You don't ACTUALLY believe in those silly somatotypes, right user?
You don't ACTUALLY believe in those silly somatotypes, right user?
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What's silly about them?
I don't think there's any one thing genetically that makes you one or the other. These exist as a way of describing eating habits and exercise. It's not like tall endomorphs don't exist. And you will be a mesomorph as a result of training and right diet.
These aren't genetic body types they're the result of many factors including genetics, eating habits, exercise habits, and other things.
Like a lot of things on this site, it's a very reductionist view, blaming everything about your body on genetic factors instead of looking at all of them and seeing how they also contribute to the whole.
>These aren't genetic body types they're the result of many factors including genetics
Tall endomorph here. I put on muscle super stupid easily but have a hard time cutting down. I have at least one day of cardio during the week during bulks.
I think the “types” are better at describing frame than height.
Yes. To call them genetic implies they're only genetic. When in reality they're more than that.
The general definition is that you are one of these based on birthright when in reality that is only part of the picture. That's what I'm trying to convey. Thanks for understanding if my wording is confusing.
People have different skeletal proportions, and carry their weight differently. It's over simplified, but not "wrong".
Well its not like youre exacly one or the other. The one you are closer to is what you should be classified as. The problem with them is most people fail to understand that.
>I think the “types” are better at describing frame than height.