90% of the fights are for 3 seconds, so you snowflake are Just wasting your time and money on planet fitness like ''gyms'' for martial arts and shit.

ESL or strokeposting?

>gets me in a Bjj hold
>proceed to bite a chunk out of the closest body part you have to my face

Yeah street fights don’t have rules like your clasess so I’ll be fine

What if - imagine this! - I just enjoy martial arts, and it also means I no longer have to spend time on conditioning for the other hobbies I love, long distance hiking and mountaineering?

you forgot the part where it costs the same as paying some commercial gym fee in order to just lift weights

>you bite me
>i dont let go and you go to sleep,Maybe forever if i feel like it.
Enjoy dying with your plan

chad gets pussy and knows how to fight
you can't do either

Just saying, but escalating from a losing position against a better fighter usually means you pissed off someone who is now less inclined to play nice, and most likely still has the dominant position aka a Generally Bad Idea.

>Get someone in an armbar
>They try to bite me
>I break their arm.
>Get someone in a choke
>They literally can't bite you cause your arms have control over their neck and jaw
>then they go unconscious.
Or even better you'll try to bite them after they take you down, then you'll get ground and pounded till your face is mush. God what a stupid idea
>I'll just bite them, total protection.

More like:
>gets me in a Bjj hold
>takes out knife and stab you

How are you going to grab a knife if someone has control of your arms, such as would be the normal thing in a holddown? Please enlighten me oh wise one.

Try 200-400 a month. Name me one nice martial arts gym that’s that cheap

I'll take it out as soon as you start being aggressive you monkey.
Or most probably, my mates are going to fuck you up before that.

>I'll just casually reach into my pocket they'll never see me drawing a weapon out no problems there, not like they'll just jump me once the see I've got a hand occupied
>Also my mates will always outnumber his mates
Cope harder.

Not if you study aikido

might have overdone it in practice today lads

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Can any of you recommend a good flexibility routine? I want to increase my range of motion so I can kick motherfuckers in the head